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Thread: CFO, birth certificate, medical and red ribboned documents

  1. #1
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    CFO, birth certificate, medical and red ribboned documents

    Hi all

    My fiancée recently received her UK visa and today visited CFO for the seminar. They did not issue her certificate as they wanted a copy of my decree absolute (she had) and a copy of my birth certificate (did not have). She did have a copy of my passport but they weren't interested in this. They asked her to return with my birth certificate on Monday; she expects they will issue the certificate then after seeing my certificate. I've scanned in my birth certificate and Change of Name Deed (my mother divorced/re-married and I had a name change); I hope they don't require the original birth certificate and are satisfied with a scanned copy. Also, hope they are okay with my name change; I expect they are used to this kind of thing. Seems they won't sticker her passport until the "valid from date" of her visa, so will have to return again to CFO for that.

    She was advised that she needs a medical certificate; no requirement in the UK for this but she will get one just in case the immigration officer at NAIA insists on seeing one.

    Red ribbon was mentioned too but they did not specify which documents would require this. Don't want her to not be allowed to travel because of this. Anyone have any advise on this?

    Btw; I will be travelling to the Philippines to travel back with her as she had not flown long haul before and also to help if any issues entering the UK but I'm not expecting any.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


  2. #2
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    Red Ribbon isn't a UK requirement. I believe it is American. Somebody has their wires crossed. My wife was initially convinced she needed the Red Ribbon but of course she didnt. No need at all.

  3. #3
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    Thanks! We understand the UK entry requirements as they are clearly defined so we're only concerned about issues for her when leaving Manila. Anyone have experience of being asked to present red ribboned documents upon leaving the Philippines for the UK?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mags89 View Post
    Thanks! We understand the UK entry requirements as they are clearly defined so we're only concerned about issues for her when leaving Manila. Anyone have experience of being asked to present red ribboned documents upon leaving the Philippines for the UK?
    If they have then they shouldn't have been. Just the CFO sticker is all that is required as you exit the Philippines, with a fiancee visa.

  5. #5
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    If you want the red Ribbon then take a look at this....

    "So what is the purpose of this procedure? The only reason that makes sense is that DFA authenticates the public/official documents to prove that your documents are legal which is ONLY REQUIRED in some foreign countries.

    The DFA authentication attest to the genuineness of the signature appearing on the attached certification for the purpose of identifying a specific document and giving credence to the official acts of the notary public or certifying officer thereon for use, if and when required, as instrument of evidence in foreign countries. As such, the DFA certification/authentication does not, per se, authenticate the validity/efficacy/enforceability of the basic document itself..."

  6. #6
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    Okay, thanks lastlid; I think it will be safe not to bother then.

  7. #7
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    I recall last year, when my wife was preparing her application for a Spouse visa, she went with a group of girls to the CFO. Initially she had mentioned the CFO and the Red Ribbon thing and I had heard of neither of them before. I subsequently discovered that yes, she certainly did have to visit the CFO and get the certification but on the other hand no, there was no requirement for the Red Ribbon malarky. I think Red Ribbon is embedded in Immigration myth and folklore as a requirement for Filipinas wishing to emigrate overseas.

    I think I found out from the forum what I needed to know about both of these potential requirements. I noticed that some people on the forum had had problems with the CFO, to the say the least. Others said that everything went rather smoothly. Nonetheless my wife and I decided to take no chances and made sure she had at her disposal all that they specified on their website and a range of other materials / information that forum members had said they had been asked for. She went fully prepared. Consequently it went quite smoothly. 2 of her friends on the other hand did not take their husbands / fiancess decree nisi divorce papers and they had to return with them on another day.

  8. #8
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    Okay thx; I hope when she shows my birth certificate and name change deed that they do give her the certificate tomorrow.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mags89 View Post
    Okay thx; I hope when she shows my birth certificate and name change deed that they do give her the certificate tomorrow.
    Good luck.

  10. #10
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mags89 View Post
    Thanks! We understand the UK entry requirements as they are clearly defined so we're only concerned about issues for her when leaving Manila. Anyone have experience of being asked to present red ribboned documents upon leaving the Philippines for the UK?
    No they didnt asked
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  11. #11
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    She got her certificate today but only after CFO made her sit through the seminar again and asked more questions including where I studied and which subjects!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mags89 View Post
    She got her certificate today but only after CFO made her sit through the seminar again and asked more questions including where I studied and which subjects!
    They got ya! Or rather your gf. Anyhow, relief that she is through that stuff.

  13. #13
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    I know its too late to reply on this thread but i like to share my CFO experience. I attended the seminar at Manila Office on Sept 2012. I'm on the queue at 5:20am along with the 40+ attendees standing and waiting from 2am onwards. US, Canada, and Australia was a crowded line. UK & other European countries were less busy. The security guards opened the door at 6:30am, called the US bound attendees (maximum 15 pax), then Europe (with only 7 pax available to attend).

    One at a time the guard asked for one valid Philippine issued ID with photograph. After verification he issued a color-coded number along with the CFO application form. The ID remained in custody of the guard until the whole CFO process is completed. By the way, the form is available online and you can fill in advance. One passport size ID needs to be pasted on the form. At 7:30am the guard advised all Europe bound attendees to go on the 9th floor of the CFO Building.

    One CFO Rep was waiting when we reached the 9th floor. She asked 7 of us to make a single line and wait until being called for. She asked one valid Philippine issued ID with photograph (photocopy is also needed), passport (photocopy of the data page is needed, visa (photocopy is also needed) and the CFO application form. She raised similar questions to everybody (e.g. name, fiance/husband name, parents name of both with mother's maiden name - very important, purpose of attending the seminar, birthday of both, age of both, and work of both. Answers to those questions are compared with your CFO application form. Kindly ensure that all information given verbally and written on the form are genuine to avoid doubts/discrepancy or else further investigation and multiple documents shall be presented. Then she took a photo to be used on the CFO Certificate.

    Another CFO Rep came at 9am to do the seminar. She explained the life in the UK through power point presentation. This includes the culture, religion, rights, NHS, national insurance, visa, work permit, and benefits. The second part is about relationship with the foreign nationals. Everyone has been asked to participate and share personal experience on the following issues: courtship/marriage, adjustments/difficulties encountered, culture differences, financial matters like personal/joint account and sending money to Philippines to support family, religion, family planning, relationship with the in-laws and other family members, greatest fear as couples, where to live, and who to make decision. The last part of the slide is about the documents needed when leaving the country.

    After the presentation, the same CFO Rep continued her work. She reviewed the CFO application form of each attendees then started to interview. Above questions have been asked again to check consistency. Additional are: where you met your partner (if online which site is that), what are the means and how often do you communicate with your partner, what he does for a living, and your plan to work abroad. Again its compared with the CFO application form. She did not ask for any evidence (i.e. photos, email, red ribbon, birth certificate) since all information are correct. Even to those who struggled about their partners mother's maiden name and partner's education and job. She worked patiently and in a professional way.

    After the interview she told everybody to pay Php 400 on the cashier downstair and wait on the 1st floor for the guidance certificate and CFO sticker. After 30 minutes both certificate and sticker are ready for collection, around 12:30pm. Neither documents nor questions have been asked on the collection booth. Before leaving kindly make sure that your name is spelled correctly or else you're in trouble on the day of your flight to UK.


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