Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
What a bunch of shysters Starbucks are - just seen their UK top man (a septic) wriggling and trying to deny that they make profits in the UK when their 2011 US annual report says In particular, our Canada, Japan,UK, and China MBUs account for a significant portion of the net revenue and earnings of our international operations

See this link for the video of the guy - comes out with all the big company BS about we've listened to our customers etc


I hope this campaign of boycotting them takes off. It won't affect me as I'm not mug enough to pay £3 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks, Costa Lot, Nero's etc
You're quite right Dedworth

Actually, I will never pay that kind of money for a cup of coffee. Mine is better

I might pay that for a super quality beer, but that's a different proposition

I would suggest that it costs only pence to produce a cup of coffee

My dear wife talked me into having a Starbucks coffee in MOA the other week. I somehow agreed to pay and was stunned at the price

Oddly, it was difficult to find a seat