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Thread: The tale of Alan

  1. #121
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Does anyone remember those toffee apples you used to get at travelling fairgrounds in the UK? I think they were a tanner - sixpence - 2 1/2p.
    My mum said I could only have one 'cos they would rot my teeth.

    I had one within her view - and copious amounts outside.

    I left my wife on the 9th November - she cried at Manila airport - I REALLY didn't want to leave her - I am making her cry - that makes me the bad guy in a way.

    I love Hanna so much - it hurts.

    All my students said how much they had missed me - that was when I got back to work in Oxfordshire. That hurt as well - I have already said how much teaching means to me.

    I had a decision to make - stick it out in UK where I was making decent money - or take a chance and go back to the Phils. and be with my beautiful wife.

    It didn't take long for me to decide.

    The toffee apples have been superceeded - BANANA CUE - LOVELY!!!!!!


  2. #122
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    and as a bonus only 5 pesos.

    if you are lucky enough to find the right girl here, it makes a new life in a strange counrtry a great experience, we all can lament the things we left behind, but sometimes we are rewarded in spades for taking that risk, that chance to repair and reinvent ourselves.

  3. #123
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RHB View Post
    and as a bonus only 5 pesos.

    if you are lucky enough to find the right girl here, it makes a new life in a strange counrtry a great experience, we all can lament the things we left behind, but sometimes we are rewarded in spades for taking that risk, that chance to repair and reinvent ourselves.
    So, so true!


  4. #124
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    OK - so the roads are not the best in the world. Every few kilometres (Arrggghhh! I used to say 'miles') the road turns to dirt as, for some inexplicable reason, the local Barangay decides to replace a perfectly good road ' because the Elections are approaching.'

    Turn off the road and start to climb the mountain. More dirt than road here. Some of the time I am doing no more than 20 kph. and looking at every stone that has the evil purpose of turning my handlebars against my wishes.

    Yet, the marvels of early 20th century engineering, the habal habals, pass me at at least 60 - carrying 8 people or so!!!!!
    They never put a foot, or tyre wrong, and make me realise that I am not in the West.

    Indeed, far from the West!!!!

    Hanna and I decided that we would either settle in Bohol or Negros - the two places we both liked.
    Secretly, I would have settled ANYWHERE with Hanna!!! I am a 54 year old kid - completely smitten with my wife. She, her mum, her family, are the poorest of the poor and yet they have NEVER asked for a penny (Peso) from the 'white guy.'
    We went to Negros - Dumaguete - Valencia. We had been informed that it was 'the place to be.'

    It is part way up Mount Talinis - a few degrees cooler than Dumaguete-by-the-sea. Lovely house - rented - the sort of house that would cost a cool million in Oxfordshire - or £15 in Manchester.

    I flew over in January with my dear son Chris and his friend Jack. Amazingly, my 'fussy' little son (17) LOVED rice!!!!
    He NEVER eats rice at home - unless it is fried and has a number in front of it!

    Travelling further up the mountain I am amazed at the friendliness of the 'Mountain folk.' I had been warned about NPA who, apparently are on Negros - yet I was not unduly worried.
    Smiles from Filipino ladies, 'Hey Joe' from the men (and not a single Hendrix fan amongst them, I wager) and beautiful smiles and waves from small children, quite a few unashamedly naked!!

    Northern England has a 'rustic' beauty - the South - a 'neater' natural fashion. The beauty of the Philippines, personally, is naught expounded.
    It is the place that God put in his 'To deal with later' file!
    It is beauty, neglect, love and hate. It takes one's breath away then brings it back to earth with a badly placed mosquito bite!
    It is truly most things you want and most things you don't. You stare at stunningly beautiful scenery and then stare down at your feet, crawling with ants.

    I have been here since 10th January - I love the philippines - and I love my wife!

    I hope that you enjoyed my 1000th post and I thank you all for being my friends. Good luck to all.


  5. #125
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Every few kilometres (Arrggghhh! I used to say 'miles') the road turns to dirt as, for some inexplicable reason
    That happens in Ireland, and the USA, and plenty of dirt roads here in rural Wales.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    I have been here since 10th January - I love the philippines - and I love my wife!

