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  1. #1
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    As it happens , we have magic mike but ive kept it hidden in case my wife finds it again.
    The fun we have with it though, a few beers and waahayy.

    BTW. for you homesick girls and boys. I can pinpoint my in-laws house

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  2. #2
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by deepete@Oct 10 2005, 12:06 PM
    As it happens , we have magic mike but ive kept it hidden in case my wife finds it again.
    The fun we have with it though, a few beers and waahayy.

    BTW. for you homesick girls and boys. I can pinpoint my in-laws house

    Thanks a lot for this weblink deepete. I got the free version the other day and my hubby's getting the Plus one. It's very informative although unfortunately, it's a shame that we're having a hard time looking for a clearer 3D picture of PI. What's happening in there? B)
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  3. #3
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    Its a bit fuzzy, probably need to be in military for a clearer picture. It`s not bad on big cities like Angeles considering all the polution it must be looking through. Mountainous areas look awesome. I can see the vehicles parked outside my house here in London but apparently there are some satelites that can read the number plate.

    Just goes to show, big brother and all that.

    BTW are you gecko or pikachu

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  4. #4
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    [quote=deepete,Oct 12 2005, 08:01 PM]
    Its a bit fuzzy, probably need to be in military for a clearer picture. It`s not bad on big cities like Angeles considering all the polution it must be looking through. Mountainous areas look awesome. I can see the vehicles parked outside my house here in London but apparently there are some satelites that can read the number plate.

    Just goes to show, big brother and all that.
    BTW are you gecko or pikachu


    Never mind... i can't even download google earth plus from file sharing. there's something wrong with the set-up.

    I'm Venus ..... not gecko or pikachu haha!
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

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