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Thread: divorce

  1. #31
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Your lady can complete the divorce in the UK if it has already been filed, that will be recognised in 99% of countries, but not the Phil. This leaves her free to marry in the UK.

    However, if she applies for a spouse visa she needs to show she is free to marry, now whether the UKBA accepts the UK divorce, I don't know, although I'd imagine they would otherwise why issue it?

    To prevent any issues in the future she needs to get an annulment in the Phil.

    One word of advice, don't get a tourist visa to visit 'friends' when she is actually coming to see you, if the UKBA finds out this can cause issues in the future. You need to visit her in the Phil as proof of relationship for any future spouse visa.

    Can I have some Rep now no one ever gives me any
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #32
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    this siteis sooooo slow today

    where is your lady now?...if her visa expires why not just file an annulment in the PH ?

    shes back in the phils. she sais an annulment would take forever and cost £1000's

    DIY divorce for £300----oooh yes please---best i can do is forms=£100+

    then court fee £450+ ( daylight robbery ) so about £550---with no kids--no property adjustment--nothing--oh--clean break agreement. this is for me--and my ex-to-be----to tear up a worthless piece of paper (marriage cert )

  3. #33
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    Dry your tears boss. Rep dispatched.

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Dry your tears boss. Rep dispatched.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #35
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    One word of advice, don't get a tourist visa to visit 'friends' when she is actually coming to see you, if the UKBA finds out this can cause issues in the future. You need to visit her in the Phil as proof of relationship for any future spouse visa.

    interesting--i was advised the exact opposite elsewhere on the forum.

    surely--if she applies for a tourist visa--she can visit whoever she likes?

    she really does have a sister--married to a local guy--living nearby---using her address as lodgings during her " holiday" here----plus other friends/relatives elsewhere.

    then--is she chooses to see me--and stay with me some of the time--isnt this proof we have actually met if she applies for a fiancee visa next time?

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post

    One word of advice, don't get a tourist visa to visit 'friends' when she is actually coming to see you, if the UKBA finds out this can cause issues in the future. You need to visit her in the Phil as proof of relationship for any future spouse visa.

    interesting--i was advised the exact opposite elsewhere on the forum.

    surely--if she applies for a tourist visa--she can visit whoever she likes?

    she really does have a sister--married to a local guy--living nearby---using her address as lodgings during her " holiday" here----plus other friends/relatives elsewhere.

    then--is she chooses to see me--and stay with me some of the time--isnt this proof we have actually met if she applies for a fiancee visa next time?
    a problem might be that if she doesn't mention shes in a relationship with you now and she applies for a visit visa, and later on when she applies for another visa but now mentions she is in a relationship with you and was before she applied for the previous visit visa, she could be refused the new visa for with holding important information from her previous visa app.

    i doubt they would refuse it if her new visa app was for a settlement visa, but i think its possible she could be refused another visit visa, but chances i think are low but possible.

  7. #37
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    a problem might be that if she doesn't mention shes in a relationship with you now and she applies for a visit visa, and later on when she applies for another visa but now mentions she is in a relationship with you and was before she applied for the previous visit visa,

    fair comment. but in our case there is no evidence or record we are in a relationship. no-one in the UK was aware of it. it now depends on this divorce business--if it prevents future settlement here--we're screwed.

  8. #38
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    fair comment. but in our case there is no evidence or record we are in a relationship. no-one in the UK was aware of it. it now depends on this divorce business--if it prevents future settlement here--we're screwed.
    If she applies for a visit visa she MUST mention she is in a relationship with you, not doing so has caused complications in the past with other visa's.

    Proof of relationship usually means you have to have been the Philippines to show commitment, not in all case, but the MAJORITY... yes, and it definitely helps with spouse visa's.

    It's best to keep it as simple as possible and truthful from the outset with the UKBA.

