I'm wondering. Something that really

me off, is when companies haven't got the common decency or manners to bother replying to correspondence.
I've got a question on our forthcoming visa application, which is extremely important to the application, and when we can apply. I phoned the helpline at UKBA last week, and was told I needed really to ask the visa section of the embassy where we would apply to, since they are the ones who would make the decision anyway. Fair enough I guess.
I sent off an e-mail, and so far no reply.
Well it could be that they have to either seek further advice, or they are busy, but I just have this feeling.........
Has anyone any experience -do they tend to reply to mails?
I could ask this question on here maybe, as someone might know, but it's related to one requirement in the new rules, and I really need something in writing from someone I could then quote in the application, should they decide subsequently to play silly beggars.
Thanks again