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Thread: Train passenger caught on camera hurling homophobic abuse at two gay men

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Train passenger caught on camera hurling homophobic abuse at two gay men

    (but he only received a caution)

    "A gay man who was the victim of a homophobic abuse has criticised the action taken against the thug responsible.
    Alex Platt was travelling on a train from Blackpool to Manchester with friend Tyrone Ruscoe, who's also gay, when a passenger hurled insults at them.
    Mr Ruscoe filmed the abuse on his mobile phone and footage posted on YouTube has been viewed more than 35,000 times."

    There was a case in London with Jacqueline Woodhouse who got 21 weeks for a racist attack, which in our eyes is just as bad as what we received."

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  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sad how some people can be like that, you dont see all the video, but they have every right just like you and me to go about there way without the abuse from other, if it was someone calling blacks or anyone from europe they would soon be arrested

  3. #3
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    They were as bad as him.

    Just move seats for goodness sake.

    I also find them distasteful, though I wouldn't get involved in such a scene.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    yes true Graham, just move to differant seats, its a pity we did not see more of the video, some people are in your face like look at me, but each to there own

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