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Thread: why??

  1. #61
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I thank KLM for supplying the plane and pilot that flew me to the Philippines.
    ... s'pose we can thank God ... ... I mean, Graham ... for divertng readers' minds from the 'GREAT UNKNOWN' onto "a different plane" by "airing" his views.

  2. #62
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    Yes, I DO tend to have my feet firmly on the ground concerning such 'spiritual' matters Arthur...except when I'm in a plane of course.

  3. #63
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hrmph well what might also upset the apple cart, is this monumental discovery they've found on Mars...........oh but it's so monumental they aren't going to announce what it is yet. Getting like the results of Xfactor this, we have a result - right after the break etc.

    Well I've heard a leak (Can't tell you who, it's obviously high level hush hush you understand), and what they have found is that the Martian soil isn't what it seems - the reason it's red, is because it's actually garam masala.
    Moves are already underway in NASA to send up a few thousand chicken wings to rub in the stuff.

    Course, this also proves Mars used to have life. Some have said this could upset all the religious (really no idea why, surely they could accept God made life elsewhere too, I mean it's like those of us who keep fish - one tank eventually just isn't enough).

    Would this upset the atheists? Probably not.

    What it ought to do, is illustrate that we bleeping well ought to stop fighting over this fly dropping piece of microbial rock in a vast universe, and realise that if we wipe ourselves out, then that's it - no more Earth.

    Put it this way - what if Mars was just like Earth a couple of billion years ago? If the intelligent life there got jealous, waged side developed WMD's - no more Mars.
    Billion years later, and all their cities have crumbled to dust, no record of their ever have existed.
    Fact is - this is very possible

    *footnote, I don't really have a grass in NASA, and it's not really garam masala (It's paprika)

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Hrmph well what might also upset the apple cart, is this monumental discovery they've found on Mars...........oh but it's so monumental they aren't going to announce what it is yet. Getting like the results of Xfactor this, we have a result - right after the break etc.

    Well I've heard a leak (Can't tell you who, it's obviously high level hush hush you understand), and what they have found is that the Martian soil isn't what it seems - the reason it's red, is because it's actually garam masala.
    Moves are already underway in NASA to send up a few thousand chicken wings to rub in the stuff.

    Course, this also proves Mars used to have life. Some have said this could upset all the religious (really no idea why, surely they could accept God made life elsewhere too, I mean it's like those of us who keep fish - one tank eventually just isn't enough).

    Would this upset the atheists? Probably not.

    What it ought to do, is illustrate that we bleeping well ought to stop fighting over this fly dropping piece of microbial rock in a vast universe, and realise that if we wipe ourselves out, then that's it - no more Earth.

    Put it this way - what if Mars was just like Earth a couple of billion years ago? If the intelligent life there got jealous, waged side developed WMD's - no more Mars.
    Billion years later, and all their cities have crumbled to dust, no record of their ever have existed.
    Fact is - this is very possible

    *footnote, I don't really have a grass in NASA, and it's not really garam masala (It's paprika)
    And the moon is made of cheese.

  5. #65
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    I'm just making the most of my bonus 18 months


  6. #66
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    "2012 Something Is Going On!
    There are so many thing going on around the world that you may not be aware of. The main stream media only tells you what they have to and downplays the rest to prevent mass panic.

    "I believe in the 2012 apocalypse
    Without even worrying about the Mayan calendar, the words of Nostradamus, the prophetic dreams of Daniel or the revelation made to John, I have taken the definition to heart and concluded that we have experienced the apocalypse.

  7. #67
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  8. #68
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    ha ha ha ha ---very good: i went to my elderly neighbours funeral today--& reading that comment has cheered me up no end. lol lol
    Here`s the moment when both mother and son decided to donate their organs.
    Very emotional moment.

  9. #69
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  10. #70
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    NASA should have announced they have discovered intelligent life on Mars, however on closer inspection they realised it was George Bush so it was a false alarm
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #71
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    NASA should have announced they have discovered intelligent life on Mars, however on closer inspection they realised it was George Bush so it was a false alarm
    Ah ... answers my question ... as I'd often wondered what planet he was on!

  12. #72
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    Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die....