    I hope that you enjoyed my 1000th post and I thank you all for being my friends. Good luck to all.

    thats the best words in there that you love your wife and the 1000 post

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    or £15 in Manchester.

    Blimey that must be out of most people's reach there....

    Hey Joe..... Got a spare tent in my attic....

  8. #128
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    OK - so the roads are not the best in the world. Every few kilometres (Arrggghhh! I used to say 'miles') the road turns to dirt as, for some inexplicable reason, the local Barangay decides to replace a perfectly good road ' because the Elections are approaching.'

    Turn off the road and start to climb the mountain. More dirt than road here. Some of the time I am doing no more than 20 kph. and looking at every stone that has the evil purpose of turning my handlebars against my wishes.

    Yet, the marvels of early 20th century engineering, the habal habals, pass me at at least 60 - carrying 8 people or so!!!!!
    They never put a foot, or tyre wrong, and make me realise that I am not in the West.

    Indeed, far from the West!!!!

    Hanna and I decided that we would either settle in Bohol or Negros - the two places we both liked.
    Secretly, I would have settled ANYWHERE with Hanna!!! I am a 54 year old kid - completely smitten with my wife. She, her mum, her family, are the poorest of the poor and yet they have NEVER asked for a penny (Peso) from the 'white guy.'
    We went to Negros - Dumaguete - Valencia. We had been informed that it was 'the place to be.'

    It is part way up Mount Talinis - a few degrees cooler than Dumaguete-by-the-sea. Lovely house - rented - the sort of house that would cost a cool million in Oxfordshire - or £15 in Manchester.

    I flew over in January with my dear son Chris and his friend Jack. Amazingly, my 'fussy' little son (17) LOVED rice!!!!
    He NEVER eats rice at home - unless it is fried and has a number in front of it!

    Travelling further up the mountain I am amazed at the friendliness of the 'Mountain folk.' I had been warned about NPA who, apparently are on Negros - yet I was not unduly worried.
    Smiles from Filipino ladies, 'Hey Joe' from the men (and not a single Hendrix fan amongst them, I wager) and beautiful smiles and waves from small children, quite a few unashamedly naked!!

    Northern England has a 'rustic' beauty - the South - a 'neater' natural fashion. The beauty of the Philippines, personally, is naught expounded.
    It is the place that God put in his 'To deal with later' file!
    It is beauty, neglect, love and hate. It takes one's breath away then brings it back to earth with a badly placed mosquito bite!
    It is truly most things you want and most things you don't. You stare at stunningly beautiful scenery and then stare down at your feet, crawling with ants.

    I have been here since 10th January - I love the philippines - and I love my wife!

    I hope that you enjoyed my 1000th post and I thank you all for being my friends. Good luck to all.

    A great post Al. I wish you and your wife much more of the beautiful joy you share!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  9. #129
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    Thanks Al for your well written blog.

    I haven't been on this forum for very long and didn't know you had eloquently documented how fast your English heart awoke again and snuggled up to your Filipina.

    We just never know what is around the corner and pleasure is so sweet and rejuvinating after degrees of pain.

    I saw this quote below somewhere and find it so apt:

    "Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more".

    Gabriel Garcias Marquez's book (now made into a film which I haven't seen and will probably not as it it will spoil the magic) "Love In The Time Of Cholera" may be right up your barangay! Let us say that love and romance is NOT solely the life-blood of the young.

    Now one day I may write my story, but at the moment I'm still reeling from my weeks with "Panaginip". I never want to come down...


  10. #130
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    What an excellent raconteur you are Prof Alan. What happened next?

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  11. #131
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Thanks Al for your well written blog.

    I haven't been on this forum for very long and didn't know you had eloquently documented how fast your English heart awoke again and snuggled up to your Filipina.

    We just never know what is around the corner and pleasure is so sweet and rejuvinating after degrees of pain.

    I saw this quote below somewhere and find it so apt:

    "Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more".

    Gabriel Garcias Marquez's book (now made into a film which I haven't seen and will probably not as it it will spoil the magic) "Love In The Time Of Cholera" may be right up your barangay! Let us say that love and romance is NOT solely the life-blood of the young.

