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Thread: God on our side - husband's poem

  1. #1
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    God on our side - husband's poem

    I'd like to share a poem written by my husband years ago as a tribute to a friend...
    Advance apologies for some swear words -- that's one feature of his poems.
    I hope this won't spark a political debate but let's have fun!


    God’s on our side I heard George Bush say,
    He’ll protect us, believe me, just do as I say.
    We’ll bomb all the niggers the wops and the spics,
    Trust me, believe me, the world I will fix.

    So we followed along blindly, like sheep
    Behind our great leader, Tony the Creep.
    Trust me, he said I won’t tell any lies
    Our troops went along and got sands in their eyes.

    Friendly fire? Who invented that phrase?
    Some fat floated general who spent all his days
    Away from the front the death and the fear,
    March on March on! He cajoled from the rear.

    For God and for freedom, for the U.S. as well
    I’ll get promoted, you’ll go to hell.
    We swallowed their lies and we’re swallowing them now,
    For God and for freedom! Bam! Bam .... you now!

    What’s happened to reason? Where as it flown?
    As the body count grows and the relatives groan,
    Stop! Stop it right now, the spirit insists
    Before the mad buggers plunge into the abyss.

    But the voice is ignored, the next target selected,
    Is it you? Is it me? Expect the unexpected!
    We’ve caught the mad tyrant, we’ll have his head
    Your country is free, your people are dead.

    With a fat greasy burger we .... your religion,
    More profits for us, they laugh with conviction.
    The fools they believed us, who’s laughing now?
    Another four years, imagine it. Wow!

    As the money rolls in, as the profit expand,
    We’ll murder your culture exploit your land.
    But it’s o.k. don’t worry, don’t swing against the tide,
    George told me it’s right and God’s on our side.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    sounds about right

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    God Bless America.

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