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Thread: Change of name to married name in a Filipino passport

  1. #1
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    Change of name to married name in a Filipino passport

    Hi guys,

    So we were granted the visa and now my wife is here in the uk. We originally left her name as the original for less complications with the visa process. Now we are here we would like to change it permanantly to my surname. How do we do it? Do we need to apply to the phil embassy in uk to change her passport? And will the uk embassy need to update her visa in her new passport?

  2. #2
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    hello,, ur wife needs to go to phil embassy in london to change her name but it will mean that she has to get a new passport.. look for the website of phil embassy and they will tell u there how to do it as there will be forms that need to fill up and she needs to report the marriage.,. as to her visa, i dunno as im still waiting for mine,, i'm already using my hubby's name but not sure if theyll follow my passport or my documents..

  3. #3
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    Just a reminder to all.
    There is no requirement or obligation to change the name in a passport.

    Many members here have waited until there passports need to be renewed before changing.

    The Philippine Embassy no longer processes name changes and will process a request for a new paasport from Manila.
    Last info I got was it takes 12 weeks.

    It's really just a personal choice.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanandClavs View Post
    Hi guys,

    So we were granted the visa and now my wife is here in the uk. We originally left her name as the original for less complications with the visa process. Now we are here we would like to change it permanantly to my surname. How do we do it? Do we need to apply to the phil embassy in uk to change her passport? And will the uk embassy need to update her visa in her new passport?

    She has to go to the Philippine Embassy in London to get a new passport with her married name. Check this website If you want her visa to be on the new passport, you have to go UKBA and have it restamped using her married name..although you have to pay a fee for that..£102 she can just always bring her old passport along with her new passport everytime she needs to show her visa.

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  5. #5
    Respected Member Jack1969_uk's Avatar
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    Myself and Bea my wife married in July and in August went to Phil Embassy to change to Married name lots of form filling and pics of us both 4 from her 4 from me. We paid £61 for this plus photos another Ten and then Special delivery Envelope we recieved about 6 weeks later around end of September but she as now her Filipino passport in her married name of Wallace.

  6. #6
    Respected Member rhaichard's Avatar
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    me im thinking to change my surname before i apply for my FLR so no complications lol

    so at that time my passport will be 4 years old and i can have a new visa there ...

  7. #7
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    Think very carefully about doing anything that requires giving up your passport.
    If you really must do it just be 100% sure it will not be needed for anything until the new one is in your hands.
    If you're here in UK on Fiance(e) why take risks before you have FLR.

    BTW there are no complications passport-wise by doing nothing.
    The only complications are not holding a passport in those times when it's needed.

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhaichard View Post
    me im thinking to change my surname before i apply for my FLR so no complications lol

    so at that time my passport will be 4 years old and i can have a new visa there ...

    If you apply FLR(M) or any other visa in the UK now, you won't have any stamped visa in your passport as they're now giving a BRP card as a proof that you're allowed to live here.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  9. #9
    Respected Member rhaichard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    If you apply FLR(M) or any other visa in the UK now, you won't have any stamped visa in your passport as they're now giving a BRP card as a proof that you're allowed to live here.
    thats good then ...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    She has to go to the Philippine Embassy in London to get a new passport with her married name. Check this website If you want her visa to be on the new passport, you have to go UKBA and have it restamped using her married name..although you have to pay a fee for that..£102 she can just always bring her old passport along with her new passport everytime she needs to show her visa.

    Hi Raynaputi

    Do you know how long it will take to have the visa re-stamped to one's new passport? I should be in the Philippines to do this, right?


  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheeky_monkey View Post
    Hi Raynaputi

    Do you know how long it will take to have the visa re-stamped to one's new passport? I should be in the Philippines to do this, right?

    You have to contact a PEO branch and inquire about re-stamping of visa to your new passport. You have to do it in the UK and NOT in the Philippines.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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