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Thread: Dilemma about Tourist Visa

  1. #1
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    Dilemma about Tourist Visa

    Good day everyone.

    I would like to seek an assistance regarding my dilemma. I am planning to visit my boyfriend in London this coming December. My concerns are:

    * I am currently working in a hotel in Egypt, my contract for two years is already done however I am planning to renew again just to have a proof I have a tie in coming back here. I have a bank account but I dont have any properties in the Philippines. Only the job I have here is my tie.

    *The reason I will state to visit my boyfriend is to spend the holiday. ie. Christmas, my birthday. Is it enough reason to justify why I am coming there?

    * I will have a return flight back ticket from Cairo - Philippines and Philippines to Cairo that is booked and paid by my company for my holiday entitlement on either Dec or Jan. Will it help to prove I don't have any intentions to stay in London and will be back to Egypt to travel home after my visa expires for my holiday and work?

    * My boyfriend and I met twice here in Cairo. Last January and this October. Is it much advisable to have a sponsorship from him? Will our relationship be a hindrance? What documents we need?

    * I am planning to submit my documents at the end of the moment and my target date of coming to London will be on Dec 10. Am i running out of time?

    I hope someone can help me. I tried to list down all the notes of my concerns. Looking forward for your kindest reply. Thank you

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    lovebelieve, please stop posting multiple threads as I already approved your first post.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
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    I do apologize Raynaputi as I got hesitant if I am allowed already to post in the thread. Thanks for the approval on my post.

    Im looking forward fro the generous reply of members in here. Thanks again.. Hopefully sooner or later I can have a respond already that may help me in y application.

  4. #4
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    Hello lovebelieve, welcome here to the forum

    Your chances will be better if you can demonstrate a renewed contract.

    Birthdays in themselves are mostly not considered as good reasons to justify. However, often this is not used as the primary reason for any refusals.

    A Return ticket does not indicate any probability that you will return before Visa Expiry.

    It would be an important evidence if your b/f could support your application with a supporting invitation letter.

    Be aware that General visit visa is much faster to process, but can vary between a few days to 15 days.

    The Visit visa has very low cost so I would suggest you get cracking on your preparations and submit asap.

    Here's something I posted recently that I hope will contain some helpful hints for you:-

    Securing a tourist visit visa is notoriously problematic for many reasons.
    Not least because approval or refusal of General Visitor (tourist) visa applications is principally based on the discretion of the ECO.
    Basically there is no appeal process.

    The major complication is the need by the applicant to prove a non-immigrant intent. Applicants wishing to come to the UK under a tourist visit must clearly demonstrate that they do not intend to remain in the UK on a permanent basis. Immigration law places this burden of proof on the applicant.
    In order to grant a temporary visa, the ECO must be satisfied that the applicant has strong social, economic and family ties abroad that would compel them to leave the UK at the end of the temporary stay.

    Unfortunately, in most cases it becomes difficult to overcome this presumption.

    The UKBA page specifically for UK Visit Visa's can be found here with additional detailed information which can be found here and also explains what you are allowed to do while you are in the UK as a visitor.
    It's well worth taking a look around and checking out all of the links provided.
    Anyone coming to the UK as a visitor, will usually be granted a visa with a validity for up to 6 months stay.

    Anyone 'sponsoring' a visitor to UK should also review the UKBA webpage Sponsoring a General Visitor

    In principle, you must be able to show that:-

    - you are 18 or over
    - you intend to visit the UK for no more than 6 months
    - you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit
    - you have enough money to support and accommodate yourself without working or help from public funds, or you and any dependants will be supported and accommodated by relatives or friends
    - you can meet the cost of the return or onward journey
    - you are not in transit to a country outside the 'Common Travel Area' (Ireland, the UK, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands).
    - you do not intend to take paid or unpaid employment, produce goods or provide services, including the selling of goods or services directly to members of the public
    - you do not intend to do a course of study
    - you do not intend to marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership
    - you do not intend to carry out the activities of a business visitor, a sports visitor or an entertainer visitor
    - you do not intend to receive private medical treatment

