........ and cold, wet miserable weather without any warm sunshine on your face. Ever increasing unemployment and ever increasing prices leading to ever increasing poverty.
You could also share in ever increasing tax levels and austerity.
Oh don't forget those ever increasing prices and the ever increasing corruption and 'I'm alright jack' behaviour with a '

you for dessert.
Oh, don't let me forget the those ever present youths of around 11 - 13 years of age and 5 foot tall wearing baseball caps and fake Ralph Lauren shellsuits with their trousers tucked into his socks who pose agressively with a cigarette in one hand and a 'weapon' in the other. Immitation jewellery all over and usually blocking the entrance to the town centre McDonalds thinking he's actually 9 foot tall and built like Mike Tyson.
Any excuse me's or glances his way results in him puffing up in disgust saying “Whacha lookin at, gotta problem? Oh Yeah, whatcha gunna do bout it?
Then when challenged they wet themselves and either hide behind the skirt of their gobby and pregnant 12-year-old girlfriend or they go running and crying to the older brother who's just joined the army and learned martial arts.
Take no notice of me. I'm just suffering from twitterati from others who seem to want me to decide to get out of UK now with them and sail off to the paradise islands.
Hey ho, time will come.
You're very welcome here Ricky