OK - so the roads are not the best in the world. Every few kilometres (Arrggghhh! I used to say 'miles') the road turns to dirt as, for some inexplicable reason, the local Barangay decides to replace a perfectly good road ' because the Elections are approaching.'
Turn off the road and start to climb the mountain. More dirt than road here. Some of the time I am doing no more than 20 kph. and looking at every stone that has the evil purpose of turning my handlebars against my wishes.
Yet, the marvels of early 20th century engineering, the habal habals, pass me at at least 60 - carrying 8 people or so!!!!!
They never put a foot, or tyre wrong, and make me realise that I am not in the West.
Indeed, far from the West!!!!
Hanna and I decided that we would either settle in Bohol or Negros - the two places we both liked.
Secretly, I would have settled ANYWHERE with Hanna!!! I am a 54 year old kid - completely smitten with my wife. She, her mum, her family, are the poorest of the poor and yet they have NEVER asked for a penny (Peso) from the 'white guy.'
We went to Negros - Dumaguete - Valencia. We had been informed that it was 'the place to be.'
It is part way up Mount Talinis - a few degrees cooler than Dumaguete-by-the-sea. Lovely house - rented - the sort of house that would cost a cool million in Oxfordshire - or £15 in Manchester.
I flew over in January with my dear son Chris and his friend Jack. Amazingly, my 'fussy' little son (17) LOVED rice!!!!
He NEVER eats rice at home - unless it is fried and has a number in front of it!
Travelling further up the mountain I am amazed at the friendliness of the 'Mountain folk.' I had been warned about NPA who, apparently are on Negros - yet I was not unduly worried.
Smiles from Filipino ladies, 'Hey Joe' from the men (and not a single Hendrix fan amongst them, I wager) and beautiful smiles and waves from small children, quite a few unashamedly naked!!
Northern England has a 'rustic' beauty - the South - a 'neater' natural fashion. The beauty of the Philippines, personally, is naught expounded.
It is the place that God put in his 'To deal with later' file!
It is beauty, neglect, love and hate. It takes one's breath away then brings it back to earth with a badly placed mosquito bite!
It is truly most things you want and most things you don't. You stare at stunningly beautiful scenery and then stare down at your feet, crawling with ants.
I have been here since 10th January - I love the philippines - and I love my wife!
I hope that you enjoyed my 1000th post and I thank you all for being my friends. Good luck to all.