OK before you start flaming
Dopey is because in all the disney films this one I laughed the most.
I 'was' married to a filipina for 8 years (she got her British passport citizernship andoff.
OK here I go
Some real nice lookimng properties for sale, BUT not yet built.
So they want a down payment from me of 4k
Then a bank loan for
blah blah over 15 years.
But wait...when can I move in?
"Sorry Sir its not build yet, when we sell all lots then we start to build"
"Der do you have a notion, of when you're gonna start building?"
"No Sir, but if you pay down-payment I keep you informed" "How you like to pay Sir?"
Do I really look like my avatar?
Seriously....why dont they build the whole estate and THEN sell the house?
OFW, are now not sooo ill-advised as they used to be, especially where pera is concerned