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Thread: Processing times for FLR(M)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry Processing times for FLR(M)

    Sorry this post is not going to give specific timings.

    I'm really posting this in response to a number of forum requests for help in resolving the extremely long and unfair waiting time for FLR(M)

    I'm not suggesting there is any definitive answer to UKBA processing times.

    My intention is only to inform, share and to motivate people impacted to follow up, to send letters and e-mails of strong complaint to:-

    - UKBA
    - Theresa May
    - Damian Green
    - David Cameron
    - Copies to your local MP

    Just do everything you can to increase the pressure and secure some action

    Please please take time to look here at a Freedom of Information request:-

    Processing times for FLR(M)

    I hope all those still waiting will be less stressed to know that others have raised the issue and that you are not alone.
    By making you own follow-up it can only help to get something done.

    Good luck to all, never give up and never be afraid to complain.

    More power to the people

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    thanks for posting this terpe
    FLR submission of documents should just be a ''formality''.. i dont see any reason why it takes too long to assess the submitted documents since all the verification needed is in the files of the UKBA database system already.
    Its unfair for them flr applicants who paid for the visa, willing to find job the soonest time to help raise money for their household and just to be ''put on hold'' by the ukba for who knows how long
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Sorry this post is not going to give specific timings.

    I'm really posting this in response to a number of forum requests for help in resolving the extremely long and unfair waiting time for FLR(M)

    I'm not suggesting there is any definitive answer to UKBA processing times.

    My intention is only to inform, share and to motivate people impacted to follow up, to send letters and e-mails of strong complaint to:-

    - UKBA
    - Theresa May
    - Damian Green
    - David Cameron
    - Copies to your local MP

    Just do everything you can to increase the pressure and secure some action

    Please please take time to look here at a Freedom of Information request:-

    Processing times for FLR(M)

    I hope all those still waiting will be less stressed to know that others have raised the issue and that you are not alone.
    By making you own follow-up it can only help to get something done.

    Good luck to all, never give up and never be afraid to complain.

    More power to the people
    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    thanks for posting this terpe
    FLR submission of documents should just be a ''formality''.. i dont see any reason why it takes too long to assess the submitted documents since all the verification needed is in the files of the UKBA database system already.
    Its unfair for them flr applicants who paid for the visa, willing to find job the soonest time to help raise money for their household and just to be ''put on hold'' by the ukba for who knows how long
    thank you for your support sirs, it's really frustrating indeed to wait this long . i hope other applicants who waited longer than me will receive their FLR(M) soon. good luck to us.
    No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart

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