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Thread: More than half of Britons would vote to leave EU

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    More than half of Britons would vote to leave EU

    56 per cent would vote for Britain to leave the European Union in a referendum, opinion poll finds
    Findings come as Labour leader Ed Miliband says Britain needs to take a 'hard-headed' approach to issues such as the EU Budget, immigration and state aid

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  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Politicians already know this as thats the reason we don't get a referendum

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i want out of europe, but how do they get those figures they have not asked everybody, i havent been asked have you ?

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    interesting, i have asked before and i am sorry for asking again, what does europe give us and what would it be like outside europe, any ideas

  5. #5
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    We traded for many years with our commonwealth partners, who also fought and died for us. Then that idiot Ted Heath told them we dont want your lamb and wool and timber unless you pay COMMON MARKET (as it was called) tariffs.
    So would they take us back as trading partners???

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    This is what puzzles me this is a democratic country we vote in political parties but we have no say on what rules they bring in.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I voted against joining in the first place many years ago, my opinion has not changed

  8. #8
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I remember visiting Ireland in the eighties. The village where I was staying was having a meeting in the community hall. I asked the landlady what was going on?. Apparently the council was proposing to put more street lighting in place. The villagers had a vote for and against. The council lost. I said to the landlady why did you vote against it? She said If they put more lighting up our rates will go up. Now that is democracy.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    I voted against joining in the first place many years ago, my opinion has not changed
    Same here Mick, and we was told a load of cods at the time.
    The opposers always said Europe would drain the country dry but it was being pushed on the strength among other things of providing a market for our car industry.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    If a referendum were held on the UK's membership of the European Union, how do you think you would vote?

    56% - Vote to leave

    30% - Vote to remain

    14% - Don't know

    Source: Opinium/The Observer

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    EU plotting secret budget deal without UK as David Davis calls for referendum

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  11. #11
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    interesting, i have asked before and i am sorry for asking again, what does europe give us and what would it be like outside europe, any ideas
    Very difficult to answer. I have studied it at length, and I don't know the full pros and cons.
    This is where a referendum would be difficult, because you can bet the media will stir it up, give out false information - for both camps.

    From what I can understand........


    Many companies are based in the UK, and give UK jobs, because this puts them within the EU, and they thus have access to the EU market. If say a Japanese car manufacturer was to make cars over there, and ship them to the EU, this would incur tariffs.

    The EU buys UK goods, and some say if we were not in the EU, then this market would dry up.

    The EU has passed laws which go over UK laws, and which prove beneficial. One law being that of banning junkmail (Seriously - it's against the law to send unsolicited junk. The companies get around this by getting you to tick confusing boxes agreeing to your details to be shared with "selected companies" -this means they will pass your details to junkmail distributors)

    Shared interests and allegedly backup. The EU are supposed to be our "friends". Hmmmmm.


    Billions of pounds given every year to the EU budget, and nowhere near that amount gained back. Some may say this is worth it to protect the jobs of the companies who only locate in the UK because of the EU market.

    The EU sells more to the UK than the UK buys from the continent. If they tried putting up trade barriers should the UK pull out..........well LET THEM JUST DARE!!

    Decimation of the UK fishing industry. Other EU states seem to simply ignore the rules, especially the likes of Spain, with their huge factory ships hoovering up fish by the tens of tons in what used to be UK waters.

    The UK is not allowed to be self sufficient in food production - little known fact. Something about it not encouraging reliance on each other I guess.

    Does the rest of the EU necessarily support each other in times of crisis - on paper they should, in practice they don't.

    To sooth French sensibilities, an astounding amount of waste happens keeping centres of EU power in various countries - it isn't just in Brussels.

    EU decisions are really taken behind closed doors between the French and Germans, then these are presented to the parliament. Don't believe me- ask your MEP, this one is a well know fact. Might have got diluted mind since the EU expanded.

    They let in Romania and Bulgaria. What the hell were they thinking!

    The EU has become ungainly, and can only survive, and must evolve by becoming a superstate, with common currency, laws, government, economic and social policy etc.
    This might to some be a plus point. To others (Especially on the left of politics) it's a very sore point. The left wing of Labour have always opposed the EU as they have said it's undemocratic, because it's near impossible for the mandarins to be voted out. Tony Benn used to say this for years. Go figure there

    Maggie Thatch campaigned on a pro-european platform in a very fetching dress of flags of nations. If there was ever a more turning off sight, then this was it.

    So ok, a few of those were a bit tongue in cheek, but imagine if we pulled out, the uncertainty of such a move in the markets, and the impact on jobs. Would anyone seriously like to take such a risk :( I'm glad I don't have to decide such a thing

  12. #12
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    Norway has done fine staying out of the EU

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Norway has done fine staying out of the EU
    and the Swiss,

  14. #14
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    I do remember reading a couple of years ago that Sweden's economy had suffered as a result of being in the EU, another interesting read was that of all the the rules and regulations which come out of Brussels, the UK is at the top of the tree for adhering to them, I willing to bet that doesn't surprise anyone.

