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Thread: minimum earnings?

  1. #1
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Hi there!

    My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, and/or is covered elsewhere within the site.

    Is there a minimum earnings rule for uk supporters of a filipina applying for a fiance visa?

    Some background information:

    At the moment, I have a minimum annual income of about £10,000.

    I have been supporting my gf since December 2004 sending at least P4000 every two weeks, sending more when it has been needed for medical care etc, whilst saving for my visit to Manila in October 2005.

    I still live with my parents and they are willing to be co-supporters if it is needed(I read that this is possible). Their home would also be the accomodation for my girlfriend and myself if the application proved to be succseful.

    In your opinion, is this a realistic basis for making an application assuming everything else is good so to speak, ie there is proof of the relationship etc?

    Any information, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Best wishes



  2. #2
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    Originally posted by philip1975@Aug 25 2005, 08:35 PM
    Hi there!

    My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, and/or is covered elsewhere within the site.

    Is there a minimum earnings rule for uk supporters of a filipina applying for a fiance visa?

    Some background information:

    At the moment, I have a minimum annual income of about £10,000.

    I have been supporting my gf since December 2004 sending at least P4000 every two weeks, sending more when it has been needed for medical care etc, whilst saving for my visit to Manila in October 2005.

    I still live with my parents and they are willing to be co-supporters if it is needed(I read that this is possible). Their home would also be the accomodation for my girlfriend and myself if the application proved to be succseful.

    In your opinion, is this a realistic basis for making an application assuming everything else is good so to speak, ie there is proof of the relationship etc?

    Any information, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Best wishes

    I'm in a same situation when it comes to living at home - Elsa and I are married and staying at my parent's place until we get our own. Its important to make this clear on the application, and to get your parents to confirm this in a letter - doesn't have to be long, just a few lines. I wouldn't advise making your parents co-supporters, somehow I think this may hinder the application for a visa - they want to see YOU supporting your gf, not your parents!

    With regards to minimum earnings, I don't think 10K is a problem. I honestly believe the Embassy are more interested in the fact that you will be together now, and in the future, and that your girlfriend will not be a burden on the welfare state. Having said that, make sure you have evidence of everything - emails, letters, receipts, air tickets, bank statements, pictures, etc. The more evidence the better. I would apply for the visa after your visit to the Philippines - you'll then have more evidence to use - make sure you take plenty of pictures and save the hotel bills and plane ticket stubs as proof.

    Elsa and I are flying to Philippines in October also, though we will probably be staying a few days and then move onto Hong Kong.

    Are you planning on taking the Fiance Visa route?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I've been keeping letters, western union send receipts, but only recently found out that emails and yahoo chat logs would be accepted as proof as well.

    On reflection, we had originally planned for my gf to apply for a fiance visa after we met for the first time this October, but I now think, after reading some of the threads within this site, that a return trip by myself at a later date would be a good idea as I will only be there for two weeks. I imagine this would defeinitely been seen as a good thing when applying?

    It seems such a daunting road to take, but yes, we will be applying for a fiance visa should all go well when we meet etc.


    walesrob, I wonder if we'll be on the same flights? :P

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by philip1975@Aug 25 2005, 10:47 PM
    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I've been keeping letters, western union send receipts, but only recently found out that emails and yahoo chat logs would be accepted as proof as well.......

    ......I imagine this would defeinitely been seen as a good thing when applying?

    It seems such a daunting road to take, but yes, we will be applying for a fiance visa should all go well when we meet etc.


    walesrob, I wonder if we'll be on the same flights? :P
    Applying for the visa will be quite daunting, expensive and at times very stressful, but it will be worth it when you have your gf/future wife here with you in the UK.

    The more times you can show you've been to the Philippines, the better, so yeah maybe you should not even be thinking about starting the visa process till you've been over there maybe twice, but in a meantime, keep gathering that evidence.

    Have fun on your forthcoming trip! Have you booked it yet? I know Keith, myself and Pete will recommend some routes and prices if you need them...

  5. #5
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    Thanks to Rob I don't have to type an answer

    Try and get a second income.....say...from gambling for instance.....have you visited ??

