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Thread: Atm Withdrawals

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  1. #1
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    Atm Withdrawals

    Hi everyone,hope your all great!!!
    please could anyone let me know if they have had problems with trying to get money out of cash machines using their cards in the Philippines,i recently read they they can be unreliable,and sometimes even take your card,i also read that even though they sometimes dont pay out the amount requested,your money is still deducted from your balance,has anyone experienced this??
    many many thanks ,
    Jeff n Maria

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Jeffro - I got sick and tired of machines that would only give me 5,000 when I asked for 10,000 etc..........

    I now take pound notes over with me and exchange them at SM - no card charges that way.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Search the forum, plenty of info.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I have had it where the cash machine forgot to give me the money i had just withdrawn and it was in my local high street, the bank even sent me a letter to applogize should have sent them a bill for 27.50 for having to read it.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Hi there, it's quite a long time since i visited this site. I so miss the forum and all information given!

    My husband & I will be visiting the Philippines this month, and i have been using BPI Remittance UK Plc (hope this is ok sharing this? Mr keith pls edit if u must) in remitting money to my mother in the philippines. It has a low cost and also has a very good exchange rate. So what i'll be doing before we go on holiday is to transfer money GBP from our UK bank account to BPI UK (online banking) and the money will be transfered to BPI Philippines in Pesos (current exchange rate) (you can withdraw it in any BPI Branch). This will also minimize costs, hidden charges & has a better exchange rate also than using UK bank cards. Hope this will help... Plus its only £7.00 handling charge on the 1st £500.00 and few pence on succeeding pounds? hehe not sure.. something like that.. its really really cheap.

    u can phone them at 44207 835 0088 for enquires
    BPI - Bank of the Philippine Islands (one of the most stable banks in P.I.)

    i've stopped using WU coz its so expensive!!!
    plus remitting in banks like BPI helps the economy of the Philippines too...

    take care,

  6. #6
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Hi there, it's quite a long time since i visited this site. I so miss the forum and all information given!

    My husband & I will be visiting the Philippines this month, and i have been using BPI Remittance UK Plc (hope this is ok sharing this? Mr keith pls edit if u must) in remitting money to my mother in the philippines. It has a low cost and also has a very good exchange rate. So what i'll be doing before we go on holiday is to transfer money GBP from our UK bank account to BPI UK (online banking) and the money will be transfered to BPI Philippines in Pesos (current exchange rate) (you can withdraw it in any BPI Branch). This will also minimize costs, hidden charges & has a better exchange rate also than using UK bank cards. Hope this will help... Plus its only £7.00 handling charge on the 1st £500.00 and few pence on succeeding pounds? hehe not sure.. something like that.. its really really cheap.

    u can phone them at 44207 835 0088 for enquires
    BPI - Bank of the Philippine Islands (one of the most stable banks in P.I.)

    i've stopped using WU coz its so expensive!!!
    plus remitting in banks like BPI helps the economy of the Philippines too...

    take care,
    Hi Jay & Zobel,
    I'm receiving my remittance from U.K. every month and it is being sent thru my friend's account in Barclays to be credited to my account here at BPI-Savings Bank. It only takes 4 days. Charges is 5pounds per send (much cheaper than sending it bank-to-bank) and a 2pounds and .50pence for every 100pounds sent. If you have an account in U.K. wherein you can use it here in the Phils and will dispense the local currency why not use it? My local bank BPI-Savings is international so when i go to other countries i can use the ATM (the machine should have that logo) and will dispense the curency of that country.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Hi everyone,hope your all great!!!
    please could anyone let me know if they have had problems with trying to get money out of cash machines using their cards in the Philippines,i recently read they they can be unreliable,and sometimes even take your card,i also read that even though they sometimes dont pay out the amount requested,your money is still deducted from your balance,has anyone experienced this??
    many many thanks ,
    Jeff n Maria
    Hi Jeff n Maria,
    If the ATM didn't dispense money keep the receipt because it says there that you weren't able to get a cash then bring and show it to the teller (that's your evidence) once the bank is open for business. Always keep the receipts.

  8. #8
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    Better idea! keep aways from the ATM`s alltogether!!!! have you tried getting to see someone in the bank? i was given special treatment because i was `the foreigner` and in the end i said forget it and i will learn my lesson! WU may be expensive, but is a very good service and available anywhere - even in Surigao!!!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by barnsley-mark View Post
    Better idea! keep aways from the ATM`s alltogether!!!! have you tried getting to see someone in the bank? i was given special treatment because i was `the foreigner` and in the end i said forget it and i will learn my lesson! WU may be expensive, but is a very good service and available anywhere - even in Surigao!!!!
    Western Union is very reliable,and though its around 12 pound to send in minutes,at least i get peace of mind knowing my gf is recieving safely.But last week i was asking how much to send 475.00 in a few weeks,and was quoted 540.00!!, thats a lot of extra money i cant afford .

  10. #10
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    I remember my first trip to the Philippines, my NatWest debit card clammed up on me for the whole duration of my stay, unable to access any money (luckily I had a credit card). I remember phoning NatWest asking them what was going on, they blamed the banking system in Philippines. You know what, the banks in Philippines blamed NatWest. Moral of the story, take more than 1 source of money with you when you go to Philippines.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    I remember my first trip to the Philippines, my NatWest debit card clammed up on me for the whole duration of my stay, unable to access any money (luckily I had a credit card). I remember phoning NatWest asking them what was going on, they blamed the banking system in Philippines. You know what, the banks in Philippines blamed NatWest. Moral of the story, take more than 1 source of money with you when you go to Philippines.
    Thankyou,good advice and i will heed it.What a nightmare for you
    thanks to you everyone

  12. #12
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    I have only had ATM problems once - the machine took my money back before I could grab it! That was after hours/weekend. We went in to the branch a couple of days later, with the ATM receipt. The missing funds were re-credited to my account a few days later.

    But what is this about fees? I use a Nationwide Debit card - no fees at all!

    However, I have to agree that sterling bank notes work very well with the money changers, even the one in Panabo who claimed never to have seen a UK bank note before.

    On the subject of transfers to Phils, we've just started using the PNB Global Filipino Money Card (GFMC). The fee is £5 for transfers of up to £1000 .. and £7 for transfers above that value. The funds are available for withdrawal at an ATM within minutes - the PNB ATM's being willing to hand out up to PHP40,000 each day.

  13. #13
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    Lo bud

    When i was over there in April this year i had no problems at all using atm`s , used them 3 times in all cos i took cash with me as well.
    I took cash cos u can get a lot better exchange rate from the money shops that an ATM
    EG:- i changed £100 at the airport and got 87 pesos to the pound
    But later that day i changed £200 at a little money exhange shop in Makatai and got 96 pesos to the pound

  14. #14
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Money changers has different rates, so you have to look for those who offers the highest but still a bit higher than banks do.

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