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  1. #1
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    To whom it may concerned.


    I'm Mary Ann , from Talisay, Cebu ,Phils. I'm an education graduate and also able to take the course of care giver. I just finish dat course last Oct. I dont have experience wid work related to my courses but i was able to work in coca-cola for five months. My question here is that since I dont have experience yet is it possible for me to have a work in Ireland so my entry there is for working visa? I have a friend settled in northern Ireland . I just knew that its difficult for me to get into a tourist visa, preferably a working visa. Would u advice me to give information on how to go on this working visa in ireland. Also I wanna ask a reputable agency here in the phils if that would help me in processing of papers. thank u for ur time.

    Kind Regards,
    Mary AnnTo whom it may concerned.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by marvelousannzph@Feb 23 2006, 01:36 PM
    To whom it may concerned.


    I'm Mary Ann , from Talisay, Cebu ,Phils. I'm an education graduate and also able to take the course of care giver. I just finish dat course last Oct. I dont have experience wid work related to my courses but i was able to work in coca-cola for five months. My question here is that since I dont have experience yet is it possible for me to have a work in Ireland so my entry there is for working visa? I have a friend settled in northern Ireland . I just knew that its difficult for me to get into a tourist visa, preferably a working visa. Would u advice me to give information on how to go on this working visa in ireland. Also I wanna ask a reputable agency here in the phils if that would help me in processing of papers. thank u for ur time.
    Kind Regards,
    Mary AnnTo whom it may concerned.
    Hello Mary Ann,

    is that the Mary Ann i know who is engaged to Gary? This is john here who is married to Rhea!!!!


  3. #3
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by marvelousannzph@Feb 23 2006, 01:36 PM
    To whom it may concerned.


    I'm Mary Ann , from Talisay, Cebu ,Phils. I'm an education graduate and also able to take the course of care giver. I just finish dat course last Oct. I dont have experience wid work related to my courses but i was able to work in coca-cola for five months. My question here is that since I dont have experience yet is it possible for me to have a work in Ireland so my entry there is for working visa? I have a friend settled in northern Ireland . I just knew that its difficult for me to get into a tourist visa, preferably a working visa. Would u advice me to give information on how to go on this working visa in ireland. Also I wanna ask a reputable agency here in the phils if that would help me in processing of papers. thank u for ur time.
    Kind Regards,
    Mary AnnTo whom it may concerned.
    Hi i am a friend of mary ann who posted the above post, if anyone can help her get to know of an agency that will help get her a job in the North of Ireland and also the cost involved it would be a great help.


  4. #4
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    That is something I will be looking for in the next few weeks, but a lot of agencies have now closed their books to P.I. workers due to the expansion of the EU and plentiful workers available from the old iron curtain countries.

    My B-I-L is a trained care worker so when he trawls around the London community something may come up.

    John.. I would love to hear your wife talk after a few years in Northern Ireland, would be great if she picks up the accent.

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by deepete@Feb 23 2006, 04:23 PM

    John.. I would love to hear your wife talk after a few years in Northern Ireland, would be great if she picks up the accent.

    I am sure it will be funny as i still laugh when i hear the local chinese people with an Northern Irish accent.

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by marvelousannzph@Feb 23 2006, 01:36 PM
    .....i was able to work IN coca-cola for five months.
    Is that WHY they have brown skin?

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  7. #7
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    Originally posted by admin@Feb 23 2006, 10:01 PM
    Is that WHY they have brown skin?
    hahahahahahah ahem :blink:

  8. #8
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Feb 23 2006, 10:01 PM
    Is that WHY they have brown skin?

    Very funny, i liked that one

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Feb 24 2006, 11:24 AM
    Very funny, i liked that one
    It was a gudun alright...mary ann had a laff too... its probably obvious to say this by now. But I'l say it anyway...
    Hi Pete this is Gary remember I askd you about my fiance Mary Ann...well dats her.
    Dont assume I am not taking your advice onboard. I understand that recourse to public funds is a major obstacle.
    Unfortunately I know that it will be some time before I'm in any position to gain her successful entry to the UK.
    Theres little chance of me gaining full time employ in the near future.
    To reiterate John anyone with the knowledge as to how Mary Ann could obtain a working visa... financial constraints etc... please let her know.


  10. #10
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gmar96@Feb 24 2006, 11:45 AM
    It was a gudun alright...mary ann had a laff too... its probably obvious to say this by now. But I'l say it anyway...
    Hi Pete this is Gary remember I askd you about my fiance Mary Ann...well dats her.
    Dont assume I am not taking your advice onboard. I understand that recourse to public funds is a major obstacle.
    Unfortunately I know that it will be some time before I'm in any position to gain her successful entry to the UK.
    Theres little chance of me gaining full time employ in the near future.
    To reiterate John anyone with the knowledge as to how Mary Ann could obtain a working visa... financial constraints etc... please let her know.

    Hi Gary,
    well to the forum, it is good that you are here now posting messages. As i have said before this is the best place for advice. If there is anything you need to know have a good look around the site and then if you are still not sure just post a message out there and i am sure you will get good advice on what to do next...


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