Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
The process should be:

1. After UKBA received your application via post, they should sent you acknowledgement letter, telling they received your application.

2. They would send you Biometrics Letter.

3. You have to do your Biometrics on a post office or at a PEO that do that.

4. After your biometrics, the waiting agony starts.

5. UKBA would contact you just in case they want more documents from you. If you haven't got any calls or letter or any kind of communication from them, it would only mean that (a) your documents are complete, or (b) your documents are piled like the others.

6. You would receive your documents & passport back when UKBA has made a decision. A letter would be included telling that your Biometrics Residence Permit card would arrive via post after a few days when your visa is approved.

7. BRP card would arrived via post.

That's the process. Regarding my application, I haven't received an acknowledgement letter. After a week that they got my application, they sent me the Biometrics letter. Then after I did my biometrics, I heard nothing from them. I've been calling every week after my application reached its 6th month, but all the time, the answer I'm getting is always "PENDING DECISION" status. I have seek the help of our local MP and they also failed to get any definite answer from UKBA other than they would just inform me after they've made a decision and that I only need to wait. I sent a complaint through UKBA's complaint department but I haven't got any response from it. I sent a second letter again yesterday and I don't know if I'd get a response this time. What I found out though is that UKBA is processing June and July applications now..most applications from Feb-May are pending.
now i understand the written process, its just too vague when it comes to the time frame on how they process them, after a week you received the acknowledgement letter they instructed you to take bio-metrics, 3 weeks ago i received my acknowledgement until now there is no notice regarding bio-metrics, now im starting to get worried about the whole thing i really hate the waiting game :( thanks rayna! xx