Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
But, do you get the feeling that a god had a hand in it all somewhere along the line?
Well we will certainly find out one way another some day lastlid.
I married a beautiful woman who is adamant that God brought us together and only God will part us. Every night before sleep she thanks God for another day and in the morning thanks him again. She also thanks him before all our meals.
During all our problems with the UKBA during the last year she kept her faith and prayed constantly and as you all know God once again come up trumps.
I unfortunately lost my faith some years ago although I do occasionally question myself.
I married a beautiful woman who has an inner beauty that I have never before come across and I put a lot of this down to her faith. She tends to see the good in nearly everyone and has a remarkable outlook on life.
I PRAY she never changes .