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Thanks to those who welcomed me in this forum.Really appreciate to have people to share things with.
I don't know if my hubby is being too sentimental, or I am just not being sensitive with him, as he's said. Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby, but sometimes, I don't underastand him..we often end up arguing over the simplest things.
He gave me a bracelet... those bracelets with some items dangled in it, unfortunately, it always catches fabric...my clothes, so i stopped wearing it. Then, when he noticed I didn't wear it, he started saying i should've worn it to make him feel special. I said i did, and explained why I stopped. But he would say, "a girl in love will keep wearing it, despite that silly catching fabric thing". He would always make a big fuss over it. I should wear what he gives me, everytime. To show I love him and that he is special. And he would always say, "I've asked girls here, and they would say, "I will wear it always to make my man special." Sometimes, I just plainly forget to wear it, and he won't even accept that.
I hate it when he always make me feel i love him less.. or sometimes i don't love him simply because I don't wear what he bought me, clothes and jewelries. (I like accessories, but not expensive ones. And I only wear them when I feel like wearing them, not everytime. And I'm not into buying expensive things really. Long as it's beautiful and useful, I'm ok with it.) He buys me things, but wants to see me wearing them, everytime. If I wear old things I bought, it's always against him. I should wear what he gave me. I have to move on, I'm with a partner now.
So i am confused. I didn't know being with a partner (he's been like this since we were bf-gf till now were married) means I'll have to wear everything from him.
He don't send me regular monthly financial support, just twice, when i had to pay some hospital bills for family, which I feel guilty asking for. I don't wanna ask or demand that he should be giving it to me regularly. I know he's in tight finances now, and I understand, so i don't demand. But then, he would still buy me things, which I find impractical, considering we're broke. And I'll complain why he needs to buy them, when it's impratctical. (I know, some ladies might find me stupid complaining when hubby buys things for me).
And then, he would expect me to always wear what he's bought for me. And wearing something else would hurt him, to point he'll feel betrayed (yes, BETRAYED!).
I don't know, I think I am not doing anything wrong when i forget to wear his bracelet, or the blouse he's bought me. But he always makes me feel so guilty and bad for failing to wear whatever he has given me. Honestly, I am scared now whenever he says he will buy or he has bought something for me.
Please advise me. Is it him, or British culture?