One year living in the UK, things been good so far. I finally adjusted to the weather, got familiar with the place and glad my hubby and in-laws are showing me everywhere to get me more independent and confident where to go without them.

Job-wise, if you are not choosy, you can get one. A lot of Filipinos have qualifications back in Pinas but we have to be open-minded that everything has to be back from scratch when they are here in the UK.

NHS is good, they keep reminding us of our next check-up, but sometimes appointment takes a long time to wait though

I love the history, the tourist attractions, the country side. But I can't imagine living in the country side on winter, I feel like I wanna slit my throat coz it's too quite.

I encounter some British people seems to get everything the easiest way. They complain a lot of stuff (like benefits, housing and job) but they never work their a** off. Eventhough education is free and mostly everything is already laid down on their plates, they still prefer to be fed.

Overall, I can survive in the UK! But when I retire, I can still see myself and hubby (and our future family) hopping on a plane and go somewhere sunny sipping our favourite cocktail by the beach.