    Annulment prevents problems in the Phil in the future, Westerners have been arrested and jailed for marrying a Phil that has not been annulled. It can be done within a few months, ask in a new thread.
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #39
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    Proof of relationship usually means you have to have been the Philippines to show commitment, not in all case, but the MAJORITY... yes, and it definitely helps with spouse visa's.

    ha--right--well ive no intention of flying halfway round the planet to " prove" anything.

    i cant see any reason she cant meet me when shes here on a visit--we keep photos etc--then--next time--if she applies for a fiancee visa--we will have evidence we have met--in this country.

    as ive no intention of ever travelling over there in the future--i'm not going to lose any sleep about being arrested there for bigamy.

    as far as i can see--if she gets a divorce in a UK court of law--and we are then allowed to marry---in this country--then i will be happy with that.

    time will tell.

  10. #40
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    You have no intention of ever visiting her home country ?

  11. #41
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    You have no intention of ever visiting her home country ?

    even if i could get medical insurance--which i doubt-----i hate flying at the best of times.

    the money saved on a return flight could help pay the fiancee visa fee. priorities!!

  12. #42
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    even if i could get medical insurance--which i doubt-----i hate flying at the best of times.
    Excuses You can get insurance for ANY medical condition with Flexicover, I pay £130 for a years insurance to cover all my problems, and none of us enjoy being stuck in a metal tube for 12+ hours but the experience and reasons for going outnumber the reasons not to do it.

    This forum has been around for over 10 years and from experience with 1000's of members not visiting the Phil has caused issues with spouse visa's, just giving you the facts, especailly as she is now not resident in the UK.

    The main object of things to do prior to applying for a visa is to limit the number of reasons it can be denied by the UKBA. Do that as many others have taken the advice, and the visa is issued with no problems.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #43
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    from experience with 1000's of members not visiting the Phil has caused issues with spouse visa'

    well--yes--i can certainly see that being the case if a couple have only " met" on the internet--not had any physical contact.

    our case is completely different. we lived together here in the UK this year till her student visa expired. however--there is no evidence of this.

    so--if she can get a tourist--or family visa to come back for a few months--thats the time to start the clock starts ticking--amass evidence we have now met and a relationship started. she can stay with her sister at the start of her visit. there is no proof we have already been in a relationship.

    meantime--her UK divorce should go through. i am hoping to sell my house to free up the money needed to fund the savings needed. i can then rent a suitable place.

    she then goes back to the phils when her tourist visa expires.

    we then apply for a fiancee visa in 12 months time. by then my savings should have been in place for 6 months.

    well--thats the plan for now. no doubt others on here will blow big holes in it.

  14. #44
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    Well of course it's up to you whether or not you choose to take the advice offered.

    Good luck.

  15. #45
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    are there any readers here now who have successfully got their future partners into this country--without having ever gone to the phils?

  16. #46
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    our case is completely different. we lived together here in the UK this year till her student visa expired. however--there is no evidence of this.
    So in reality none of that actually ever existed to the UKBA so you are starting from scratch, and she is in the Phil. So your case is no different than others who actually met online when it comes to applying for a visa.

    so--if she can get a tourist--or family visa to come back for a few months--thats the time to start the clock starts ticking--amass evidence we have now met and a relationship started.
    This is the problem myself and others have pointed out as it comes down to abuse of the Tourist visa and the UKBA look down on this type of thing and we have seen many Spouse visa's refused for trying to 'bend' the rules which is clearly what you will be doing even if you think otherwise. When evidence is supplied as evidence of relationship on a tourist visa it takes some explaining to the UKBA.

    You can take the easy route and visit her in the Phil which results in the vast majority of visa's being issued on that evidence, or try it your way and gamble the fact the majority get refused based on the experience of others on here.

    If one trip meant the difference between definitely being with the girl of your dreams for life, or a long hard struggle with the UKBA, I know what all the members on here would pick.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #47
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    well--as i said above--we cant prove we have been in a relationship--then neither can UKBA.

    so--if she is granted tourist visa--and we meet again and a relationship starts--this is likely to be viewed badly if we apply for a fiancee visa at a future date?

    whereas if i fly out there for a holiday--we meet--i come back--then apply for the same fiancee visa--it should be OK???

    all a bit academic at this stage--lets see if she gets a tourist visa first---after all--she only flew home in august

  18. #48
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    can we wind back a bit here--i think ive created the wrong impression.

    i'm not trying to bend any rules--or break any laws.

    i also think ive received conflicting advice in other sections.

    so---given our situation--just what visa should my lady apply for-?-all she wants to do is visit this country for a while and spend some time with me.

    what would this visa be called?

