Im a chicken lover! Ohhh my sars_notd_virus can I have a holiday in kitchen?
Oh well feel free to come and help me do the dishes(my husband will be happy for the help)
Originally Posted by MissAna
goshhhhh your food looks so lovely jubly!!!! i wish i can cook too
but i'm learning by watching cooking videos in youtube. i have successfuly cooked pork adobo for my hubby, it was not easy since i have no idea (yep no idea at all on how to cook)
funny because last night i ATTEMPTED to cook a pork steak for dinner and it was a disaster! so my husband save it by turning my so-called pork steak into a pork stew!! it still tastes nice though!
you will learn as you go along...practice !! practice!! a lot of utube videos available.