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Thread: Please help on flr (m)

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  1. #1
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Exclamation Please help on flr (m)

    We are in the middle of preparing and gathering information as well as documents for my FLR M application on November this year and we came across in this problem that confuses us a lot and to the point that I need to ask advices from you guys again. I hope its alright.

    I entered the UK using a Fiancee Visa and we recently got married. We are currently living with my husband's parents, we are not paying any rent, no contributions apart from food and all the bills are named under his Mum. I knew that we need to provide bills with our name on it with the address where I am staying/living.

    My question now is, what is the best way to take?

    Do we need to provide an accomodation letter from his parents stating that we are living at that address?

    Is there any advises that you can give, suggestions and ideas that you can share with us guys?

    It will be very much appreciated. thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    As I recall there's no requirement to provide proof of address or bills with your name(s) on for your circumstances.

    You just need to enter your address where needed and answer the question about accommodation.

    What is it that specifically confuses you?
    (well apart from the fact that this form is not at all well designed and is a lengthy 41 pages long)

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    As I recall there's no requirement to provide proof of address or bills with your name(s) on for your circumstances.

    You just need to enter your address where needed and answer the question about accommodation.

    What is it that specifically confuses you?
    (well apart from the fact that this form is not at all well designed and is a lengthy 41 pages long)
    Well, we have been seeing and hearings loads of people preparing bills with their names and addresses on it. sadly, we cant provide any bills as we are only living with in laws in one roof and the bills as what I have said are named under his Mum. So, it pushed me to the edge on asking if we really need to produce something that proves that we are living in that address. A letter maybe or what? Or is it really necessary for us to provide stuffs like that?

  4. #4
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    May I kindly suggest you review the application form FLR(M) and guidance notes.
    There is really nowhere on that form, for your case, where it's necessary to provide bundles of letters or bills with your names on.

    The FLR(M) form is here

    The guidance notes are here

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    May I kindly suggest you review the application form FLR(M) and guidance notes.
    There is really nowhere on that form, for your case, where it's necessary to provide bundles of letters or bills with your names on.

    The FLR(M) form is here

    The guidance notes are here
    I have reviewed the guidance notes and it made my mind clear. T'was just we got confused on other posts here bout FLR M why they provide bunch of bills and etc. That done me heading. Thanks a lot for clearing it up.

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    A letter from the GP or NHS card with your name and address on it would do. Also, write a supporting letter for reasons why you can't provide any billing more than that. In my application, we also included a delivery receipt of a magazine subscription (Cosmopolitan) with my name and address on it, even if it's not included in the required proof of address. You'll never know if it would be acceptable for them or not..
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  7. #7
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    A letter from the GP or NHS card with your name and address on it would do. Also, write a supporting letter for reasons why you can't provide any billing more than that. In my application, we also included a delivery receipt of a magazine subscription (Cosmopolitan) with my name and address on it, even if it's not included in the required proof of address. You'll never know if it would be acceptable for them or not..
    Ohh thanks for the response Rayna. I only have my NHS letter and card with me with me address on it so that made me breath back to normal now. Thanks a lot you, TWO!

  8. #8
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    When I applied FLR (M) last 30 Jan 2012- that time me and my husband were living with in-laws, so I only had GP card to provide with my name and their address on it. Then parent's in-law wrote a letter for me such and such.. then they also gave me their water bills; electric bills; and council tax copy under their name and address.. (though I know it' wasn't stated specifically on the guidance notes) but then I included it in my docs, when I applied. Then after 21-weeks of waiting time I got my FLR(m) visa granted.
    Good luck to you melovesengland, you will be fine..

  9. #9
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by han View Post

    When I applied FLR (M) last 30 Jan 2012- that time me and my husband were living with in-laws, so I only had GP card to provide with my name and their address on it. Then parent's in-law wrote a letter for me such and such.. then they also gave me their water bills; electric bills; and council tax copy under their name and address.. (though I know it' wasn't stated specifically on the guidance notes) but then I included it in my docs, when I applied. Then after 21-weeks of waiting time I got my FLR(m) visa granted.
    Good luck to you melovesengland, you will be fine..
    Thanks Han! Your statement is such a big help. Atleast now, I am not alone and I wasnt alone. There are couples outhere that are in the same situation as mine. Thanks very much!! xxxx

  10. #10
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    i've been waiting for my FLR(M) too for almost 5months and still no news
    i gave them my NHS Letter
    Letter from SKY and Sky bills because its under my name (this is just to provide a proof that i'm living with my husband on the same roof really and for application purposes)
    and that's it!
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  11. #11
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissAna View Post
    i've been waiting for my FLR(M) too for almost 5months and still no news
    i gave them my NHS Letter
    Letter from SKY and Sky bills because its under my name (this is just to provide a proof that i'm living with my husband on the same roof really and for application purposes)
    and that's it!
    thanks for the response MissAna. Such a big help, very much appreciated! thanks a bunch, love!

  12. #12
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    thanks for the response MissAna. Such a big help, very much appreciated! thanks a bunch, love!
    you're welcome
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  13. #13
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    We are now preparing and finalizing my application for FLR M and checked the details, information that we provided on the form. Hoping to send the app very soon.

    Now, here's the list of the docus that are on hand. Can you tell us PLEASE what we are missing so we can comply it right away. Thanks!!

