OK, that leads to another question.
I have been calling others in the PH lately, and i have no problem to get in contact with them. She claims not to have any more than 2 sim cards.
I usually load her sim card(s), and she have been lazy lately to answer my messages. Looks like she is checking the sim only now and then.

I have said that, she is sending me some strange signals by doing that.
And that she really hurts my feelings if she are not there when i try to call.
AND i bought 2 handset for her, but she said that she dont want to look ritch
by bringing them together always.
Its obviusley so easy to buy a new calling card as it is to buy candy in there,
this is really no good.

Im sitting here sometimes with a bad gut feeling.
Why aint she avaiable to me, after i ask her to be that?
Is she tired of getting messages from me?
Am i not so important..... what am i??

I think this calls for a serious talk.