  13. #73
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Old Trafford is known as "The Moon". This is because there's no atmosphere and no sign of intelligent life

  14. #74
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Whilst we're on it, the safest place in the event of a zombie outbreak would be surely Australia.
    A zombie outbreak could never happen there, because zombies want to eat brains, and..........well

  15. #75
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    its up to each of us to decide if we go to church or to do anything, you dont have to go to church to pray and i bet everyone who ever you are has said a little pray to someone at sometime in the life,

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    its up to each of us to decide if we go to church or to do anything, you dont have to go to church to pray and i bet everyone who ever you are has said a little pray to someone at sometime in the life,
    I'm sure you're right Steve.

    The night after my fiancee was killed I shouted and cursed at 'god'....but I don't believe in him of course.

    Even I can understand that sometimes there is a 'need'.

  17. #77
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    I think the bottom line is that many of those who are atheists are genuinely unsure. Also, many, earlier in their lives, are wrapped up in their perceived own invincibility.

  18. #78
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if atheists are unsure - no doubt some are, just as some religious will have doubts.

    Then there are the agnostics. In theory anyone who thinks they are a scientist, should be agnostic, no scientist should be an atheist, I'll explain...

    Well known God critic Richard Dawkins is on record as saying he will not discount there being a God, and some have jumped on this saying it's a sign he doesn't believe in his own views.
    It's simpler than that though. The whole point to science, is that it's continually looking for the next truth, and that absolutely nothing can ever be stated as "definite fact". So many scientists have looked silly in the past after their idea was proven wrong (It isn't so long ago that science thought the world was flat, to take one extreme example)

    Therefore if say Richard Dawkins was to say there definitely wasn't a God, that would make him not a true scientist. Whole idea of science is that anything is possible - even if now some things do seem set in stone fact (Any scientist suggesting atomic breakdown can change speed at random would be thought of as nuts)

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Then there are the agnostics. In theory anyone who thinks they are a scientist, should be agnostic, no scientist should be an atheist, I'll explain...
    I remain unconvinced that scientists cant be believers.

  20. #80
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    an interesting comparison has arisen.

    on another thread--started by a new member--he/she was requested by an admin to post in english--as opposed to their native language. presumably so that those of us english-only readers could understand it---and--also--out of respect for the english language.

    yet--when i wrote this:

    i do wish members would refrain from publicly thanking their chosen god, on here.

    i was shot down in flames.

    why 2 standards here?

  21. #81
    Respected Member wayne's Avatar
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    haloo guyz! thank you so much for answering my question i learn a lots!

    thank you for the comment

    have a nice day guyz!


  22. #82
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    an interesting comparison has arisen.

    on another thread--started by a new member--he/she was requested by an admin to post in english--as opposed to their native language. presumably so that those of us english-only readers could understand it---and--also--out of respect for the english language.

    yet--when i wrote this:

    i do wish members would refrain from publicly thanking their chosen god, on here.

    i was shot down in flames.

    why 2 standards here?
    1. The only way that British and Filipinos can understand each other in this forum is to both post in English. If you're French, Welsh, German or other nationality, the same rule applies.

    2. Religion topics, especially the ones where members are slagging each other because of their beliefs, are usually not allowed because it's causing everyone distress. BUT, this thread shows that members here can respect whatever their beliefs or lack of beliefs are. Just exchanging ideas. No one has been slagging each other and the ones commenting on the thread are decent enough to comply with the rules. I'm actually impressed. Now, if this thread turns out to a fight whether who's telling the truth or not about a certain religion or scientific inclinations or aetheist views, I would be the one to close this thread. Also, admin and mods usually edit thread titles with the word "God" in it (not including news articles though) to be fair to the ones who don't believe. As the admin and the moderators here have always done, when everything turns out a slagging match in every thread, whether religious or not, that thread will always be deleted.

    I'm a Filipina who believes in God (although not too religious), my husband doesn't believe in God and more inclined to the scientific explanations. But we never had any arguments when it comes to what we believe or not. I listen to stuffs he says scientifically. He let me write a prayer when we visited the smallest chapel in the UK or he would take me to church if I want to go. He doesn't insist to me that there's no God, as I don't insist to him there is one. But we can both talk about it. That's what you call respect.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  23. #83
    Respected Member wayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    1. The only way that British and Filipinos can understand each other in this forum is to both post in English. If you're French, Welsh, German or other nationality, the same rule applies.

