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Thread: need help please...

  1. #1
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    need help please...

    hello guys, i need advice about FLR requirements... how many months for bank statement to prepare? and if its alright to file my flr 20 days before expiration of my visa?

  2. #2
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    Hello Shandylove,

    I just lodged my FLR(M) last July 2012, these are the things I submitted,

    -FLR(M) form
    -6 months bank statements of my sponsor (My Husband),
    -6 months wage slips of my sponsor
    -a letter from his company stating that he is still working with them, how many hours per week, and it's a permanent job.
    -accommodation letter from his dad (agreeing that he will let us stay here at their house).
    -Passports (Mine and Husband)
    -1 passport picture my husband - sponsor (written his name at the back)
    -2 passport pictures of myself - applicant (written my name at the back)
    -Marriage Certificate
    -Wedding Pictures
    -My Birth certificate and my husband's birth certificate (I think it's ok not to include this, but I prefer to include it for security reason)
    -Proof of Address - since i don't have a bank account yet, I just used my NHS Letter with my name and address on it, you can use electric bills, tv license, etc.

    As far as i remember that was the things I submitted. So i hope it helps you and i'm sure many expert people will add information to your queries xxx

  3. #3
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Bank statements and payslips should be at least 6 months.
    Yes, it's alright to submit the application 20 days before the visa expires, I did the same actually although the UKBA suggests to submit it 28 days before the visa expires. Anyway, the important thing is, you submitted it BEFOREHAND. If you need more question, don't hesitate to ask. We're here giving our best to answer your queries. X x x


  4. #4
    Member Crampton's Avatar
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    Great stuff these are the things I am now interested in after my wife has been approved for an EEA family permit
    Question- What are the different ways of applying for indefinite leave to remain? I have noticed SET(M) and FLR?

    Grace Adam When do you expect to hear back about your application?


  5. #5
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    thank you grace adam and aprilmaejon for the advice, appreciated much , ill submit also my english language result from hopkins still? if i sign a form is that black pen and sign online as well? sorry for the question again guys im just confusing..thank you so much

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crampton View Post
    Great stuff these are the things I am now interested in after my wife has been approved for an EEA family permit
    Question- What are the different ways of applying for indefinite leave to remain? I have noticed SET(M) and FLR?

    Grace Adam When do you expect to hear back about your application?

    EEA Family Permit is not the same as UK spouse visa.

    Alan, your wife will not be using form FLR or form ILR.
    Your wife will be using residence cards

    Your situation doesn't follow 'normal' immigration rules.

    EEA nationals and their family members are not granted ILR.

    Your wife MAY apply for Permanent Residence (PR) after completing right of residence for five years.
    Don't apply before the five year requirement has been met.
    The current application form, EEA4, is available for non-EEA national family members who WANT to apply for a Permanent Residence card.

    Now, the reason for the highlighted words above for MAY and WANT is simply because your wife already has a route to British Citizenship (Naturalisation).
    Family members of a EEA national just have to wait for 6 years, then apply for naturalisation directly (Assuming she did not break residence rules).

    A total of six years of residence is required, 5 years to acquire PR and then 1 year as a Permanent Resident.

    The Life in the UK Test would be necessary for naturalisation (British Citizenship) but is not required for PR.

    ILR is not available for her, that requires leave to remain in an 'appropriate category' of the UK immigration rules.
    However permanent residence is also considered as 'settled status'. (same as an ILR holder)

  7. #7
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    thank you grace adam and aprilmaejon for the advice, appreciated much , ill submit also my english language result from hopkins still? if i sign a form is that black pen and sign online as well? sorry for the question again guys im just confusing..thank you so much
    Yes, you can include test report form because you need a supporting document on the English Language Requirement part.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  8. #8
    Member Crampton's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe,

    Can we apply for the permanent residence with the EEA4 form right away when my wife arrives in November?


  9. #9
    Member Crampton's Avatar
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    Oh Wait is it this one that we apply for.

    EEA2 for residence card applications by non-EEA
    national family members of EEA nationals.

    Its just because as far as I have learned The EEA Family Permit is issued for six months so we need to apply for some kind of residence card until we achieve the 5/6 years residence.

    I think by what you are saying tho, the family permit will suffice.

    What if we leave the country for a few weeks do we need to apply for a re-entry permit or again does the Original EEA Family Permit still suffice?