    You can downdload the application form and guidance notes from this page

    Understand how to apply by reviewing the page Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines

    Note: You should look for VFS in Egypt to make your application

    Concerning the actual documents you'll need to submit in evidence, it really does come down to your personal circumstance but generally must contain:-
    - information about you
    - information about your finances and employment
    - your accommodation and travel details
    - information about your visit to the UK

    As examples of the type of documents that could be supplied Here is the UKBA Guide to Supporting Documents for visiting the UK

    For the General Visitor the application should be supported with some of the following documents for a sucessful application:-

    - if you are employed, a letter from your employer granting leave of absence from your job for a specified period - the letter should also say how long you have been employed by that employer, in what job(s), and when you are expected back at work
    - if you are self-employed, evidence of your business activities and financial standing
    - evidence of any property you own in your home country
    - if you are a student, a letter from your school or college stating the course you are on, its start and finish dates, and the dates of the holiday period when you intend to visit the United Kingdom
    - evidence of any family or social ties and responsibilities to return home to
    - evidence of any firm travel plans you have made
    - bank statements going back over a period of several months
    - evidence of savings/funds available to you during your stay
    - evidence you can financially maintain and accommodate yourself in the UK with or without assistance from family/friends living in the UK but without resource to public funding or employment.

    Your sponsor can help greatly by providing an invitation/supporting letter to confirm the support they will be providing in terms of financial assistance and/or accommodation.

    If the sponsor is intending to totally support the visit this is a listing of fairly typical supporting documents that should be provided:-

    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proff of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details (including owner's agreement / rental agreement)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevant stamp pages)
    - P60 (if available)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind when applying for a visa for UK, is that you should have an intention to return to your home country. Have a well thought out travel plan. Date of Travel, duration of stay and reasons for travelling.

    The absolute keys are going to be:-

    - Reasons to return home that outweigh reasons to stay
    - Financials

    Reasons to return home and strong/complelling ties differ from country to country, city to city, individual to individual.
    Some examples of ties can be a job, a house, social and family relationships, a bank account, possessions etc
    The ECO will be looking to see if the aspects of your life that bind you to your country outweigh those aspects that may cause you to be unwilling to return to your home country, or to attempt to change or extend your visa status.

    The positive aspect of visit visa application is that of it's very low cost.
    So nothing to lose and everything to gain.
    Hope this helps a little

  5. #5
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    Hi Mr. Terpe thank you very much for your great help.

    I am just confused regarding the difference of the tourist visa versus the general visit visa?? Are they different. Thinking that obtaining those visa is indeed notorious.

    I fet a bit helpless now as I dont know what reason I can write to justify the reason I am coming in London. In my heart I just wanted to spend the holidays with him. Is it morelikely unacceptable reason??

    Can I ask an advice on what my boyfriend can write on the sponsorship letter to justify or secure that I dont have any reason to stay in London??

    I am looking for your kindest reply sir. Thanks again

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovebelieve View Post

    I am just confused regarding the difference of the tourist visa versus the general visit visa?? Are they different....
    Please follow the links I gave for the UKBA page specifically for UK Visit Visa's which can be found here with additional detailed information which can be found here

    Don't forget to follow all the other links I gave.

    ........I fet a bit helpless now as I dont know what reason I can write to justify the reason I am coming in London.....
    What I was trying to say is that is risky to just state you will make the visit solely for birthday celebration.
    You didn't say just how long you plan to stay in UK but the duration and the reasons to visit need to match each other somewhat. So maybe you could include holiday, touring around together and sightseeing etc etc.

