Quote Originally Posted by malditako View Post
at the moment i am in the process of composing my CV ( which i find it hard to start) lol. Can anyone here share their experiences while seeking employment here in the uk ( interviews, filling of application etc) especially from those who succeeded to secure a job?. I know theres only a slim chance to get an office job as they prefer someone who graduated here in uk but then i won't die if i try

i really appreciate any experience shared
The mighty google helped me find a job here in the UK , not the job center lol...my first part time job was in the office to cover maternity leave. whilst i am doing my part time office job , i am also doing voluntary work in one of the charity shops near our place in which I gained all my references from within the UK....having said that, I never stop searching and applying for a different job , a job that I really wanted to do and finally, after three months of searching/applying /contemplating on which company to work with , I gave up my part time office job and voluntary work and accepted the job I am into now!!! cant believe i've been working with them for two years already (lol going strong and earning my own money)

my tips if you are applying online:

make an impressive covering letter/application letter/CV
complete the job application
provide your school certificates/employment certificates (even from the Philippines) , the company will keep it in your personal profile at work and can be very helpful for future use in case you want to upgrade your level or status at work.
provide at least three references.

good luck my friend you can do it!!