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Thread: Visa decision

  1. #31
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Good news! Congratulations
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  2. #32
    Member Andrew1971's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    She needs to attend CFO guidance counselling and obtain a CFO sticker before she will leave Philippines. She needs that for her exit.

    Visit this link for more details and search threads bout CFO guidance counselling and sticker.

    Congrats by the way and well done!
    First congratulatiion to Mark and his fiance :-)

    Hello Melovesengland
    My wife is waiting for documents,we dont know for sure yet if She have visa,but I've question about that CFO sticker,I know that She need to have course which last for about 4 hours and after that course She need to get that sticker into He passport.Im wonder if She can do that in one day? Can She get that sticker after end of that 4 hours course? Is it in the same building? Im asking that question,because She is from Davao-Pantukan so She need to fly there and stay through the night and then go back to Davao.Im wonder if You can help us with our question,thank You in advance

  3. #33
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  4. #34
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew1971 View Post
    First congratulatiion to Mark and his fiance :-)

    Hello Melovesengland
    My wife is waiting for documents,we dont know for sure yet if She have visa,but I've question about that CFO sticker,I know that She need to have course which last for about 4 hours and after that course She need to get that sticker into He passport.Im wonder if She can do that in one day? Can She get that sticker after end of that 4 hours course? Is it in the same building? Im asking that question,because She is from Davao-Pantukan so She need to fly there and stay through the night and then go back to Davao.Im wonder if You can help us with our question,thank You in advance
    Hiya andrew!

    Yes, I am pretty suire that she can do both in one day. I aint sure bout if she gets the sticker in the same building as I went into SMEF-COW for my CFO which was a one stop processing centre (which is closed now).

    I am from Davao too. What I have done before was we booked my ticket to London for saturday then I flew to Manila on a thursday, stayed in a hotel near SMEF-COW and done my CFO on a friday. I then flew to London via etihad on that Saturday.

    Try to visit the CFO website for the schedule and wait for your passport first to arrive with the VALID VISA on it.

  5. #35
    Member Andrew1971's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Hiya andrew!

    Yes, I am pretty suire that she can do both in one day. I aint sure bout if she gets the sticker in the same building as I went into SMEF-COW for my CFO which was a one stop processing centre (which is closed now).

    I am from Davao too. What I have done before was we booked my ticket to London for saturday then I flew to Manila on a thursday, stayed in a hotel near SMEF-COW and done my CFO on a friday. I then flew to London via etihad on that Saturday.

    Try to visit the CFO website for the schedule and wait for your passport first to arrive with the VALID VISA on it.

    Thank You so much for Your effort and information
    Yes,You are right we should wait for visa first..ahhh we're cant wait to be together :-)
    Yes,thats good idea that She can go to Manila and after geting sticker She can fly to Londonw,I was even thinking that..lets see what She will think about it :-)
    I visit Philippines 3 times and I stayed at my wife home in Pantukan-Lahi,by the main road between Tagum and Pantukan.Last time I travel Etihad too,We went to Crocodile Park in Davao and we walk through kind of Chinese Town.We often did our shoping in Tagum..wet market,I like green bike for travel.
    Once again thank You :-)

  6. #36
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew1971 View Post
    Thank You so much for Your effort and information
    Yes,You are right we should wait for visa first..ahhh we're cant wait to be together :-)
    Yes,thats good idea that She can go to Manila and after geting sticker She can fly to Londonw,I was even thinking that..lets see what She will think about it :-)
    I visit Philippines 3 times and I stayed at my wife home in Pantukan-Lahi,by the main road between Tagum and Pantukan.Last time I travel Etihad too,We went to Crocodile Park in Davao and we walk through kind of Chinese Town.We often did our shoping in Tagum..wet market,I like green bike for travel.
    Once again thank You :-)
    Yes, better wait for the visa first then go forward. Its a nice thinking though, its good to have a plan. Thats gives you something to look forward to.

    Your welcome andrew. Its my pleasure to help. Good you enjoyed Davao.

  7. #37
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark0971 View Post
    Hi everyone. My fiancee got the decision today and guess what it has been approved. Yee-ha. Im over the moon. What are the next steps? Will she need to do anthing else? Thanks again for any help and support.
    Mark ... Congratulations to you and your fiancee on a job well done!

  8. #38
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    Thank you my good man.

  9. #39
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Great news congrats.

  10. #40
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    I have read on this forum that it can be a bit risky attempting to get the CFO sticker and flight on the same day.

    Also, foe example, my wife attended the SMEF COW in Manila with 3 others. 2 of them had to go back for another visit as they didn't have their hubbies divorce papers with them.

    Getting the CFO sticker(s) on the planned day isn't necessarily a foregone conclusion, evidently.

  11. #41
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    , Mark ... a belated from me; it seems you joined when I was on holiday! And you a fellow , too!!

  12. #42
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I have read on this forum that it can be a bit risky attempting to get the CFO sticker and flight on the same day.

    Also, foe example, my wife attended the SMEF COW in Manila with 3 others. 2 of them had to go back for another visit as they didn't have their hubbies divorce papers with them.

    Getting the CFO sticker(s) on the planned day isn't necessarily a foregone conclusion, evidently.
    Yes, your right Lastlid. It can be very risky and it needs to be planned. Limited slots and first come first serve basis in the main CFO office now.

    Ive done it in a day as I dont have any minor issues on my side and on my husbands side which makes me a bit lucky to do it all in one day.

  13. #43
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Great news.

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