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Thread: remarriage of foreigner after uk divorce by filipina spouse

  1. #1
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    remarriage of foreigner after uk divorce by filipina spouse

    I've scoured the internet but cannot find an answer to this question.

    I have a filipina friend who has recently divorced in the uk.

    I understand that a filipina who has married a british citizen in the philippines cannot have a divorce that she subsequently institutes recognised in the philippines.

    However can the british citizen then legally remarry in the philippines? It seems ridiculous if he can, as if she is still married, who is she married to? She is still a Philippine citizen and has now remarried in the uk (If this is relevant).


  2. #2
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    Good question.

    My ex and I are divorced, but originally married in the Phils.

    She has since married another foreigner....but she is also a British Citizen now.

    There is no divorce in the Phils, only 'Annulment', as you will know.

    As a British man with a British Certificate of no Impediment (which would be correct in British law) reason why I can't marry whoever is daft enough to want to marry me.

    The ex on the other hand she a 'Bigamist' in the Phils ?...well, maybe if using her Filipino Citizenship.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwk205 View Post
    I've scoured the internet but cannot find an answer to this question.

    I have a filipina friend who has recently divorced in the uk.

    I understand that a filipina who has married a british citizen in the philippines cannot have a divorce that she subsequently institutes recognised in the philippines.

    However can the british citizen then legally remarry in the philippines? It seems ridiculous if he can, as if she is still married, who is she married to? She is still a Philippine citizen and has now remarried in the uk (If this is relevant).

    shes divorced recently and and then remarried as well straight away??
    how did that happen?

    am sure she can divorce and then remarry but not straight away? how about the due process of law??

    she cant go back to Philippines as it is illegal unless she file annulment and recognition of foreign divorce then she can re marry again.

    check the web for recognition of foreign divorce, it will give you a lot of idea.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
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    as if she is still married, who is she married to? -whoever she got married to after divorce in uk ,why does it matter anyway -if she can get married again in uk -why cant foreigner get married wherever he wants

  5. #5
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    The question was:-
    However can the british citizen then legally remarry in the philippines? .

    If a Filipino is divorced outside Phil and he/she does not instigate it then they can remarry in Phil. So the answer must be yes.

    In any case, being legally divorced in the UK he (in fact both parties) would have a cert of no impediment so again, I woud say yes.

  6. #6
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    To add to the difficulties you now need a CENOMAR for both parties in the Philippines, so if the NSO documents say your still married, regardless of holding a CNI, then you can't marry in the Philippines at least.

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