  15. #15
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    Why is it that these stories always seem to come from the Daily Mail?

    I think that our membership of the EU is a good thing. If we left, it would be a disaster for the UK economy. The sensible politicians and economists know this.

    If we were to have a referendum, the Daily Mail would run every scare-mongering semi-story possible, which enough of the electorate might believe to make a difference!

    If the general population felt that strongly about leaving the EU, UKIP would be much more than a minority party.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    Why is it that these stories always seem to come from the Daily Mail?

    I think that our membership of the EU is a good thing. If we left, it would be a disaster for the UK economy. The sensible politicians and economists know this.

    If we were to have a referendum, the Daily Mail would run every scare-mongering semi-story possible, which enough of the electorate might believe to make a difference!

    If the general population felt that strongly about leaving the EU, UKIP would be much more than a minority party.
    Nice to see at bit of balance in such matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Norway has done fine staying out of the EU
    Well they would as there are only 5 million of them and all that oil wealth. Hurdy Gurdy.

  18. #18
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    I would rather be poor and live in an independent country I could have some pride in...certainly not one that is overrun with parasites and governed by unelected bureaucrats from foreign countries.

    Like Mike, I also voted 'no' many years ago and I believe I was right in doing so.

    Recent generations have been brain-washed into acceptance.

    Miliband is a tit....end of.

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I would rather be poor and live in an independent country I could have some pride in...certainly not one that is overrun with parasites and governed by unelected bureaucrats from foreign countries.

    Like Mike, I also voted 'no' many years ago and I believe I was right in doing so.

    Recent generations have been brain-washed into acceptance.

    Miliband is a tit....end of.
    sorry but i don't agree that Miliband is a tit,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a tit is useful

  20. #20
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    Why is it that these stories always seem to come from the Daily Mail?

    I think that our membership of the EU is a good thing. If we left, it would be a disaster for the UK economy. The sensible politicians and economists know this.

    If we were to have a referendum, the Daily Mail would run every scare-mongering semi-story possible, which enough of the electorate might believe to make a difference!

    If the general population felt that strongly about leaving the EU, UKIP would be much more than a minority party.
    The Daily Mail obviously angles it's stories towards it's readership.
    I'm sure the majority of us are perfectly capable of forming our own opinions though.
    For as long as I can remember I have been told that leaving the EU would be a disaster for our Economy but nobody really can explain why.
    Most people who subscribe to your point of view are the same people although they'll never admit it who would have had us joining the Euro several years ago. Thank God some sensible Politicians decided against it.
    In my view GB gets no tangible benefit from being a member, on the contrary the rest of Europe seems to reap the BENEFITS of our membership.
    We have ploughed Billions of our pounds to keep the likes of Spain Ireland Portugal and Greece afloat with little or no prospect of ever getting it back. We have 10's of thousands of EU citizens arriving here yearly who bring nothing with them apart from cheap labour and an ever increasing burden to our benefits system and NHS. Finally we have the ECHR which allows known terrorists to hide behind it and avoid extradition.
    Yes UKIP is a minority party at the moment but the main political parties ignore the findings of this opinion poll and many others at their peril. UKIPs vote is on the rise clear 3rd in the By election last week.

  21. #21
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    What has the EU ever done for us?

  22. #22
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    What this country needs is complete divorce from the EEC and plenty of bl00dy devolution in our own back yard, if you ask me, lud!

    "“Yorkshire and the Humber has a similar population to Scotland and an economy almost double that of Wales. York this year celebrates 800 years of self governance and it is about time Yorkshire and the Humber had the similar powers to that of Scotland and Wales."

    "Is London sucking the life out of Yorkshire?"

  23. #23
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    Never mind Europe......

    The time is right to revive the campaign for northern devolution

    "Now our government of millionaires gives us government of the North by the South East for the South East. It's dedicated to spending cuts which hit the North hardest because we're more dependent on public sector jobs and spending. It's abolished our Regional Development Agencies, and regional offices, put local government in financial chains. It's handed regional development to a scrabbling mass of Local Enterprise Partnerships competing for a smaller pot of money."

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    What this country needs is complete divorce from the EEC and plenty of bl00dy devolution in our own back yard, if you ask me, lud!

    "“Yorkshire and the Humber has a similar population to Scotland and an economy almost double that of Wales. York this year celebrates 800 years of self governance and it is about time Yorkshire and the Humber had the similar powers to that of Scotland and Wales."

    "Is London sucking the life out of Yorkshire?"
    2 Shags Prescott will happily accept the position of President of Independent Humberside as long as decent expenses and a trough goes with the job

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    2 Shags Prescott will happily accept the position of President of Independent Humberside as long as decent expenses and a trough goes with the job
    Well, I would rather have Two Jabs running our affairs oop North, than those bureaucrats from Brussels.

    And he, at least, has a bit of punch about him.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I got told some years ago, when that story about John Prescott having an affair hit the tabloids, that this was very old news in political circles, as he had been for years known as a serial adulterer.

    Prezza though is surely a shining beacon of hope to many men, after all - if he can get his end away, there must be hope for the rest of us

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