    .....Can I ask an advice on what my boyfriend can write on the sponsorship letter to justify or secure that I dont have any reason to stay in London??.....
    It's always a bit of a challenge to write a good sponsorship/invitation letter. But do remember that the visa decision is primarily decided around YOU as the applicant.
    A good sponsor/invitation letter should aim to provide the most important background information that the ECO would need.
    There is no specific method or style once all the required information is visible in the letter.

    Ideally the letter should contain:-

    About the applicant being invited:-

    - Complete name.
    - Your relationship to the person being invited.
    - The purpose of the trip.
    - How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in the United Kingdom.
    - Details on accommodation and living expenses.
    - The date the person you are inviting intends to arrive and leave the United Kingdom.

    About the sponsor/person writing the letter:-

    - Complete name.
    - Date of birth.
    - Address and telephone number in the United Kingdom.
    - Occupation.
    - Your status in the United Kingdom
    - Photocopy of documents proving your status in the United Kingdom and financial Status.
    - Whether holiday leave has been granted by your employer

    In cases where financial sponsorship is being offered:-

    - Level of financial assistance/accommodation
    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proff of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details (including owner's agreement / rental agreement)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevante and stamping page)
    - P60 (if available)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    The best approach is to have your b/f draft out a letter (removing actual names address etc first) then post here for comments and suggestions.

    It really doesn't need to be a long or complicated letter.

  7. #7
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thanks for your kindest help Mr. Terpe

    The major reason I am travelling to London is to spend the holiday with him esp the Christmas and New Year. I am entitled for a 35 days annual vacation. I would like to spend the 15 days in UK and the remaining is with my family in the Pilippines. I am entitled for a ticket goin back home.

    Is it enough reason to justify my purpose of travel for two weeks?

    I will renew my contract as well to prove that is my strong ties to come back in here. Will it help.?

    My main concern now is how will I able to get he invitation letter from him? Can he just scanned it and send to my mail? Or he needs to send it thru mail.? Is Fedex allowed?

    Do he need to make the letter notarized?

    Does my 3months bank account statement will be okay to be presented? How much money do I need to have for the duration of 15 days vacatioN?

    Hope for your kindest help again Mr. Terpe and everyone in here.

    Thank You

    This is my planned itinerary:

    Dec.20- Jan. 4, 2012 - Trip to London
    Jan 5 - Go back to Cairo
    Jan 6 - Travel back to Philippines to spend holiday
    Jan 20 - Go back in Cairo
    Jan 22- Resume to work.

    *Do I need to attach our London itinerary? and My Philippine itinerary plan as well ? Will it help to prove I will leave UK.?

  8. #8
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post

    My main concern now is how will I able to get he invitation letter from him? Can he just scanned it and send to my mail? Or he needs to send it thru mail.? Is Fedex allowed?

    UKBA doesn't specify what courier service you/your fiancé will use for sending documents. The most important thing is, it arrives before you submit your application. An original hand-written letter with the specific details outlined by Sir Terpe above would be preferable against scanned/e-mailed one. Good luck .

    Are you using two usernames? It sometimes creates confusion.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  9. #9
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jlags90 View Post
    UKBA doesn't specify what courier service you/your fiancé will use for sending documents. The most important thing is, it arrives before you submit your application. An original hand-written letter with the specific details outlined by Sir Terpe above would be preferable against scanned/e-mailed one. Good luck .

    Are you using two usernames? It sometimes creates confusion.
    I think she is using two usernames? Confusing.

    Anyway, my sponsor typed his sponsorship letter in Word with his signature, send it to me by attaching the document via email and I printed it out, it went well.

    Renewing your work contract like sir terpe said will be ideal so its best to provide a copy of your renewal.

    Dont forget to provide accomodation for your stay in the UK, you and your sponsors bank statements/certificates max of 6 months.

  10. #10
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thank you for the kindest reply Mr. Jlags90.
    Basically an invitation letter is not mandated or needed to be sent thru snail mail? I will ask him to send the letter thru Fedex to receive it on time.