    Thing is we want to try and hold on to Patti's (my wife's) USA green card so that she will be able to go and visit her family in America.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crampton View Post

    Its just because as far as I have learned The EEA Family Permit is issued for six months so we need to apply for some kind of residence card until we achieve the 5/6 years residence.

    Under the Family Permit entry your wife has the right of both entry and residence.
    She can apply for a residence card using form EEA2 at any time. The Family Permit is for entry only and has no expiry. Technically your wife can decide not to apply for any residence card at all. It's neither legally required nor mandatory, but personally I suggest that she does apply as there are many advantages to be gained. It shows a right of residence which can be important when looking for employment, opening bank accounts, dealing with government authorities/agents etc.and importantly for you, when returning to the UK after travel abroad. eg USA

    .....what if we leave the country for a few weeks do we need to apply for a re-entry permit or again does the Original EEA Family Permit still suffice?

    Thing is we want to try and hold on to Patti's (my wife's) USA green card so that she will be able to go and visit her family in America.
    As mentioned above, the better option is to apply for the residence card asap and just use that.

    The residence card is held for 5 years then a Permanent Residence is issued which is equivalent to ILR.

    I would strongly suggest to keep all documentary evidence of arrivals and residence as this will significantly smooth out any later issues concerning PR

    Hope that explains

  11. #11
    Member Crampton's Avatar
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    yes Terpe thats brilliant thanks.

    Just one other question, I have noticed people mentioning the EEA permit being used instead of the Schengen Visa. Is this correct and being EEA permit does it allow my wife to cross into the Republic of Ireland (as UK & Ireland aren't in the agreement fully)


  12. #12
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    You have asked a simple question that involves a very complicated explanation to provide an answer.

    EU directives in such areas are not very well understood. Whatever is 'legally' allowed may not in practice be fully understood by those people who have authority to deny.
    (eg airline staff/airport staff/immigration officers/border guards /embassy staff etc.)

    Firstly, the Family Permit is just a name given to a type of visa that allows the holder to enter the UK as the dependent of an EEA citizen. So in that sense it is not considered as a permit to travel to and enter other states. (although it may be possible in a strictly legal technical argument)
    It's much less complicated to travel around when the non-EEA spouse actually holds a family member Residence Card.

    To minimise any problems when travelling within EU I suggest the following:-

    - Always travel together

    - Carry both passports and be sure they are current and valid

    - The Non-EEA Spouse to carry the formally issued Residence Card (or your countries equivalent)

    - Carry an Original marriage certificate

    - Carry original birth-certificates

    - Carry a copy of Directive 2004/38/EC (better to include an English language one and others in the languages of your destination(s))

    Here's an English Language version. of Directive 2004/38/EC

    It's worth taking a couple of minutes to at least review Article 5 "Right of Entry"

    Here's another good source of information written in a more easily understood manner. The downside is that it covers so much detailed EU information that it needs time to research.

    I'm not suggesting that travel without Schenghen is complicated, just that the law can be complicated and not well understood.

    Of course you could decide that the potential risks of issues/problems/delays at airports, ports and borders are too much and you'd rather take the Schenghen Visa route.
    Yet here again the EU rules are not well understood and you could end up paying for the visa and waiting for a few weeks, when in fact the visa should be free of charges and the application processed without delay.

    I hope this writing helps you and doesn't create too many doubts.

    EU directives are full of vagaries

  13. #13
    Member Crampton's Avatar
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    Thank you yes unfortunately when it comes to immigration it's never simple. Your reply is very much appreciated tho. Top Marks.
    This is brilliant stuff I will most certainly print that PDF and go through it in its entirety. I think, at first glance. That this permit and our documents will be enough for us on the off chance that someone will check when I'm visiting my family in Monaghan 20 minutes from home, across the border.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crampton View Post

    Thank you yes unfortunately when it comes to immigration it's never simple. Your reply is very much appreciated tho. Top Marks.
    This is brilliant stuff I will most certainly print that PDF and go through it in its entirety. I think, at first glance. That this permit and our documents will be enough for us on the off chance that someone will check when I'm visiting my family in Monaghan 20 minutes from home, across the border.