    Now one day I may write my story, but at the moment I'm still reeling from my weeks with "Panaginip". I never want to come down...

    Love In The Time Of Cholera - bought it - read it - charming, erudite and eye-opening! Thanks for that Apo.


  12. #132
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Selling a business - running away from debt - leaving my lovely children and my mum and dad - coming here to be with my wife - my son flying over with me - expecting to fly my daughter over here in July - What a pot pourri of mixed emotions!!

    I was, nevertheless, truly happy to be here - after all, a year is a long time in politics - but not very long when you hit middle age.
    I think the young and old must survive in parallel universes - time certainly has a way of speeding up when you want it to slow down.
    There is an in-depth psychological theory about this - but - I won't go into it!!

    'I have some very bad news for you Alan.' This was all I wanted to hear!!! It was *** - the head of UK operations for my school in the UK - which is a franchise - and the fastest growing form of extra-school tuition in the world.

    '*****. who bought your School, has been in prison for the last 7 weeks. He has committed offences of a sexual nature against one of the students - a 9 year old girl. The Centre has been closed down whilst police conduct further investigations.'

    I cannot quite grasp what I am hearing! Immediately I think of my (ex) students and all the wonderful parents with whom I had an EXCELLENT relationship. Will I somehow be implicated??
    Hanna and I were in tears.

    Hang on, If he is in prison, then I shall have no further income. The Centre has been closed. Of course, the value of a business is dependent on its clientelle - and they have ALL left. The value of my business therefore has hit rock bottom.

    I check my bank balance - heart attack time!! What am I going to do?

    When my ex-partner left me for a 'newer model' she 'took me to the cleaners.'
    I remember thinking then - 'What have I done to deserve this?' 'Have I played away? No! Have I been a bad father? No! Am I an alcoholic? No!'
    She just decided she didn't love me any more and, instead of talking, just cleared off.

    Depression set in - AGAIN!!!

    Now that this has happened - what the bloody hell have I done to deserve this AGAIN???????????

    I love Hanna - I love Christopher and Samantha - I love my mum and dad - I love my family on here.

    My love for God is being severely tested at the moment!!!!


  13. #133
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I made a decision - I had to!! Stuck on the other side of the world with no income. This was a real frightener!!!!

    I thought of the good things in my life - my children - my parents - my friends from the forum whom I had met - Grace - Shelly - Maria - (Where are they now? ) and, of course, my wife.

    It still did no good!! I felt the same old feelings of depression I had felt before - and I was SCARED!!!

    Of course, Hanna did not understand - how could she? Depression is a personal illness - you can see a broken leg - but you cannot see a broken brain.

    I was in absolute turmoil - tons of debt in the UK - and now penniless in Asia.

    I don't deserve this - I have never done any wrong nor any harm to anyone. For God's sake - I can't even win £10 on the Lottery.

    Hang on Al - You still have your mum and dad - you have two beautiful kids who love you to death - you have a stunningly beautiful wife who has stuck by you through this crisis - GET OFF YOUR **** AND DO SOMETHING!!!!

    I did - and thanks to KeithAngel and his lovely girlfriend Angie I found a job - doing what I do best - teaching.

    I had to let our beautiful house in Valencia go - could no longer afford it! I came here to Mactan Cebu - city life - which I HATE! But, Mactan is OK. I am living in an apartment that is slightly bigger than my parent's bathroom - but, that's the hand that life has dealt me at the moment. Hanna is living in A ROOM in Dumaguete - that brings me to tears 'cos I thought I had taken her away from that kind of life.

    She still has a month of her Caregiver course to finish - then she has two months of OJT (On Job Training) to do - so we shall not be together again until January or the beginning of February.

    I love my wife so much - it hurts!!

    I am fighting hard to be the same 'loony' I have always been (God - How on Earth did I make it to HeadTeacher?) I think I will win!!!! I HAVE to win - there is no alternative.

    My job at school is wonderful - the students are from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Turkey and Russia. They are 'Tabula Rasas' (Piaget!) and they are so receptive - I should have done this years ago!!

