1. The only way that British and Filipinos can understand each other in this forum is to both post in English. If you're French, Welsh, German or other nationality, the same rule applies.
2. Religion topics, especially the ones where members are slagging each other because of their beliefs, are usually not allowed because it's causing everyone distress. BUT, this thread shows that members here can respect whatever their beliefs or lack of beliefs are. Just exchanging ideas. No one has been slagging each other and the ones commenting on the thread are decent enough to comply with the rules. I'm actually impressed.Now, if this thread turns out to a fight whether who's telling the truth or not about a certain religion or scientific inclinations or aetheist views, I would be the one to close this thread.
Also, admin and mods usually edit thread titles with the word "God" in it (not including news articles though) to be fair to the ones who don't believe. As the admin and the moderators here have always done, when everything turns out a slagging match in every thread, whether religious or not, that thread will always be deleted.
I'm a Filipina who believes in God (although not too religious), my husband doesn't believe in God and more inclined to the scientific explanations. But we never had any arguments when it comes to what we believe or not. I listen to stuffs he says scientifically. He let me write a prayer when we visited the smallest chapel in the UK or he would take me to church if I want to go. He doesn't insist to me that there's no God, as I don't insist to him there is one. But we can both talk about it. That's what you call respect.