    2. Religion topics, especially the ones where members are slagging each other because of their beliefs, are usually not allowed because it's causing everyone distress. BUT, this thread shows that members here can respect whatever their beliefs or lack of beliefs are. Just exchanging ideas. No one has been slagging each other and the ones commenting on the thread are decent enough to comply with the rules. I'm actually impressed. Now, if this thread turns out to a fight whether who's telling the truth or not about a certain religion or scientific inclinations or aetheist views, I would be the one to close this thread. Also, admin and mods usually edit thread titles with the word "God" in it (not including news articles though) to be fair to the ones who don't believe. As the admin and the moderators here have always done, when everything turns out a slagging match in every thread, whether religious or not, that thread will always be deleted.

    I'm a Filipina who believes in God (although not too religious), my husband doesn't believe in God and more inclined to the scientific explanations. But we never had any arguments when it comes to what we believe or not. I listen to stuffs he says scientifically. He let me write a prayer when we visited the smallest chapel in the UK or he would take me to church if I want to go. He doesn't insist to me that there's no God, as I don't insist to him there is one. But we can both talk about it. That's what you call respect.
    yes that true rayna!

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    I'm a Filipina who believes in God (although not too religious), my husband doesn't believe in God and more inclined to the scientific explanations. But we never had any arguments when it comes to what we believe or not. I listen to stuffs he says scientifically. He let me write a prayer when we visited the smallest chapel in the UK or he would take me to church if I want to go. He doesn't insist to me that there's no God, as I don't insist to him there is one. But we can both talk about it. That's what you call respect.
    Have you not had one small argument over this topic, Rayna?

  25. #85
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Have you not had one small argument over this topic, Rayna?
    No, not even a small argument. As I know there are people who doesn't believe in God. It's their point of view not mine so I never get offended if someone tells me there is no God, even if it's Keith who says that. Now, what I don't like is someone who insists to me their beliefs (whether other types of religion) or lack of. It causes debate/arguments about which is better or not. If I'm in that situation, I usually just excuse myself and turn my back away from the conversation. Coz honestly, I think it's a waste of time to argue about religion as no one would ever be able to change each other's thinking anyway. I don't care what others believe so why would he/she care about mine?
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    I'm not sure if atheists are unsure - no doubt some are, just as some religious will have doubts.

    Then there are the agnostics. In theory anyone who thinks they are a scientist, should be agnostic, no scientist should be an atheist, I'll explain...

    Well known God critic Richard Dawkins is on record as saying he will not discount there being a God, and some have jumped on this saying it's a sign he doesn't believe in his own views.
    It's simpler than that though. The whole point to science, is that it's continually looking for the next truth, and that absolutely nothing can ever be stated as "definite fact". So many scientists have looked silly in the past after their idea was proven wrong (It isn't so long ago that science thought the world was flat, to take one extreme example)

    Therefore if say Richard Dawkins was to say there definitely wasn't a God, that would make him not a true scientist. Whole idea of science is that anything is possible - even if now some things do seem set in stone fact (Any scientist suggesting atomic breakdown can change speed at random would be thought of as nuts)
    Good post sir.

  27. #87
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    Also, admin and mods usually edit thread titles with the word "God" in it (not including news articles though) to be fair to the ones who don't believe

    thank you for that. all i could ask for

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    I'm not sure if atheists are unsure - no doubt some are, just as some religious will have doubts.

    Then there are the agnostics. In theory anyone who thinks they are a scientist, should be agnostic, no scientist should be an atheist, I'll explain...

    Well known God critic Richard Dawkins is on record as saying he will not discount there being a God, and some have jumped on this saying it's a sign he doesn't believe in his own views.
    It's simpler than that though. The whole point to science, is that it's continually looking for the next truth, and that absolutely nothing can ever be stated as "definite fact". So many scientists have looked silly in the past after their idea was proven wrong (It isn't so long ago that science thought the world was flat, to take one extreme example)

    Therefore if say Richard Dawkins was to say there definitely wasn't a God, that would make him not a true scientist. Whole idea of science is that anything is possible - even if now some things do seem set in stone fact (Any scientist suggesting atomic breakdown can change speed at random would be thought of as nuts)
    Great post. Couldn't have put it better myself!

  29. #89
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    Also, admin and mods usually edit thread titles with the word "God" in it (not including news articles though) to be fair to the ones who don't believe

    thank you for that. all i could ask for
    I said that on the first page

    100 Billion 'humans' have died so far so Heaven must be a busy place. I hope I can still get in the Heavenly Bookmakers and Heavenly KFC
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    If you feel a warm draught when you're approaching the pearly gates...

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