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Thread: My Family Visit Visa Refused, please do help me for the appeal

  1. #1
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    My Family Visit Visa Refused, please do help me for the appeal

    I just received my family visit visa last week for this reasons.

    1. I present my certificate of employment and no payslip,or tax documents, this was last 2011 files.

    2. they are not convinced that i will have my vacation in UK 8 months before my wedding..

    first of all,My Certificate o Employment do not says that I am regular employed, because the status of my job is contractual, here in the Philippines, workers who are contractual is tax exempted. and no need to file for tax etc. and this was last year, and I lost my payslip already...WHAT WILL I DO?, DO I HAVE TO REQUEST ANOTHER LATER FROM MY EMPLOYER STATING ABOUT MY JOB STATUS?IT IS CONVINCING? AND IS THIS LETTER FRM MY EMPLOYER CAN STAND ALONE FOR THE ANSWER TO THEIR DOUBTS?

    2. Two months preparation for the wedding here in the Philippiness is very much OK, and we are not planning to have a BIG event for our wedding, it's only exclusive for the family, so it's not as big as they are thinking. And during our waiting for the result me and my fiancee was planning to move or wedding this coming August 2013, because we are expecting our application might be approve. and if there is changes it's not rush for us. WHAT WILL I DO TO CONVICE THEM THAT I AM TELLING THE TRUTH BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY THE TRUTH?

    We are planning to appeal as soon as we can gather documents that can convince them that I will just visit my sister there and come back before 6 moths. Once and for all my sister is inviting me to visit her in Uk, this is her gift for me before I will settle down next year,and I will grab this once in a lifetime experience For I;m pretty sure, If I married already my husband will not allow me to have vacation because we are not getting any younger and afraid not to have a baby because I am already 32 next year..please do help please. Anyone who has experienced like this and who has idea how to gather and what to gather as evidence during the hearing.

    Thank you all and more power

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    sorry i got a bit mixed up with your post!!
    the statement for the refusal is not clear....

    they are not convinced that i will have my vacation in UK 8 months before my wedding..

    ....why would they refuse you to come for a family visit visa if you just intend to visit your sister???
    is your fiance also lives here in UK??
    what is stated in your certificate of employment?
    is your employer happy to employ you back after your visit visa to the uk?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    hmmm.. I am not an expert on this type of visa as I entered the UK last year using a visit visa.

    My questions are:

    Have u paid by your employer using atm's? bank? or anything like that? By that, You can provide bank statements that shows the money transfer of your employer to your account.

    Did you provide a supporting letter from your sister that shes going to sponsor your trip as well as your stay in the uk? Did she provide accomodation docus, her financial capacity and things like that to show that shes able to support your needs while ur in the UK?

    Did you state in your application how many weeks are you going to stay in the UK? If yes, how many weeks/months then? What was the reason you stated on your app for you to come back to the PI?

    The thing with visit visa is you need to convince the ECO that you will return to the PI on or before your visa expires. It is very hard as I have done it before but you got to bear in mind that the only way for you to get granted is for the ECO to be satisfied with your reasons of coming back in the Philippines. Thats one of the main things.

    Appeal as you know can take 6 months or so. If you are confident, prepared or financially stable enough to re-apply again I would suggest you to re apply as its the quickest route than appealing.

  4. #4
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    Thank you for your reply.
    That's my problem, I don't have atm where my employer paid for my salary. They only give me cash on hand, there is a pay slip but I lost it because that was still last year.

    yah, my sisters letter says she will provide me everything that I need in Uk, including accomodations with allowance.

    I didn't expect it takes 6 months to appeal, i thought only weeks, or 1 month just like waiting for the result in application.

    After they refused my application how long will I wait to re apply? If you had an idea.

    Thank you so much

  5. #5
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    Thank you for this.
    My fiance is here in the Philippines, but he was writing also that she is allowingme to grab this once in a lifetime experience of mine, but I think ECO dont find it good idea that within that 8 months, Ill be spending my 6 months in UK before my wedding, but here in the Phillipines if you want to have simple marriage it's up to you and you can arrange it 1 month or 2, it depends to you.

    Yes my employer stated in my Certificate that they will give me that 6 months leave without pay, because the nature of my job is project engineer, if there's a project they will hire me and after 5 months if the project is nt yet finish then I will renue my contract to them, its so happen that this time they can manage without me because anyway i'll be back. my job is not more on paper works it's an actual so its not as critical like others.

    you think i have big chance to pass this if a appeal?

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    people who have had a job in the phils, property or even a business still get refused a visit visa, while some people who had nothing got the visa, its a lottery if you get one..

    but the more evidence you can show that you will return b4 your visa expires the more chance you should have of been granted a visit visa.

    do you have enough funds for the 6 month trip ? or does your sister have evidence to support you like bank statements ?

    it might have been wiser as this is your first application for a visit visa (i take it, it is?) to applied for say 1 month instead of 6 months. there is always the risk that the embassy might say your coming to work illegally and not leave the country.

  7. #7
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    Thank you for your brilliant idea. How long do I wait before I will re apply after the refusal?

    my sisiter does, I am just curious which is more longer, filling appeal or re apply?

