Quote Originally Posted by ana07cutiepie View Post
hello to all...

Today I got my cfo sticker with certificate, it was such a very stressful day but I can say that it was very helpful and informative. Me and mum woke up at 2am we had a plan that, my mum went to the cfo office at 2:30am just to make sure we can get a slot as they said they only have 12 slots so is a first come first serve.. so she was at the cfo office it was so dark and so dangerous she did not let me go with her as its too dark and dangerous. So I was at home waiting for the time 5am ( I did not sleep was thinking about my mum all the time) then to make the story short she was able to get the first spot. thanks to my very supportive and loving mama :P

so I went inside the office and she went home to rest..

We are almost 30 in the office and we started filling up with the form and then picture then 2pm seminar then one on one interview then I got my sticker and certificate. The speaker said I need to get an NBI as the immigration will look for it. Is it true?? Is it really a must?

My husband is insisting to me that I need to get vaccinations as there are some vaccine that I need for UK such as for the winter as he said is risky. Is it really needed??

As for now these are the docs/papers that I have:
My passport with visa
Marriage Certificate
X ray

What else are lacking for me to travel to UK??

Many thanks guys!!
What I did was I took the docus that was sent back by the VFS with me when I left the country. Do not put it in your luggage, place it in your hand carry bag.

Immigration officer didnt ask anything from me but like what I said I took all of my docus with me.

Hoping that you will have a safe flight!