helpful transation if you bide around aberdeen and peterhead (the bluetoon)
Aabody Everybody
Aathing Everything
Aff Off
Affa Awfully
Aifter After
Aneth Underneath or below
Anither Another
Atween Between
Aye Yes
Aye-aye min Hello
Baith Both
Bairn A baby or young child
Banter To gossip or chat away or have a friendly tease
Bawbee The old Scots word for a half penny
Ben Down or through
Bide Stay
Biodag Dagger or dirk
Birl Spin
Birling Drinking Match
Bitcallant Lad
Black Affrontit Embarrassed
Bleeter To talk aimlessly
Bogle Wark Ghosly action
Bosie A cuddle or hug
Brakk Break
Bratch Female Dog
Braw Good, great
Brawly Well
Bydand Steadfast (The motto for the Gordon Highlanders)
Cantrips Magic spells and incantations
Caul Cold
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