    Is it much preferable to have a handwritten letter than a printed one with his signature? Can we just send a handwritten and printed letter together just in case the ECO might not understand some words in the letter?

    Do I need to attach the letters and cards that he gave me? The only problem is he gave it to me personally and my concern is that the ECO might think we just made it for show?

    This is my planned itinerary:

    Dec.20- Jan. 4, 2012 - Trip to London
    Jan 5 - Go back to Cairo
    Jan 6 - Travel back to Philippines to spend holiday
    Jan 20 - Go back in Cairo
    Jan 22- Resume to work.

    *Do I need to attach our London itinerary? and My Philippine itinerary plan as well ? Will it help to prove I will leave UK.?

    As I mentioned earlier on, will my annual vacation and the Christmas and New Year Holiday will be a valid reason for his invitation?

    My mind spins now and I am doin my best to research alot. Please help me regarding my dilemma.

    Thanks for the kindest help.

  11. #11
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Hello MelovesEngland

    Thanks for your kindest help and advice. Regarding onthe bank account statement. I opened mined thru HSBC last April however until September I was not able to put my salary there as I prefer to keep it with me for emergency and thought I will just put it all before I go back home. Will the ECO questioned me regarding these?

    Will it be possible to just have a 3month bank statement on my part? but i will be able to provide my 6 months salary slip.

    Will there be any possibility If I can kindly ask to see how your husband do his sponsorship letter? I just want to make it as a guide for our application.

    What are the things u attached to prove your relationship with him?

    Thanks for the help. I cant sleep most of the time as I am running out of time and my contract renewal is still on pending :(

    I just want to spend the holiday with him.. but i just realized how hard it is.

  12. #12
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post
    Thank you for the kindest reply Mr. Jlags90.
    Basically an invitation letter is not mandated or needed to be sent thru snail mail? I will ask him to send the letter thru Fedex to receive it on time.

    Is it much preferable to have a handwritten letter than a printed one with his signature? Can we just send a handwritten and printed letter together just in case the ECO might not understand some words in the letter?

    Do I need to attach the letters and cards that he gave me? The only problem is he gave it to me personally and my concern is that the ECO might think we just made it for show?

    This is my planned itinerary:

    Dec.20- Jan. 4, 2012 - Trip to London
    Jan 5 - Go back to Cairo
    Jan 6 - Travel back to Philippines to spend holiday
    Jan 20 - Go back in Cairo
    Jan 22- Resume to work.

    *Do I need to attach our London itinerary? and My Philippine itinerary plan as well ? Will it help to prove I will leave UK.?

    As I mentioned earlier on, will my annual vacation and the Christmas and New Year Holiday will be a valid reason for his invitation?

    My mind spins now and I am doin my best to research alot. Please help me regarding my dilemma.

    Thanks for the kindest help.

    Hi! First of all, I am a Mrs. hehe!
    You can take melovesengland's advise of a computerised-SIGNED letter IF you are running out of time. A hand-written letter doesn't guarantee an approval as each application is assessed on a case to case basis. You could include a copy of you itinerary in the UK or mention it in the cover letter from your sponsor. If you could secure a letter from your employer stating you have been given holiday for a certain period of time, it might help.

    I think you should get in touch with melovesengland as she had been granted a visit visa before. Good luck.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  13. #13
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post
    Hello MelovesEngland

    Thanks for your kindest help and advice. Regarding onthe bank account statement. I opened mined thru HSBC last April however until September I was not able to put my salary there as I prefer to keep it with me for emergency and thought I will just put it all before I go back home. Will the ECO questioned me regarding these?

    Will it be possible to just have a 3month bank statement on my part? but i will be able to provide my 6 months salary slip.

    Will there be any possibility If I can kindly ask to see how your husband do his sponsorship letter? I just want to make it as a guide for our application.

    What are the things u attached to prove your relationship with him?

