Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
Whilst I agree and understand Salmonds motives for wanting the age to be lowered to 16. I personally have always believed that a Prime Minister can send a 16 year old to die for his country so a 16 year old should have a say in who governs his country.
Just my opinion but I would disagree with this just being a one off vote for 16 year olds.
Marco ... earlier, I made mention of the curious quirk in the law that permits 16-year-olds to marry.

By the same token, I take on board your even MORE valid point about successive Governments APPEARING to allow such young people to fight and die for their country ... yet denying them the right to vote. Now, I may be wrong ... but I'd always believed no person under 18, serving in the Armed Forces, could be sent to the 'front lines'.