    Maybe I shall go to another country when I 'Get my wife back again'

    The jeepneys are always crowded and when I am on my 'chopper' I stick two fingers up at infinitely more morons than in the UK!



  14. #134
    Respected Member Frances's Avatar
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    Don't give up prof Alan!
    Always have hope,patience and perseverance.
    Setbacks will only make you stronger and better person.
    Always remember God loves you.
    True love waits.

  15. #135
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Have you tried selling your soul to the Devil? Or worse .......your to George Michael
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #136
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    Yah ,have faith........wish u good luck

  17. #137
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Have you tried selling your soul to the Devil? Or worse .......your to George Michael
    Errrr! - No!


  18. #138
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    I have watched my movie - don't you HATE that word? I do - it's a FILM for goodness sake!!!

    I have watched it several times now.

    I did theatre and pantomime a few years ago. My most famous was a Panto - 'Babes in the Wood' which I did at the Haymarket in London. I thought I did a good job but the critics slated me!!!!!

    The movie I did recently - I was not happy with - yet it won 'Best Film' award!!!

    Where is the sense?

    I am not a happy bunny at the moment 'cos I am here in Cebu and my wife is in Dumaguete - a different island!!

    I came over here to BE WITH HER - and now we are once more separated.

    I have a new job! I REALLY did not want to leave CELI - where I was working - but I was only earning 50 quid a week - and that is a struggle.
    Next week I start at CPILS - over £100 quid a week! Still pathetic isn't it? But, don't get me wrong, I am VERY grateful for this opportunity.

    It is a life threatening motor cycle ride to get to work - ADVICE - if you come to the Phils. only ride/drive if you really HAVE TO!!!!

    I shall never leave the Philippines without taking Hanna back with me - but I can never see it happening. I read all the posts about people who have had their Visas granted and it makes me feel happy for you - and sad for me!

    One day maybe - one day!

    I look at Hanna and I see happiness in her countenance - yet - through no fault of my own - I feel that I am doing her an injustice. She wants to 'experience' the UK and I can't do it for her. I love her and cannot give her what she wants...................................


  19. #139
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ADVICE - if you come to the Phils. only ride/drive if you really HAVE TO!!!!
    Hey, riding/driving here really isn't a problem ... you just have to forget everything you learnt as a road user in the west, and emulate the locals.

  20. #140
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    Hang on in there kid.....

    Don't lose it, mate.....

    Things are bound to change for the better sooner or later. Only matter of time.

    Even if Hanna is on a different island a few miles away is not as if she was 8k+ miles from you.... You still see her every week-end or so.

    As per letting her experience the UK......
    Well... It ain't what it is cracked up to be anymore.
    No loss there, believe me....

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    As per letting her experience the UK......
    Well... It ain't what it is cracked up to be anymore.
    No loss there, believe me....
    I guess that it's easy for me to say, because I did manage to get Ruby to UK for three months, but I feel that I'm better off out of the country!

  22. #142
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I shall never leave the Philippines without taking Hanna back with me - but I can never see it happening. I read all the posts about people who have had their Visas granted and it makes me feel happy for you - and sad for me!
    ....maybe you can arrange a house exchange.....
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #143
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Hey, riding/driving here really isn't a problem ... you just have to forget everything you learnt as a road user in the west, and emulate the locals.
    Im looking into that Peter
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    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  24. #144
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I have watched my movie - don't you HATE that word? I do - it's a FILM for goodness sake!!!

    I have watched it several times now.

    I did theatre and pantomime a few years ago. My most famous was a Panto - 'Babes in the Wood' which I did at the Haymarket in London. I thought I did a good job but the critics slated me!!!!!

    The movie I did recently - I was not happy with - yet it won 'Best Film' award!!!

    Where is the sense?

    I am not a happy bunny at the moment 'cos I am here in Cebu and my wife is in Dumaguete - a different island!!

    I came over here to BE WITH HER - and now we are once more separated.

    I have a new job! I REALLY did not want to leave CELI - where I was working - but I was only earning 50 quid a week - and that is a struggle.
    Next week I start at CPILS - over £100 quid a week! Still pathetic isn't it? But, don't get me wrong, I am VERY grateful for this opportunity.