    Thanks for the help. I cant sleep most of the time as I am running out of time and my contract renewal is still on pending :(

    I just want to spend the holiday with him.. but i just realized how hard it is.
    i suggest to provide you and your sponsors bank statements and payslips. also ask him about his p60, add that to your list.

    i will try to look for the letter that we used on our application and will give you ideas on how to do it if you want me to. also i made my own cover letter to explain my plans about my upcoming visit to the uk, you can include your planned itinerary on the letter and also provide documents that can support your planned itinerary like copy of your flight booking etc.

    submitted photographs of me and my sponsor as well to show that we have met eachother. flight bookings, itinerary receipts and boarding passes both with our name on it.

    he was just my FRIEND when he invited me to come to the uk last year but we provided chatlogs, emails to say that we kept in touch when we were not together and that we knew eachother.

  14. #14
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    Hi there Ms.melovesengland Thanks for your kindest reply regarding my inquiry.

    I know it will be a hassle on your part regarding on the favor I am asking,and I apologize for that however It will be a very big help if theres a possibility to make your sponsorship letter and cover letter as my guide in making our own letter. I hope you can help me regarding on these. I will be thankful for that.

    May I ask as well, if its possible to just present my 3months bank deposit slip? Or it is mandated to submit a 6 month bank statement on my part as my account is in the Philippines and I just save all my salary and have plan to deposit it when I come back home? Will it be questionable on the part of ECO?

    Did you submit the letters you sent with each other aswell?? I will be looking forward for your kindest response.

    Thanks and Godbless

  15. #15
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    This my letter and my sponsors supporting letter that we submitted after I got refused in my first attempt on visit visa. I am giving this as an outline and an example for you to use as a guideline for you to CREATE your OWN letters.

    YOUR ADDRESS and date

    British Embassy Manila
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City, 1634

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am applying for a visitor visa to the United Kingdom to visit my friend Mr. melovesengland

    I refer to my previous failed application AMAN/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/x on Feb xx 2011.

    My previously submitted documents were not returned to me but I now enclose the extra proof that was missing from my first application.

    Evidence of knowing my sponsor and maintaining contact : Pictures of our previous vacations together to Hong Kong and Singapore, Facebook messages, Yahoo Chat logs between me xxxxxx and xxxxxx, text messages via Fishtext showing his UK Mobile number and my name and his UK Mobile bill showing texts to my number.

    I enclose his BPI bank statements to show that I am in receipt of the income claimed of approx. £xxxx per month and a copy of my BPI bank certificate, Western Union receipts and ATM pull out receipts to show proof of my finances.

    I have decided not to book any hotels as I will base myself at his home in xxxxxx and go on day trips with him from there.

    Respectfully Yours,


    This is my Sponsors Letter.

    Sponsors address and date

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing again to support the application of visitor's visa for melovesengland

    I refer to her failed application AMAN/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/xthat she made on xx February 2011, as the documents we submitted in evidence have been kept by you.

    I intend to fully support her while she is here for her 3 weeks holiday, now during May 2011. We will now base ourselves here in xxxxxx and go on day trips to London and the local area, to negate the need to pre-book hotels, which was a concern for you on the previous application.

    I wish now to submit more evidence that we lacked in the 1st application, specifically, a copy of my Bank Statement showing my name and address, xxxxxx and 2 contract notes. This shows that I am in a good financial position to fully fund her trip.

    Yours faithfully,

    mr melovesengland

    Submit your 3 months bank statements and bank certificate with your application as well as your sponsors bank docus. Cheers!

  16. #16
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    The information on here is first class. Well done to all of you. I think you should all just start a immigration firm.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    The information on here is first class. Well done to all of you. I think you all just start a immigration firm.
    There's a vacancy in Tower Hamlets Andy now that scumbag murderer solicitor's been jailed - constant stream of legal aid ££££'s

  18. #18
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    No good telling me Ded thats a job for these guys. With commision for us of course.

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