  19. #49
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    tourist visa i think, but very hard to come by

  20. #50
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Can I have some Rep now no one ever gives me any
    so where did you get the 246 from, you have not been giving yourself any have you

  21. #51
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a general visit visa, but if she has family in the UK who are willing to sponsor her she could apply for a family visit visa - which she might have a better chance of getting.

  22. #52
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    a general visit visa,
    what is the differance between this and a tourist visa

  23. #53
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    a general visit visa,

    what is the differance between this and a tourist visa
    in fact there is no tourist visa, its proper name is a general visit visa

  24. #54
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    can we wind back a bit here--i think ive created the wrong impression.

    i'm not trying to bend any rules--or break any laws.

    i also think ive received conflicting advice in other sections.

    so---given our situation--just what visa should my lady apply for-?-all she wants to do is visit this country for a while and spend some time with me.

    what would this visa be called?
    can we wind up a bit here....please read all the replies regarding your original post (DIVORCE) as it had made a good advice coming from the admin ...

    now,make a new thread about the visit visa for your gf.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  25. #55
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    so where did you get the 246 from, you have not been giving yourself any have you
    I got to a certain level and folk must have thought I had enough .... plus I usually post total waffle
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #56
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    ok--so general visa or family visa--either way--each costs the same=£78--?

    so if she is lucky enough to get one--it gives us time to be together--and--gather proof we have actually met each other and a relationship has begun. anything illegal--or for that matter---unusual in this??

    now--after she then returns to the phils at the end of this visa----is there any minimum time limit before she can apply for a fiancee visa?

  27. #57
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    this siteis sooooo slow today

    where is your lady now?...if her visa expires why not just file an annulment in the PH ?

    shes back in the phils. she sais an annulment would take forever and cost £1000's

    DIY divorce for £300----oooh yes please---best i can do is forms=£100+

    then court fee £450+ ( daylight robbery ) so about £550---with no kids--no property adjustment--nothing--oh--clean break agreement. this is for me--and my ex-to-be----to tear up a worthless piece of paper (marriage cert )
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post

    then--is she chooses to see me--and stay with me some of the time--isnt this proof we have actually met if she applies for a fiancee visa next time?
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post

    ha--right--well ive no intention of flying halfway round the planet to " prove" anything.

    time will tell.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post

    well--yes--i can certainly see that being the case if a couple have only " met" on the internet--not had any physical contact.

    our case is completely different. we lived together here in the UK this year till her student visa expired. however--there is no evidence of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post

    so--if she is granted tourist visa--and we meet again and a relationship starts--this is likely to be viewed badly if we apply for a fiancee visa at a future date?

    whereas if i fly out there for a holiday--we meet--i come back--then apply for the same fiancee visa--it should be OK???

    all a bit academic at this stage--lets see if she gets a tourist visa first---after all--she only flew home in august
    you wanted to take short cuts on everything...your original post stated that your gf has filed a foreign divorce which is pending why?? because shes not here in uk?? how can she apply a foreign divorce is shes in the PH were her marriage is existing??

    your gf is in the PH let her file an annulment which will cost around 200-250,000 pesos or more....then when the annulment is done , you can come and visit her in the PH to prove that you have met and the relationship is existing... then she can apply for fiance visa to go to the UK.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  28. #58
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    ok--so general visa or family visa--either way--each costs the same=£78--?

    so if she is lucky enough to get one--it gives us time to be together--and--gather proof we have actually met each other and a relationship has begun. anything illegal--or for that matter---unusual in this??

    now--after she then returns to the phils at the end of this visa----is there any minimum time limit before she can apply for a fiancee visa?
    yes you are correct Illegal is the correct term,..she can prove that her relationship with you is existing and at the same time her previous marriage is still existing in all the civil records in the Philippines.
    now fiance visa chances is ''nil'' until she gets annulment.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  29. #59
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The UKBA now check the Phil records of marriage.
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #60
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    The UKBA now check the Phil records of marriage.

    now--that IS interesting. so--if my lady's UK divorce is successful--is she then legally free to marry in this country or not?

    has anyone else on here done this? is the UKBA likely to answer if i write to them for a decision on this?

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