    2 Photographs of the Applicant
    1 Photograph of the Sponsor
    2 Passports (Applicant and Sponsor)
    Marriage Certificate
    Birth Certificates (Applicant and Sponsor)
    Certificate of No Marriage (Applicant)
    English Test Certificate (Applicant)
    NHS Letter (Applicant)
    Employment Letter (Sponsor)
    Payslips (Sponsor)
    P60 (Sponsor)
    Bank Statements
    Share Account Valuation (Sponsor)
    Accommodation Letter
    Solicitors Letter
    Utility Bills (Electric, Water, Telephone and Council Tax)
    Wedding Photographs

  14. #14
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You don't need to send your CENOMAR and wedding photos. Marriage cert is enough proof for that.
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  15. #15
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    You don't need to send your CENOMAR and wedding photos. Marriage cert is enough proof for that.
    Ohh thanks rayna! Big help, you are.

  16. #16
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Good luck meloves, my wife has been waiting almost 7 months now for her FLR and i have e mailed my MP who supposedly has written to the UKBA asking why they take so long but still no news to date. They cashed my cheque within one week asked for barometrics in less than 3 weeks but they cant seem to find the couple of hours it would take to make the basic checks of the submitted documents, its nothing short of pathetic and they are still not fit for purpose.

  17. #17
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malchard888 View Post
    Good luck meloves, my wife has been waiting almost 7 months now for her FLR and i have e mailed my MP who supposedly has written to the UKBA asking why they take so long but still no news to date. They cashed my cheque within one week asked for barometrics in less than 3 weeks but they cant seem to find the couple of hours it would take to make the basic checks of the submitted documents, its nothing short of pathetic and they are still not fit for purpose.

    Same here malchard..
    I've been waiting for 7 months and a week news.. I called UKBA again and just told me that it still has a pending decision status.. I've heard that UKBA are processing June and July applications now..seems like applications earlier than that are being boxed and ignored!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  18. #18
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    Same here malchard..
    I've been waiting for 7 months and a week news.. I called UKBA again and just told me that it still has a pending decision status.. I've heard that UKBA are processing June and July applications now..seems like applications earlier than that are being boxed and ignored!
    7 months? thats horrendous! i am thinking if mine will be as long or longer than yours rayna and malchard888. is that really the timeframe? they cant get quick enough to deduct the fee from your bank but it seems like they are just stacking applications up in a box. unbelievable!!!!!

  19. #19
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Its amazing that if u let them rip u off for another £300 they might even find the time to do it the same day if u pitch up in Croydon which just goes to show there is not much to it, all the hard work was done in the Philippines. There really can be no excuse for such delaying tactics, shame on u UKBA.

  20. #20
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    It's totally crazy and completely unfair.

    Consider sending weekly e-mails to Theresa May with copies to your MP demanding a reason and a decision.
    How about getting the local media involved or even the national media.
    How about getting Cameron involved.

    The more senior people you involve the more public interest in media coverage.

    I have no idea if legal action is possible, but might be worth researching.
    Sometimes just the threat is enough.

    Just brainstorming.
    Shoot me down if I'm wrong.

  21. #21
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    I copied in Mrs May when I first got my MP involved but of course her office didn't have the courtesy to even acknowledge my e mail let alone say they were looking into this unacceptable delay. I don't feel the department will ever be fit for purpose, after all for many of us there are no complications in our applications so what are they trying to achieve by making genuine applicants wait such a ridiculously long time and cause anxiety to all concerned by their inefficiency and bloody mindedness.

  22. #22
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    Please all take a look here, and I hope it give everyone that extra motivation to make their frustrations known:-
    Processing times for FLR(M)

  23. #23
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    its hilarious but we cant do much cant we but wait. i am starting to prepare me self now into a long waiting game that you lot is still experiencing.

    like what my husband said today it might take 10 months or so before i get the result.

  24. #24
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Just a quick update, we have already posted today our application. Waiting game has started but I hope all of us will hear very soon from them. Goodluck and cheers to all!

  25. #25
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    ill post mine this week as well, can i ask, is it special or recorded delivery?

  26. #26
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shandylove View Post
    ill post mine this week as well, can i ask, is it special or recorded delivery?
    Special delivery we used so Im sure it will arrive/reach UKBA before 1pm today. Its trackable also which is good.

  27. #27
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    thank you so much, i will do that as well ,

  28. #28
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Just a quick update, we have already posted today our application. Waiting game has started but I hope all of us will hear very soon from them. Goodluck and cheers to all!
    Welcome to the queue Novie!
    David has been complaining much because he can't travel.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  29. #29
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jlags90 View Post
    Welcome to the queue Novie!
    David has been complaining much because he can't travel.
    I stand to be corrected but as far as I know you can request your husband's passport back? Im not sure but try to seek advices from the experts.

    We are not in a hurry cos we havent got plan yet to go abroad and my husband's job doesnt require any travelling abroad so we are quite happy about that.

    Thanks a bunch for welcoming me!

  30. #30
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    I stand to be corrected but as far as I know you can request your husband's passport back? Im not sure but try to seek advices from the experts.

    We are not in a hurry cos we havent got plan yet to go abroad and my husband's job doesnt require any travelling abroad so we are quite happy about that.

    Thanks a bunch for welcoming me!
    Oh yes, it is possible. We received a letter from UKBA a week after posting our application confirming they have received the documents and gave us a number to phone if we desperately need a document back. We tried to call twice - put on a long queue and after 20 minutes of sky racketing phone bills, we decided to end the call.

    My husband's work doesn't require travelling as well. He just missed flying.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

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