hi greetingS!
Hey guys juz recently signed up n here, im seeking prompt advice, i hope one of u can help me sort this out! want to raise d flag to those who are very knowledgeable and can give me d efficient tips bout what to do wid regards to visa and civil partnerships! im 25 and my fiancee is 40+, hes a local here, and im here in UK as tourist visa(6month),i arrived here last sept, running my 2nd month here and planning to get married in a registrars office, what should i do? do i have to go back to Philippines? do i have to contact UK border agency about this? what documents should i secure? and how many years do i have to stay before i can get my british citizenship! should i stay here in UK and cant go back to d Philippines to reached d PR status? need adequate advice! thanks!
Yours Truly