    I think you'll find there are no issues at all going to Ireland from UK

  15. #15
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    hello terpe, can i ask , sorry i just only confused, ..when i apply my FLR ,is there no need to fill up online before sending form by post? or i will fill up by pen and no need to online?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    hello terpe, can i ask , sorry i just only confused, ..when i apply my FLR ,is there no need to fill up online before sending form by post? or i will fill up by pen and no need to online?
    You need to complete a paper form manually 'by pen' and either apply by post or by personal appearance at one of the Public Enquiry Offices.
    For applications in person you need to make an appointment.

    Here is the form

    and here the guidance notes

    Good luck

  17. #17
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    thank you so much sir terpe , sorry again i have question sir, this question section 2.1, Please tick a box below to show us the category in which you are applying for an extension of stay in the UK
    and to confirm that you are also applying for a biometric immigration document? am i right to tick ,Spouse of a person present and settled in the UK
    and a biometric immigration document.?

    - - - Updated - - -

    im confuse if i answer this also, Civil partner of a person present and settled in the UK?

  18. #18
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    Yes, if you are married you tick the box for "Spouse of a person present and settled in the UK and a biometric immigration document."

  19. #19
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    thank you sooo much sir terpe...

  20. #20
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    Good luck with your application

    You may need to prepare yourself for a long wait according to latest reports

  21. #21
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    sir terpe, i just to make it sure if i correct , i apply my fiancee visa last MAY, then i got a message that my visa granted was JUNE and my visa valid was JULY 27,2012.. i am under the old rules? had a headache already about my flr form question. then what is the meaning of civil partner? hope you enlightened my mind sir..thank you

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    sir terpe, i just to make it sure if i correct , i apply my fiancee visa last MAY, then i got a message that my visa granted was JUNE and my visa valid was JULY 27,2012.. i am under the old rules? had a headache already about my flr form question. then what is the meaning of civil partner? hope you enlightened my mind sir..thank you
    Your application was made before the new rules of July 9 came into force.
    This means you will be considered under the old rules right up to ILR.

    A civil partnership is a formal relationship between two people of the same sex. The relationship is legally formalised and registered similar to marriage.

    Hope that helps

  23. #23
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    what a relief now sir terpe... i will download also the payment details? thank you so much again sir terpe

  24. #24
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    A civil partnership is a formal relationship between two people of the same sex. The relationship is legally formalised and registered similar to marriage.
    I was also once confused with the civil partnership thing.
    I often called our "marriage" a "civil marriage" and husband would go nuts telling me it is NOT! (unless I am a ladyboy.) It creates confusion because a marriage solemnized by a judge or mayor is called "civil marriage" way back home.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
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  25. #25
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    yeah your right lol, in philippines we called civil marriage thats why im so much confused lol..but now i understand

  26. #26
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    hello guys, i need advice about FLR requirements... how many months for bank statement to prepare? and if its alright to file my flr 20 days before expiration of my visa?
    As what Terpe replied to my post he said minimum of 3 months and maximum of 6 months for bank statements. Yes, it's still okay for as long as they will receive your payment/application before your visa expires.
    Goodluck to both of us! I will submit my FLR too very soon

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    hi smileyangel, thank you for your reply, im still completing my form,and confusing for a loads of questions so much terrible the new form now, how do you tick your answer in a box did you sign a CHECK? i will submit 1st week of nov.

  28. #28
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    hi smileyangel, thank you for your reply, im still completing my form,and confusing for a loads of questions so much terrible the new form now, how do you tick your answer in a box did you sign a CHECK? i will submit 1st week of nov.
    Yes, my husband told me to just put a check mark beside on my answer. We intend to submit it by mid of October.

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    thank you smileyangel, im still completing my form and so much stress about it coz i doin on my own because my husband is not familiar about paperworks, is it alright for you to ask some questions about flr form questions what answer do you have? i need your help pleasee... and about the english language test?

  30. #30
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crampton View Post
    Great stuff these are the things I am now interested in after my wife has been approved for an EEA family permit
    Question- What are the different ways of applying for indefinite leave to remain? I have noticed SET(M) and FLR?

    Grace Adam When do you expect to hear back about your application?

    Hi Alan,

    I really don't know to be honest, I've been waiting for 2 months and a half and i haven't receive biometric letter from them. but I'm still waiting and hoping it will come soon, it's very annoying >,<

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