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Thread: multiculture living in the u.k ( its just not working )

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  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    so where do we go from here ?

    I dont know about you but I went to the Philippines.
    Personally I dont think I could return for long periods as I can hardly recognize the place anymore and the memories that I grew up with are nowhere to be found these days.
    I find the UK very depressing for a number of reasons.
    I have a few friends in the UK that immigrated years ago from different parts of the world but they integrated completely with our culture and people and were just another one of the lads.. They are still good friends of mine.
    Since then,I noticed large swarms of immigrants arriving,creating their own communities almost segregating themselves in clans in various parts of the country..
    Paints a pretty bleak picture of integration to me.
    As I say... Im quite happy to live here and integrate myself into the Filipino culture.. I find it very easy to do.
    I find It almost comes naturally to me.

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I dont know about you but I went to the Philippines.
    Personally I dont think I could return for long periods as I can hardly recognize the place anymore and the memories that I grew up with are nowhere to be found these days.
    I find the UK very depressing for a number of reasons.
    I have a few friends in the UK that immigrated years ago from different parts of the world but they integrated completely with our culture and people and were just another one of the lads.. They are still good friends of mine.
    Since then,I noticed large swarms of immigrants arriving,creating their own communities almost segregating themselves in clans in various parts of the country..
    Paints a pretty bleak picture of integration to me.
    As I say... Im quite happy to live here and integrate myself into the Filipino culture.. I find it very easy to do.
    I find It almost comes naturally to me.
    I woud like to stay in the phiippines but i have medical issues that need seeing to so I can,t actually see me retireing there .I find it hard to intergrate in the philippines due to the language barrier i,ve tried to learn but i,m hopeless at remembering what i had for dinner the night before let alone tagalog words lol

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I'm with you Fred, I feel that I can integrate well into the community in Phils. I dont want to be seen as the westerner (I know I always will) but feeling relaxed around the more seinior members of the brgy, ie the Brgy Captain, councillors, freinds and family means a lot. I also cannot speak tagalog, but I can grab a few words in a sentence and get the idea of the subject of chat, so it works for me. I think the thing to do is mix with everyone, young and old, let them see you can be fun and helpful and can respect them.

    In the UK, these integrating values from immigrants, mostly illegal whingers and false assylum seekers make us all feel that we are being abused by a system that allows the flood into our once great country. We resent the government and so we resent immigrants (illegals)
    Our wives of course have a right to be with us in the UK and for me are not part of this discussion.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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