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Thread: Food labelling: Consistent system 'to start next year'

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Food labelling: Consistent system 'to start next year'

    "A consistent system of front-of-pack food labelling will be introduced in the UK next year, the government says.

    A combination of guideline daily amounts, colour coding and "high, medium or low" wording will be used to show how much fat, salt and sugar and how many calories are in each product.

    The scheme will be voluntary, but ministers are confident they have the food industry on board.

    Talks will take place later this week over the exact design of the labels.

    The announcement looks likely to mark the end of a long-running campaign to introduce front-of-pack labelling.

    It has been under discussion for the past decade as a way of tackling the rising rates of obesity.

    But the introduction of a consistent system has proved difficult, and instead a range of different labels have been introduced over the years."

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    first thing i look at is the price

  3. #3
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    I worked as a manager in supermarkets all my life, It won't make much differance, Most people don't look at labelling they just buy whats convenient for them. The ones that want healthy foods usually now what they want anyway. People still buy cigarettes and the warning says they will kill you,but go on smoking. So labeling food saying it could make you fat or unhealthy will not make much differance to most people

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I worked as a manager in supermarkets all my life, It won't make much differance, Most people don't look at labelling they just buy whats convenient for them. The ones that want healthy foods usually now what they want anyway. People still buy cigarettes and the warning says they will kill you,but go on smoking. So labeling food saying it could make you fat or unhealthy will not make much differance to most people
    I think it will help those who are seeking the healthier products but are unsure of the content of the products they are potentially buying. I hope so. A standard labelling system ought to be good for that.

    And I hope it will lead to a change in pre prepared food quality being sold.

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