Have you ever considered trading your afternoon break for a quick nap?
Medical students are usually adept at taking power naps. They fall asleepimmediately upon lying down, sleep for 15 to 20 minutes and then wake up refreshed. Researchers have discovered these short naps are actually more beneficial than longer midday naps. The body relaxes, but does not fall into a "deep sleep", which can cause grogginess and disorientation.
Only one thing is required for people to sleep this quickly and benefit fully from a power nap -- the ability to "turn off the mind". We quiet our minds by not thinking about all that remains to be done, worrying about all that might happen, or fretting over events in the past.
Power nappers are experts at inducing a form of inner peace that comes from knowing all will be well with the world while they check out for a few minutes. What they believe with their minds actually helps their bodies relax.