Quote Originally Posted by shinx View Post
she will not reply for one week and she knows today is my birthday. I found out myself accidentally through a secret facebook page she has she gave birth end of September (when I know ostensibly visiting relatives out of cell area) and for 2 weeks after chatting me as if nothing happened. found also a cheek to cheek picture with the father at an event I remember I payed for her to go to and a new dress. That was so awful to see. I have written forgiving her if only she will talk. sorry to post this yes I am devastated. the facebook page was deleted after I sent a friend request and her bf blocked me from his. I was supporting her and her family all this time with never any reason to doubt and daily contact kept me confident with that. dont want to believe I have been used but her silence is deafening.

I know it will be hard shinx, but she obviously cheated and scammed you. We have a trusted member here, named mick, who had that same situation..well the difference is he married the scammer and then when he got back to UK, his wife went back to her bf and had a baby off him..then after giving birth she went to UK and obviously just used mick (of course without him knowing everything until someone informed him)..consider yourself lucky in escaping the situation quite easy.