    Bloody spammers eh? :lol:

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  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hi There

    I’m on the same route as you, Like Rob said its a tough and painful journey with highs and lows along the way.

    I would just like to stress this is my advice from what i have read, and learned from experience but as you know im sure everyone’s own experience will be different

    From what i learned the actual money you earn is not the deciding matter, but more if you have enough to support you and your Wife. If you have 100k pounds a year salary but it all goes out of the bank every month on outgoings you maybe in a worse off situation than someone on 10K who lives within there means.

    I read that in appeal cases it is claimed that when deciding if a sponsor can support an applicant that the figure taken is the amount given for income support. Which is approximately 54.65 a week for a single person.

    So if you have 50 pounds a week free or thereabouts then you should be ok. So that’s 200/220 pounds a Month free.

    As you are presently sending about 80 pounds a month, your almost there just with that.

    If not do you have savings? It’s a good thing to ensure your Bank Balance looks healthy i.e. staying in the black at least.

    Another way of showing that your wife will not need Public funds, is for her to have a job once she is here. What skills does your Girlfriend have, how good is her English? Do they need workers where you work?

    A lot of Wife’s i have noticed have taken “Care worker” courses while in the Philippines. I think Rob could give more advice on this route.

    My Wife has been improving her English skills, by talking/e chatting to me and simply by watching BBC News Channel and any English Film programme she can on TV.
    She then took recently an ILETS Exam which is an exam which tests in Reading, Writing, Listening and speaking. She more recently prepared for the Exam with the help of books and cds which can be obatined from Amazon among other places.

    Colleges, universities and organizations like the NHS, use this exam and others, to see the level of a person’s English language skill.

    Sorry for the rambling just some ideas which may or may not be of use to you.

    Its a good Idea to Meet your Girlfriend a few times, however well you think you know your Girlfriend via chats, its vital both of you spend as much time together as possible.
    Yes of course it looks good for the Embassy and CFO interview, but more importantly for the two of you to see if you’re a match.

    Good Luck to the two of you.I'm also going in October to Phill, it’s my Fourth trip and I can't wait to get back.

    I would just like to add I am no expert on this subject; I am like you trying to work out things as I go along.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Aug 26 2005, 10:13 PM
    Good Luck to the two of you.I'm also going in October to Phill, it’s my Fourth trip and I can't wait to get back.

    Your going to Philippines as well?! Wow....anyone NOT leaving the UK in October?! :lol:

  8. #8
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    Me!! I'll be twiddling my thumbs waiting for my DELAYED new car to be delivered when I should have been in Miami :( Bloody geordies can't they work faster

    SIA are doing discount flights from £475 to Singapore, and also to the Phil, so give them a check. Almost tempted to go back to Singapore in January.

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  9. #9
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Aug 26 2005, 09:13 PM
    Hi There

    I’m on the same route as you, Like Rob said its a tough and painful journey with highs and lows along the way....
    Hey , thanks for taking the time to reply, some interesting/informative stuff.

    I best not go to ebay anymore then! BAD for the bank balance ehehhe.

    I'm taking note of all the information I read, but I think it's best to settle back for a bit and just enjoy my trip to visit my gf, whilst keeping every bit of evidence I can.

    We have talked about my gf doing an english course of some kind, even though her english is pretty good, and I'll suggest the 'care worker' idea as well. That is something i've often thought about, what would she do here for work? :unsure:

    I think I have a good general idea of what to do should we go ahead, just a few things i'm uncertain about, but I'm sure those questions can be answered by you guys here? :P

    Once again, many thanks for the replies, you've put my ever restless mind at ease... for now!!! :lol:


  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by philip1975@Aug 27 2005, 01:17 PM
    Hey , thanks for taking the time to reply, some interesting/informative stuff.

    I best not go to ebay anymore then! BAD for the bank balance ehehhe.

    I'm taking note of all the information I read, but I think it's best to settle back for a bit and just enjoy my trip to visit my gf, whilst keeping every bit of evidence I can.

