Unfortunately there isn't much to recommend Tesco nowadays. 15 years ago they were great, good staff, good prices and a great choice. They had some good offers.........note the word "good" that I'm using a lot.

Now though, dodgy practices apart, the prices have crept up, I'm not convinced of the quality anyway, the place seems on a downward trend when you walk around it (That's hard to explain) and the staff seem unhappy - and if you ever talk to one and they don't think they will be heard, they will all confirm it is a bog awful company to work for now, and they are unbelievably short staffed (which inevitably leads to bad customer service, you can't help people if you are stretched too far).

Maybe it's one evil empire to another, but contrast that to even Asda. Prices are kept reasonable I've found (not cheap) and most staff confirm they are very busy but they like their jobs.

Really though I find it beyond incredible that a large multinational company like Tesco can be so stupid as to employ people who weren't entitled to work. Yes the kebab shop owner might risk it, or even be thick enough to not know or care - but a multi million plc like Tesco? Who the bleep is running their HR department!