Hi All,
Anyone know a quick link to the latest requirements to bring a dependant child to UK from Philippines?
Much appreciated
Hi All,
Anyone know a quick link to the latest requirements to bring a dependant child to UK from Philippines?
Much appreciated
hi Alan,
I was about to ask the same question too... as I am planning to take my little boy here in December or January.
Is it okay to ride on your thread?
I'll message Yenyen too x
Life as we make it
Hi Rohany,
Not a problem although we dont seem to have generated any assistance as yet.
I am guessing that the paper work wil be more complicated form the Phils department side as opposed to the UK BA Visa side which we all do have experiences off.
Look forward to some more updates
are you married to a brit or on a work visa ?
Hi joe! Finally an expert here in the forum
I'm married to a brit, and will be applying for my ILR this January... this wouldn't be the case about my son bringing here in the UK because the plan was to move in Philippines in couple of years, but circumstances changed.. my husband was diagnosed with stage 1 skin cancer and will take 3 years before it will be cleared. So the costly healthcare system in the Philippines is what puts us off about moving there right away. My son is 4 years old and I think he should be here so he can be close with his younger brother, and I could look after him too which is best.
Husband is a senior lecturer in Uni , we have few properties that we let out, we own our house.
I thank you in advance for the advice.
Life as we make it
Hi han, I would advice to wait till you get your ILR then apply for ILE(Indefinite leave to enter ) for your son.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
The basic requirements will be the same for any settlement visa, proving the relationship between sponsor and applicant and showing proof of being able to support financially.
The additional requirements may depend on what visa the parents currently hold and who has parental responsibility for the child.
The difference with the child dependent is that their visa follows the visa of the sponsor. If you applied at the same time, their visa will have the same expiry date and when applying for the next stage, ie ILR, you would apply at the same time.
My understanding is that even if the child dependant visa was applied for after the sponsor's visa, the expiry date would be the same as the sponsor.
This is why sars has suggested you wait till after you have ILR as this will save you having to apply for a settlement visa now, then ILR for both of you when you apply for your ILR.
hi Mari! Yes I think that is much better. That's what my husband was thinking too..
Life as we make it
thanks rusty!
I leave it till January then x
I just have to make sure I do the PEO for my ILR so I don't need to wait ages for my passport x
Life as we make it
So is a joint application for ILR permitted even if the child has been in Phils during parents time in uk?
Aside from letter of consent what other Philippines departmental requirements are there?
I note that there are seemingly a lot of people in a similar situation who still have children with family back home?
Was this conscious decision and have your views changed on that since your time here in the UK
if you have ILR when you apply for the visa for the child, the child will be granted ILE Indefinite Leave to Enter ( same as ILR)
if you apply for a settlement visa for the child before you have ILR, the child will be granted the same visa as you have, and once you can apply for ILR you should be able to apply for ILR for the child at the same time. it doesn't matter how long the child has been in the UK.but doing it this way means you have to apply for and pay for an extra visa (settlement visa + ILR) while if you had ILR its just one visa (settlement with ILE)
thou the problem is the longer you leave applying for the visa, it could be more difficult to prove you have 'sole responsibility'
In our case, when I applied for my wife to come here, we also had our 6 month old son who was born in the Philippines. It would have been too much money to apply and bring her son at the same time.
We decided to bring him over later, as soon as we had saved enough for the visa fee and flight costs. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to bring him over till after my wife had her ILR.
For the application, my wife was the main sponsor and I put myself down as co-sponsor, (not sure if this is still possible under the new rules). We proved written evidence to prove sole responsibility and to explain why we waited to apply his visa. In our case, the father was not named on the birth certificate, so we just provided letters from my wife and her mother (who had been looking after hin while my wife was in the UK) explaining about who had been looking after him.
hello allan and purple,, have you already lodged your application? thnx..![]()
hi bhem_bhem
I am back in this forum again and want to ask the experts here.
I'm currently in Cebu after thankfully received my ILR few days before our flight.
Now we are in the process of applying for settlement for my son.
Would also like to apply for Visit Visa (child visit visa for my eldest son) he doesn't want to move to England and well he is happy here with my parents.
Life as we make it
did you print the application forms that you filled online? The appointment is on monday.
Were you offered the Priority Service which is 2-3 days processing time?
Life as we make it
thank you bhem_bhem,
I'll go ahead and print them. Thanks again
Hope you will get the decision soon.
Life as we make it
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