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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Hi Eljohno

    hope you enjoy your visit, me and my younger son followed a few weeks after my wife on our last visit and we got upgraded to business class with Emirate`s. They thought I was a pilot, in my passport pic they said I looked like a pilot. Wasnt going to argue.

    Hey Venus, my wife actually prefers the climate here, I cope better than her when we visit the P.I.

    Her food cravings have changed now to any food thats around, she just loves eating.
    When we first met she cooked dried fish in vinegar in the house, wow the stink, then I said she could cook it whenever she wanted it, but out in the garden shed!

    I bet you really miss the early morning visits to the meat market in the P.I.
    I love all the carol singing at xmas, not sure about the fireworks for the new year though
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  2. #2
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by deepete@Oct 7 2005, 07:37 PM
    Hi Eljohno

    hope you enjoy your visit, me and my younger son followed a few weeks after my wife on our last visit and we got upgraded to business class with Emirate`s. They thought I was a pilot, in my passport pic they said I looked like a pilot. Wasnt going to argue.

    Hey Venus, my wife actually prefers the climate here, I cope better than her when we visit the P.I.

    Her food cravings have changed now to any food thats around, she just loves eating.
    When we first met she cooked dried fish in vinegar in the house, wow the stink, then I said she could cook it whenever she wanted it, but out in the garden shed!

    I bet you really miss the early morning visits to the meat market in the P.I.
    I love all the carol singing at xmas, not sure about the fireworks for the new year though
    I actually prefer the cold weather here as I could wear thick coats I don't need to worry more about what tops to put on if i'm going out... only that Im still missing going out in front of the house, sat there anytime of the day without thinking about the cold day. B)

    Dried fish? (WOW&#33 that does stinks but it's worth eating it haha! I miss that as well and to mention the wet market in the P.I at least everything's fresh, that does matters. I don't mind now going back at this minute and I would get anything that I want in the market. I used to moan a lot about what my mother prepares on the table but I realized that I need them all so badly now :P I won't be maarte anymore hehe! Millions of people starving you know! :unsure:

    I can't cook anything I want here... I'm staying with my mother-in-law, she always doesn't like to smell any filipino foods. Careful not to argue with her, isn't it? I'm a nice person you know... but my husband is alright, he doesn't mind if he's looking at me using my hand (just in front of him though) while i'm having something to eat. Hey, don't laugh at me but that's very true... only in the P.I i supposed. :lol:
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

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