Our wives of course have a right to be with us in the UK and for me are not part of this discussion.

Steve.. Before I married my wife in 1986 I always thought that once married,I had the right to bring my Mrs to the U.K.
Back then I was proved correct.. After we got married,I went back to the UK to save up for her ticket to the UK ... I worked as a labourer filling skips with rubble on 25 Quid a day till I could get her airfare. She was with me within 2 months..
She was 21 years old..I was 24. Everything went as it should.. Everything was sane back then.
Now?? Now I wouldnt even attempt putting myself through the hardship and hoops the gov are asking real Brits to jump through.
I`d still marry her but plan to move to somewhere a hard working Brit and his mrs are welcome..
Seems I had it good back then...