
My fiancee got her results back today from the "General" test module taken in Davao, she had to do all 4 parts as they dont split them, now the confusion part for me.....
As far as I can work out, a fiancee visa only requires Listening and Speaking as mentioned on the guidance notes http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/si...applicants.pdf
But on their other form for approved English tests it states IELTS results for all 4 exams being a B1 level requirement http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/si...lish-tests.pdf
She only got 3.5 total (dont know how she managed that as she been in Hawaii for 4 years!)
If listening and speaking is all that is required then her adverage score would have been 4 (=B1) but as she was forced to take all 4 tests the adverage result comes in at 3.5 so they made her fail!
Individual results were :-
Listening = 3.5
Reading = 3.5
Writing = 3.0
Speaking = 4.5

Can anyone inlighten me on the exact score and pass she needs for fiancee visa before I send her back for retest if i have to


BAz n Jaz