    We have talked about my gf doing an english course of some kind, even though her english is pretty good, and I'll suggest the 'care worker' idea as well. That is something i've often thought about, what would she do here for work? :unsure:

    I think I have a good general idea of what to do should we go ahead, just a few things i'm uncertain about, but I'm sure those questions can be answered by you guys here? :P

    Once again, many thanks for the replies, you've put my ever restless mind at ease... for now!!! :lol:

    I would suggest if your Girlfriend and you decide she should improve her English that you take over any books when you go in October. My Wife has already passed on the English books to a Cousin of hers.
    You don't need anything special if your Girlfriend is not sure about a course yet. But what about an English to Phillipino Phrasebook. I left my rough guide book it had both a simple English to tagalog and tagalog to English dictonary inside it.

    Again this is just personal experience and others may have better ideas.

    Try to bring some info on both the area you live in and the Uk as a whole.

    Simple tourist guides are quite good, gives your Girlfriend some information on the area, and also if asked in either the CFO or Embassy Interview. Will of course know where she is going.

    One Lady on my Wifes CFO course didn't even know where she was going to be living in the UK with her Husband!!! My Wife and another Lady were able to say where they were going what sort of house etc. Again forget the officials, isn't it a good idea to let your Love know all about the area she is going to live in?

    If you are planing to make a Visa application after your vist, you maybe best advised to bring along as much paperwork as you can now. Have a look at fed ex and DHL websites for the price of sending documents, better to bring as much as you can now to save you money later. Also can you get Copies done in Uk more cheaply or is it easier in the Phillpines? As the Embassy will ask you for Photocopies as well as orignals.

    At this very time im making up the file on proof of accommodation, for My wifes application. This includes Deeds,Measurments and Descriptions of all rooms and Photos.

    Its a good idea if you get a little spare time to gather some of the evidence, as you go along to stop you rushing around later on. Same goes for the Finacial side.
    Buying or digging out a few folders to file away the information, so its all to hand once required.
    I found some useful folders in a local staionary shop, which are waterproof and tearproof, only cost a few quid each well worth the investment. A cup of rosie lee knocked over or somebody accidently damaging the Evidence could cause you major problems.

    Also is the time to make sure you have a spare copy of your Full Birth Certificate, this is a must as the CFO will often require to see as will the Embassy. Again another item best to take over yourself, so you know its safe not lost in the post.

    But apart from Taking over a paperwork to reduce your Parcel bill, make sure you or your Girlfriend have a Camera and take loads of Pictures together. Its to easy to forget as so much going on once you are there, My wife and I also realised on our first trip that most of the Pictures we took were of each other, not the two of us together.

    Phheeww so much Planing to do, but its best to plan ahead and not have to panic at the last mintue.

    Most important thing i have learned is to take in as much of the Experience as you can and relax and enjoy yourself.

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by admin@Aug 27 2005, 08:43 AM
    Bloody geordies can't they work faster

    Your not buying a Nissan Microbe are you? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  12. #12
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    A bloody Nissan X-Snail by the speed of it

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  13. #13
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Aug 27 2005, 05:12 PM
    I would suggest...

    Oh my, so many things that need to be done, kept and seen too!!! :blink:

    I wish there was an official check list, both for the supporter and the fiance/wife.


  14. #14
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    Their is on the IND site, but as the site was put together by an epalectic monkey, it can't be found!!!

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  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Aug 28 2005, 08:14 AM
    Their is on the IND site, but as the site was put together by an epalectic monkey, it can't be found!!!

    Hi, the guy going out to Manila...yours is a good case to study, hmmm how much money do you need to support the applicant, good question, hmmm

    just remember not to put in your application for a fiancee visa, until you have met the applicant, as you will be refused on the grounds, that you have not met the applicant. internet relationships are not valid unless the applicant has met the sponsor at least once.

    Secondly, the most important thing, is evidence of a continued relationship, but more importantly, I must stress to you, that youre success in obtaining a fiancee visa for your fiancee is down to her and not you, her conduct in her interview, is of paramount importance, it is a matter for the applicant to satisfy the ECO the following.

