Hrmph well what might also upset the apple cart, is this monumental discovery they've found on Mars...........oh but it's so monumental they aren't going to announce what it is yet. Getting like the results of Xfactor this, we have a result - right after the break etc.
Well I've heard a leak (Can't tell you who, it's obviously high level hush hush you understand), and what they have found is that the Martian soil isn't what it seems - the reason it's red, is because it's actually garam masala.
Moves are already underway in NASA to send up a few thousand chicken wings to rub in the stuff.
Course, this also proves Mars used to have life. Some have said this could upset all the religious (really no idea why, surely they could accept God made life elsewhere too, I mean it's like those of us who keep fish - one tank eventually just isn't enough).
Would this upset the atheists? Probably not.
What it ought to do, is illustrate that we bleeping well ought to stop fighting over this fly dropping piece of microbial rock in a vast universe, and realise that if we wipe ourselves out, then that's it - no more Earth.
Put it this way - what if Mars was just like Earth a couple of billion years ago? If the intelligent life there got jealous, waged side developed WMD's - no more Mars.
Billion years later, and all their cities have crumbled to dust, no record of their ever have existed.
Fact is - this is very possible
*footnote, I don't really have a grass in NASA, and it's not really garam masala (It's paprika)