  8. #8
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chammy123 View Post
    Thank you for your brilliant idea. How long do I wait before I will re apply after the refusal?

    my sisiter does, I am just curious which is more longer, filling appeal or re apply?
    This was the response from VFS Helpline Services when I sent them an email asking when am I able to re-apply again after I was refused on my first visit visa attempt.

    Dear Ms melovesengland,

    Greetings from UK VAC!

    The UK Border Agency does not set a restriction as to when one is eligible to re-apply for a visa after the notice of refusal was given. You may apply for a visa at any given time provided that you have not formally submitted an appeal on your previous application.

    As for the intended travel to the UK , applicant has the option whether to make a new a new application or send an appeal if the application carried a full right of appeal. You can submit the appeal within the deadline period (within 28 days after receipt of the Notice of Refusal). However, you can also make a new application and ensure that you address all the areas of refusal.

    When making a new application, the applicant must be able to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that the conditions stated in the refusal letter on his previous application have been satisfactorily overcome and thus give the ECO the confidence that the applicant will meet the terms in order to be granted entry in the UK. Although, the application will be again assessed so the outcome cannot be pre-determined. Also, this would incur a new application fee whereas the appeal decision is free but will take longer.

    We cannot guarantee as to the outcome of your subsequent application as any application would be treated on its merits and in accordance with the Immigration Rules.

    VFS Helpline UK VAC

    I was refused a 3 days after I submitted my app, recieved this email 16 of march 2011 and I re-applied on the 30th.

  9. #9
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    Sorry to hear the news..just asking when did you apply a family visit visa?

  10. #10
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chammy123 View Post
    Thank you for your reply.
    That's my problem, I don't have atm where my employer paid for my salary. They only give me cash on hand, there is a pay slip but I lost it because that was still last year.

    yah, my sisters letter says she will provide me everything that I need in Uk, including accomodations with allowance.

    I didn't expect it takes 6 months to appeal, i thought only weeks, or 1 month just like waiting for the result in application.

    After they refused my application how long will I wait to re apply? If you had an idea.

    Thank you so much
    Did she provide proofs that she can support you financially while ur in the uk like bank statements, payslips, employment cert, accomodation papers and etc?

    Also, if you got cash/money on your account that's big enough to support your needs for 6 months then have you provided such document that proves you can support yourself while your here?

    Employers letter would be ideal if you work permanently and docus of properties you own to show reasons why you need to return to the PI.

    If you think that they assesed your application incorrect then you can move forward with your appeal but it will take ages for you to know what is the result and it doesnt mean that you appealed they will grant you a visa, STILL they will review your app, assess it with its own merit and case then they will go from it and make their conclusion.

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    last september this year,

  12. #12
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    Thank you so much for giving me this information.
    yes, my sister submitted her bank statements, payslip, her tax doc last 2011 and letter from her employer that states her character. And maybe the ECO has no problem about it. They are just questioning the documents that I have submitted about my job with my employer, I only sent my Certifcate of Employment confirming that I'm their employee but it do not talk about my salary and etc. That's it. I think ECO is not well convince to my submitted documents about me, but regarding to my sister financial status they did not questioned.
    But anyway, we still try to appeal, because they give me the form, whatever happen it depends upon the result to our appeal. But we will make sure, and do our best that we can provide then the supporting documents regarding the reason why they refused my application, inorder for them to re consider our it.
    Wish us luck Thank you

  13. #13
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You would find that re-applying would be easier, instead of appealing which would take 6 months or more..Besides, the visa fee is not that much anyway. Like what the others said above, if the ECO would still not be convinced that you'd return to the Philippines, even the appeal won't be successful. Having properties (like house or land titles), a stable job, bank accounts, etc. would help even though it's not a guarantee. Make sure to supply everything that would make them believe you would return to the Philippines. Even if your sister would supply all the help available on her part, your proof of returning is the one that would matter most, not her's.
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  14. #14
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    Wow, thank you so much for sharing your experiences to me, it really helps a lot for I am so confuse at this moment.

    From the buttom of my heart. Thank you so much

  15. #15
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    Thank you so much, and now I know what's my next step.

    More power

  16. #16
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    Wish you luck..would you mind me asking how long have you heard anything from the embassy when you did apply your family visa...I asked because we did apply for my sister too last month but until now we haven't hear anything....


  17. #17
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    Hi, you have mentioned that you re apply after the refusal, may I ask if still you submitted same documents during your first application?. like for example, the letter of invitation, payslip,bank statements etc?
    I am planning to re apply, but and thinking if do I need to submit recent documents since my first application was still last 2012.
    Thank you

  18. #18
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    Sheriel from Leyte

    Hello Chammy123,read all previous comments and yes submit previous documents and what about that lost pay slip or letter from your employer,apply again soon i am sure you will be granted Visa,good luck,

  19. #19
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    I have a doubt because all the documents that I have from my sponsor was still dated last year, from jul to August, do you think they will still consider that documents considering it's 2013 already?

    thank you

  20. #20
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chammy123 View Post
    I have a doubt because all the documents that I have from my sponsor was still dated last year, from jul to August, do you think they will still consider that documents considering it's 2013 already?

    thank you
    Get the latest documents as much as possible.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  21. #21
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    Thank you

  22. #22
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    good luck
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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