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Thread: Obama v Romney

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Obama v Romney

    This is the easiest money you'll get anywhere with betting: Obama will win easily.

    Why? Because it all comes down to 1 or 2 swing states, and this time it looks like Ohio, which is siding with obama, the second state is Florida which is also leaning towards the President. A 3rd tossup state is Iowa, also leaning towards the current top guy, while a 4th, Viginia is also the same.

    Obama is looking to need around 15 votes from those with 56 on offer, so splitting it 50/50 he's home and dry easily. Romney needs to pick up around 80 from states mostly leaning away from him!!!

    Here's on map that gives a pretty accurate picture of the truth, the media are just hyping it all up for news purposes.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Looks like a win for labour.

  3. #3
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    I really hope that Obama wins.

    It's hard to believe that Romney has go so much support. He's got some views that are absolutely nuts! But that seems to apply to so many republicans....

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I really hope that Obama wins.

    It's hard to believe that Romney has go so much support. He's got some views that are absolutely nuts! But that seems to apply to so many republicans....
    You're right, but just think back to the likes of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan or even George Bush. All considered nuts but eventually got elected and made some earth shaking moments.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    There`s a lot of Yanks on this island I live on and they HATE Obama... Did I say HATE? Yes.I did.. They are mainly ex U.S military but certainly not all.
    I try to wind them up by saying I think he`s doing a good job and he will probably win which I really enjoy . I have to be very careful though...
    Its just not safe!
    I detect a real racist under current (which most of them deny) that will boil over just about the time when Romney concedes..
    Think I`ll hide that day.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I find the Republicans as a whole a scary bunch. How they considered Bush was leadership material is beyond me and more recently Palin as a potential Vice President was laughable. The fact that the religious right and pro life brigade have such an influence on who becomes leader is worrying.
    However I do feel Obama hasn't had a great first term and thats why it's a bit closer than what it should be although I'd guess that the Republicans secretly know they've lost this one.

  7. #7
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