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Thread: Transfer Land Title

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  1. #1
    Respected Member blessed_ekim0826's Avatar
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    Transfer Land Title

    Happy Halloween guys,

    My Mother has a land title from her family and it named to my grandmother who is died already. Can I transfer the land title to my name? Does someone know how long it will take for the process? I need to transfer it ASAP so I can use it as one of my asset here. Pls give me some advice. Thank You

  2. #2
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    did u ask ur mother?

  3. #3
    Respected Member blessed_ekim0826's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irishman12 View Post
    did u ask ur mother?
    Yes I asked her and we dont know how to transfer it and how long it takes to transfer it to my name.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_steve View Post
    Happy Halloween guys,

    My Mother has a land title from her family and it named to my grandmother who is died already. Can I transfer the land title to my name? Does someone know how long it will take for the process? I need to transfer it ASAP so I can use it as one of my asset here. Pls give me some advice. Thank You

    You need to do some work on this so it may not be very quick process.
    From what you've said it seems that your grandmother did not leave any will.
    There will need to be a search done for any other relatives.

    Personally, the first thing I would check is if the title is clean and who, and how many other title holders are involved. Also if the property (or part of the property) is mortgaged or already donated, then go from there.

    It may depend how long it's been since your grandmother passed away, but at some point someone may need to settle the estate of your grandmother with tax and maybe even penalties etc.

    If you mother can be found to be the legal heir, then she can donate the property to you.

    It all takes time though.

  5. #5
    Respected Member blessed_ekim0826's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    You need to do some work on this so it may not be very quick process.
    From what you've said it seems that your grandmother did not leave any will.
    There will need to be a search done for any other relatives.

    Personally, the first thing I would check is if the title is clean and who, and how many other title holders are involved. Also if the property (or part of the property) is mortgaged or already donated, then go from there.

    It may depend how long it's been since your grandmother passed away, but at some point someone may need to settle the estate of your grandmother with tax and maybe even penalties etc.

    If you mother can be found to be the legal heir, then she can donate the property to you.

    It all takes time though.
    How long u think it takes to transfer it to my name and what should we do coz we know nothing about it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_steve View Post
    How long u think it takes to transfer it to my name and what should we do coz we know nothing about it.
    Sorry, but based on the starting position you've outlined no-one can give you any indication of :-

    1. If it's possible
    2. The processing time.

    Your mother cannot donate any title (or part of any title) to you unless she is the legal holder of the title. Period.

    You must identify legal title holder(s)

    May I very kindly suggest you do some research.
    Take a look at Republic Act No.386 - The Civil Code of the Philippines

    Start at Article 960 and continue through to article 1014
    Here you will find the information you need concerning:-
    - Intestate Succession
    - Partition and Distribution of the Estate

    It sounds daunting, but it doesn't take too long to gain a good insight.

    Good luck

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