    1. That the applicant and Sponsor are in all probablility likely to live as man and wife in the UK.

    2. That the sponsor can adequately support the applicant wife without recourse to public funds.

    3. That their is adquate accomodation for the Applicant to live in the UK.

    Providing those matters are attended to, you should not need any further requirements, however having said, that as some of us have found out, there are always exeptions to the rule, sometimes you also need some luck.

    If you are visiting Manila in October, you need to spend some time with your GF and brief her on the entry clearance procedures, which can seem intimidating to applicants who are not used to the aggressive questioning techniques used by Entry Clearance Officers.

    Best of luck with it, you will get lots of support on this Forum.

  16. #16
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    which can seem intimidating to applicants who are not used to the aggressive questioning techniques used by Entry Clearance Officers.
    You wouldn't happen to mean those nice friendly English people at the British Embassy would you? :o :o :o :o

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  17. #17
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Aug 30 2005, 07:57 AM
    You wouldn't happen to mean those nice friendly English people at the British Embassy would you? :o :o :o :o
    Oh, it's actually english people who do the interview?

    I will be visiting twice, it's the right thing to do for so many reasons, the most important of all is for our relationship.

    We'll be hoarding as much evidence as possible, I've been informing myself(heh) and my gf on what we need to do, know and what paperwork we need etc. Nice sturdy folders have been bought for this hoarding purpose with sections marked

    Proof of relationship, Proof we have met, Proof of support, Accomodation, Identification(birth cert, singleness, etc). I think those sections should cover everything?

    My only blind spot is about parental accomodation, not so sure whats needed to show that or what is acceptable for the application/embassy interview.

    This site has informed me greatly already though!

    The general feeling I get is that 'preperation, preperation, preperation' is the key to a succsesful application, know your enemy so to speak.

  18. #18
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    English people........from disjointed families, bad childhood, bullied, nothing to live for....blah...blah.....well you'd think so with their stinking attitude out there

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  19. #19
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    Originally posted by admin@Aug 28 2005, 09:14 AM
    Their is on the IND site, but as the site was put together by an epalectic monkey, it can't be found!!!
    Ahaa, you found that out too? I spent a happy hour chasing links to find advice about something, and ended up back at the same page I'd followed links from

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Aug 30 2005, 10:21 AM

    We'll be hoarding as much evidence as possible, I've been informing myself(heh) and my gf on what we need to do, know and what paperwork we need etc. Nice sturdy folders have been bought for this hoarding purpose with sections marked

    Proof of relationship, Proof we have met, Proof of support, Accomodation, Identification(birth cert, singleness, etc). I think those sections should cover everything?

    My only blind spot is about parental accomodation, not so sure whats needed to show that or what is acceptable for the application/embassy interview.

    You're on the right track there, get as much paperwork as you can. When my wife and I applied for her settlement visa we had a stack of papers 3" thick, all neatly labelled as copies, originals, passports phtos etc.

    Strange, but after the nice English lady finished reading the application form all she seemed interested in was why my passport only had a single stamp in it. One solitary stamp, but it was for the for the Philippines.

    Aha, forwarned is forearmed, and I pulled out my other five old passports, with about a gazillion stamps in. (I'm a seaman) That was it, no problem, and she never even glanced at the huge mountain of letters, photgraphs, bank statements, receipts, etc etc.

    She told us to wait until they'd done the NSO check, to see if my wife was a thrice married axe murderer, then they'd let us know when she could collect her visa.

    That was three and a half years ago, but we are now about to embark on the same drama to bring my mother in law over :( :huh: :mellow:

    Oh yes. And when we first moved over we were staying at my mum and dads house, while we found a rental joint, where we planned to stay until we bought our own place. They had no qualms about that, never even asked about it.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Dont know if anyone has/had this same problem, but keeping ym chat logs is all fine and well, however, what gets talked about is sometimes rather personal. We're not so sure we'd like some immigration person reading some of the things we talk about.


  22. #22
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Sep 7 2005, 03:02 PM
    Dont know if anyone has/had this same problem, but keeping ym chat logs is all fine and well, however, what gets talked about is sometimes rather personal. We're not so sure we'd like some immigration person reading some of the things we talk about.

