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Thread: Insurance

  1. #1
    Respected Member ana07cutiepie's Avatar
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    Question Insurance

    Hi there everyone

    I have one question is all bout insurance, my husband is paying insurance ''bupa'' then he doesn't know if I am covered with the insurance like if he will bring me to the doctor, is it covered? As he wants me to do a good check up when am in UK.

    Please enlighten us
    thanks !!

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    It depends on who is named on the policy I would imagine.

  3. #3
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    I had a BUPA policy through my old company, for years. My ex wife and children were only on it for part of the time, when it was upgraded, outwith that she and they weren't on it and used the NHS.

    As Andy indicates, it depends who is on the policy.

    You can get a good check up with the NHS. My wife was checked when she registered with the NHS GP.

  4. #4
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    If you're not already named on the insurance policy, your husband can add you. It will likely cost extra to do that but that is entirely the decision for him.

    As has been said, the NHS is very good. Certainly not considered second best at all.

  5. #5
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    If your husband doesn't know he should just phone and ask them

    I suspect standard BUPA cover wouldn't include a general check up or assessment - that's another income source for them.

  6. #6
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    I was with BUPA for about 15 + years. My cover, paid by my employer, covered referrals from my NHS GP. It didn't cover anything to do with pregnancy or accident and emergency type stuff or checkups.

    In my time I had the following carried out:

    Ingrowing toenail removal.

    Some kind of puss filled boil on my back removed.

    Physiotherapy for a back problem.

    Gall bladder removal.

    Removal of an enlarged mole on my ankle.

    All by referral from my NHS GP.

    The main benefit to me of using BUPA was that any work done was, to a degree, at a time and date of my choosing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    .........The main benefit to me of using BUPA was that any work done was, to a degree, at a time and date of my choosing.
    Yes that's just how I viewed it too.

    At the same time it has to be said that in my experience it was using the same equipment and the same doctors/consultants/surgeons etc that the NHS use.
    But to be honest If I could use it again I would.
    Perhaps that makes me a hypocrite

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yes that's just how I viewed it too.

    At the same time it has to be said that in my experience it was using the same equipment and the same doctors/consultants/surgeons etc that the NHS use.
    But to be honest If I could use it again I would.
    Perhaps that makes me a hypocrite
    Same line of thinking for me. It was there so I used it. Should I feel guilty? Not sure, but it would be great to think that what BUPA offered was also there for everyone.

    My room in hospital and the food was better than with the NHS.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Same line of thinking for me. It was there so I used it. Should I feel guilty? Not sure, but it would be great to think that what BUPA offered was also there for everyone.

    My room in hospital and the food was better than with the NHS.
    I quit BUPA almost a year before my wife needed an operation for a perforated eardrum (unfortunately)

    Her consultant at the local hospital told her if she had private medical insurance she could have an operation within a couple of weeks at a time of her choosing and stay in a private room.

    As this was not available, she had to undergo all manner of tests spread over a good 9 months then wait 18 months for the operation.
    Her stay in hospital was an experience.

    So it would seem that membership like BUPA can actually make a huge difference.
    She suffered quite badly during the time taken to have the op and at times I was embarrased at the delayed time and very limited treatment she received.

    Still, I have a great respect for the NHS, after all a perforated ear drum (although very painful) is not an emergency.

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  11. #11
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Personally I think any private health care is a waste of money in the UK. Why pay twice? the NHS is brilliant and I support it fully, never been a problem for me.. no offence meant to anyone who is private!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Personally I think any private health care is a waste of money in the UK. Why pay twice? the NHS is brilliant and I support it fully, never been a problem for me.. no offence meant to anyone who is private!
    In my case Michael, my employer paid for it. They saw benefit in it which was that their employees could have medical matters seen to at their employees and therefore in turn, their convenience.

    Most recently I have used the NHS and so has my wife, particularly for the birth of our daughter and the NHS here has been great. However, not everyone shares that last opinion.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Well I will share your opinion Lastlid!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you may need ..

    Comprehensive sickness insurance

    Insurance that will cover the costs of the majority of medical treatment you may receive in the UK. You may have to show you have this insurance in order to be allowed to live in the UK as an EEA national or their family member. The documents that are accepted as showing you have comprehensive sickness insurance are: a private health insurance policy, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) that has been issued by an EEA Member State other than the UK for people temporarily in the UK, or forms S1, S2 and S3. You may have to provide one of these documents when asserting a right of residence in the UK or a combination of these documents (including any previous versions) covering the relevant qualifying period when asserting a permanent right of residence in the UK.

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