    It is a life threatening motor cycle ride to get to work - ADVICE - if you come to the Phils. only ride/drive if you really HAVE TO!!!!

    I shall never leave the Philippines without taking Hanna back with me - but I can never see it happening. I read all the posts about people who have had their Visas granted and it makes me feel happy for you - and sad for me!

    One day maybe - one day!

    I look at Hanna and I see happiness in her countenance - yet - through no fault of my own - I feel that I am doing her an injustice. She wants to 'experience' the UK and I can't do it for her. I love her and cannot give her what she wants...................................

    A mere island hop as Mr Dom says. Who knows what the future holds Alan once the "Film" takings come in its a european tour for the two of you

  25. #145
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Keep your chin up Al,
    You never know, you might be able to pop over to the UK with Hanna when your invited to the Cannes film festival next year.

  26. #146
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    Never lose hope Alan. It's just a phase, you'll get through it and will one day look back and laugh.

  27. #147
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    When my partner left me in the UK - she took me to the cleaners - as I have already said. What did I need at that time? Friends!! People who would be willing to support me - as I was, I thought, totally innocent!!!

    Out of all my friends - THREE stuck by me!! Of course, they could not be with me all of the time - they had their own lives to live.

    My best friends came to be my students at work! They were either delightful children, receptive teenagers or hungry adults - hungry for knowledge.

    In 1999 I was awarded ' Outstanding Teacher ' status by OFSTED - I thought - WOW - I must be doing something right!!!

    I remember the night vividly! My girlfriend's father arrived at the front door - Err - Alan - I have some bad news for you - Susan is dead!! She was killed in a motorbike accident last night!!!

    Of course, I had known death before then - both my grandads had died at 'young' ages - but this was my girlfriend!!!! She was 21!!!!

    You are supposed to be an adult in the UK when you are 18 - but you are NEVER an adult until you have received devastating news - or you have got married - or you have a mortgage - or you have kids!!! My opinion only.

    I cried for days - Susan was the first girl who made me feel like jelly - who gave me a strange feeling in my loins (Ronnie Barker - Porridge!)

    I turned to my passion - music!! I wrote more and more songs - sent them all to record companies - got the inevitable rejections - perservered - got rejected again - THEN - GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!

    Out of bad - always comes good - at least it has for me. So, I must remain strong - I want to take Hanna home with me - at the moment I have NO CHANCE - but maybe one day - maybe one day - maybe one day.

    I have, I feel, more friends now than I have ever had in my life - and most of you don't even know me.

    I KNOW that I have the most beautiful girl in the world.


  28. #148
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    The workload at my new school - CPILS - is totally ridiculous! Five classes of 80 minutes each, separated by a 10 minute break! When one is teaching, one is supposed to be 100% receptive to one's class - the students deserve no less.

    However, when you are totally sh****d out, you cannot give said 100%.

    I am not willing to teach in a situation where I cannot devote myself totally to my students.

    I have therefore made a decision!

    I shall go back to the UK this October to see my parents, my children and, hopefully, some of you.

    I shall leave Hanna here!!! That is the worst thing!!!!

    I need to get some decent money in my bank account. BUT, I am not a spring chicken anymore!!! Will I find a teaching job back home?

    Life is never easy - and for me it is getting harder!!

    I shall survive - I have to!!

    Any advice gratefully received.

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  29. #149
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    The workload at my new school - CPILS - is totally ridiculous! Five classes of 80 minutes each, separated by a 10 minute break!

    Good Grief Is this CPILS answer to overwieght teachers................abolishing the lunch break

    On the downside now Angie has left she has gained 20kg
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    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  30. #150
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Al, I'm sure you have made the right decision, and with your experience you will have no problem getting a teaching job.

    when you are settled back here and have a healthy account and home,
    apply for Hanners spouse visa.


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  4. Tale of tampo....
    By pacificelectric in forum Courting, Relationships & Weddings
    Replies: 27
    Last Post: 27th July 2009, 07:52
  5. A Cautionary Tale.
    By jackmac452 in forum Courting, Relationships & Weddings
    Replies: 13
    Last Post: 9th April 2009, 05:30

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