    You could copy paste then edit these logs. To be honest, I considered using our chat logs until I realised they were a bit um, well, private. Luckily we had plenty of emails so I printed those instead - I think 50 should be enough, even though we had 1000's. Whats moe important is consistency, so what I did was print out an email so many days/weeks apart.

  23. #23
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Sep 7 2005, 03:26 PM
    You could copy paste then edit these logs. To be honest, I considered using our chat logs until I realised they were a bit um, well, private. Luckily we had plenty of emails so I printed those instead - I think 50 should be enough, even though we had 1000's. Whats moe important is consistency, so what I did was print out an email so many days/weeks apart.
    My gf only comes online when I'm off work, which is sunday and an alternating week day(a saturday every 6 weeks), so emails are kinda redundant for us.

    I thought about editing, but maybe the blocks of cut out time would raise suspicion?

    Ym chat logs and letters should be ok you think?


  24. #24
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    They don't read them, in fact half the time they'll just flick through the stack to make sure your not bluffing with blank paper, and that's it.

    I'd insert a few of hardcore may stop them flicking through :lol:

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  25. #25
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    Originally posted by admin@Sep 7 2005, 06:25 PM
    They don't read them, in fact half the time they'll just flick through the stack to make sure your not bluffing with blank paper, and that's it.

    I'd insert a few of hardcore may stop them flicking through :lol:
    Aren't computer generated messages just that: you can make your own up? Add dates, create a relationship that may never have been, or lengthen one that is not as long as it could be. I thought about that before; just making e mails with bull$hit dates on

    Plus, when we went for our (her) 'interview' they never even glanced at the wheelbarrow full of photos and letters we had. I think the year old daughter, and the dreary, resigned and tired face I wore told it all B)

  26. #26
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Ehehehe, you guys are a bad influence!!!


  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I have just been printing out our Chat histories.

    Just opened up the Archive and printed the archive screen by doing a Print screen.

    Then opening paint and pressing control V it showed how often my Wife and I Chat sometimes two or three seperate time a day. But it does not show any of the Conversations which lets face it no body but the two of us should be privy to.

    So basically heres a step by step guide

    1 Open yahoo messagner Archive in a full screen.

    2 Have the list of the chat histories you want to Print, in view.

    3 Then press ctrl or function and then print screen (will vary from pc to pc). Nothing will seem to happen don&#39;t worry.

    4 You now need to open Paint or another such program.

    5 Then simply press control V

    6You should now have a Large print of your Screen. You may need to fiddle
    around with the settings but for me i just opened paint and pressed control V.

    7 Save the Bitmap file and you have a list of your Chats.

    This can be printed or emailed as required.

    All anyone can see is a list of your Conversations, not the content.

  28. #28
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Sep 7 2005, 07:07 PM
    Ehehehe, you guys are a bad influence&#33;&#33;&#33;

    We try our best :P

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  29. #29
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Sep 7 2005, 08:14 PM
    I have just been printing out our Chat histories.

    Thanks for this, I&#39;ve found a good program called Gadwin print screen which lets you see the grab straight away and lets you save it in the format of your choice etc.

  30. #30
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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 4 2005, 07:42 PM
    You&#39;re on the right track there, get as much paperwork as you can. When my wife and I applied for her settlement visa we had a stack of papers 3" thick, all neatly labelled as copies, originals, passports phtos etc.

    Strange, but after the nice English lady finished reading the application form all she seemed interested in was why my passport only had a single stamp in it. One solitary stamp, but it was for the for the Philippines.

    Aha, forwarned is forearmed, and I pulled out my other five old passports, with about a gazillion stamps in. (I&#39;m a seaman) That was it, no problem, and she never even glanced at the huge mountain of letters, photgraphs, bank statements, receipts, etc etc.

    She told us to wait until they&#39;d done the NSO check, to see if my wife was a thrice married axe murderer, then they&#39;d let us know when she could collect her visa.

    That was three and a half years ago, but we are now about to embark on the same drama to bring my mother in law over :( :huh: :mellow:

    Oh yes. And when we first moved over we were staying at my mum and dads house, while we found a rental joint, where we planned to stay until we bought our own place. They had no qualms about that, never even asked about it.

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