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  1. #1
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    just wondering how many here that there wife/partner/gf that since they come from the UK FROM philippines got ill ie flu, and other winter/english viruses
    as on my own experience when i was in PH i rarely get any illness or even flu/cough but now that i am here in the UK i suffer and struggling about my health does our immunity get less when you are in different country or environment or was it just the weather itself?
    it seems my immunity here gets weaker everytime
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  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    they will be different strains of viruses here than phil,that you proberbly have no immunity to. different climate also i would think,
    also if you are run down, so will your immunity,

    we are all subject to these here in uk no matter where we are from, working in an enviroment with other people , resteraunt ect, your subject to breathing in picking their germs,
    might be a good subject for doc Alan to advise you on

  3. #3
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    they will be different strains of viruses here than phil,that you proberbly have no immunity to. different climate also i would think,
    also if you are run down, so will your immunity,

    we are all subject to these here in uk no matter where we are from, working in an enviroment with other people , resteraunt ect, your subject to breathing in picking their germs,
    might be a good subject for doc Alan to advise you on
    thanks for reply just bother you coz it dont cause you a probs before but now when you feel like this on a foreign country you feel scared

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  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Good subject and one that has baffled me. In my case i was born and raised in the UK and came to Asia in my 20's. Whilst i lived in UK i would get a bad cold at least 2 times a year which would leave me useless for a few days. I also had a problem with allergies which would leave me with swollen eyes for about a week. Since i moved permanently from Hong Kong to the Philippines i have had a few colds but nothing that has kept me in bed all day.
    Will probably get a cold tomorrow and be bed ridden for a week

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I hardly get sick too when I was in the Philippines. So far so good for me as I haven't got any illness since I came here..the only thing I encountered was back pains..but nothing worse than that..I experienced getting sick when I was working in Singapore, because of too much stress and too much work..You are probably overdoing things at work and in the house Moy.
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  6. #6
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I hardly get sick too when I was in the Philippines. So far so good for me as I haven't got any illness since I came here..the only thing I encountered was back pains..but nothing worse than that..I experienced getting sick when I was working in Singapore, because of too much stress and too much work..You are probably overdoing things at work and in the house Moy.
    oh speaking of back pains Rayna .thats what bother me right now as well that connects to my chest and feel a tension there really..went to Chiropractor..made an appoinment on wednesday..for second time.. she said its to do partyly with the work and stress after getting my history blahblah on mylsef i dunno really as to where this aching/pain start all over my body
    how about your back pain does it come and just go ?? and whats was you been through when you were in Singapore? could be the same as what i went through right now..:(
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  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    oh speaking of back pains Rayna .thats what bother me right now as well that connects to my chest and feel a tension there really..went to Chiropractor..made an appoinment on wednesday..for second time.. she said its to do partyly with the work and stress after getting my history blahblah on mylsef i dunno really as to where this aching/pain start all over my body
    how about your back pain does it come and just go ?? and whats was you been through when you were in Singapore? could be the same as what i went through right now..:(
    Well, I sometimes experience back pains during that time of the month, but when I got here it seems it's been longer before the pain stops..Keith is saying that it's because I'm getting old..LOL.. but I think the cold weather here adds up to that too..Anyway, when I was in Singapore, I was working from 9am to 8pm usually (but office hours is just till 6pm) and then I take the work at home most of the time just to finish it all. I was so stressed and tired because of that and going to work while feeling sick doesn't help at all too. As my boss told me that before I can get a day off, I need to go to doctors first to get a medical certificate before they can allow me to get time off. Lack of sleep that time really didn't help me too...I was really thin and underweight when I went back to the Philippines, can even wear size small clothes and had a waistline of 24 that time! Hahaha! But I never had those health problems when I was working in the Philippines especially the last 2 years of working on a night shift with too many work loads at the same time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    oh speaking of back pains Rayna .thats what bother me right now as well that connects to my chest and feel a tension there really..went to Chiropractor..made an appoinment on wednesday..for second time.. she said its to do partyly with the work and stress......
    Hi Moy,
    Have you received any training on how to control your posture in your job?
    You should at least have training in safe lifting and manual handling.
    You MUST take care of your back.

    Be sure to take plenty of vit C and also try Vit E

    Please take care of yourself.
    You'll find if you're getting overtired your immune system can go down and you have a greater chance to catch all sorts of stuff

  9. #9
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    hello i dont have any training on posture or anything related to my job..been a very hard months for me..been off at work for 6 days by my GP 3 weeks ago..coudnt get up..body aching,,back,neck,arms was so so awfull at the moment aM TRYying to recover..back to work and been relocated still my ache dont o away..from back,neck.arms, chest..dunno where the pain really lols..
    thanks for the kind words
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  10. #10
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I hardly get sick too when I was in the Philippines. So far so good for me as I haven't got any illness since I came here..the only thing I encountered was back pains..but nothing worse than that..I experienced getting sick when I was working in Singapore, because of too much stress and too much work..You are probably overdoing things at work and in the house Moy.
    My wife never gets ill even when she was in the Phils.....she has been here 2 yrs now & hasn't had any ailments yet


  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you have to remember here in england the weather changes by the hour, from now till may its going to be damp and wet and cold so wrap up warm lots of layers, you are not in the phils any more so no short shorts, ok only in the bedroom then

  12. #12
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you have to remember here in england the weather changes by the hour, from now till may its going to be damp and wet and cold so wrap up warm lots of layers, you are not in the phils any more so no short shorts, ok only in the bedroom then
    i know but it does get you specially you got things to do and family is in demands plus work
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  13. #13
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    In my case it's quite different. When I was in the Philippines I always catches colds., then sometimes will lead to fever., irritated throat etc.. as I was working in a call center that time. You know when your in a cold working place at night then travelled home on a day time in a bus, LRT or jeep that's so hot.. then crowded that was agony. However here it's somehow opposite, I arrived last year Oct and it took 4 months before I got colds.. for the 1st time here in the UK
    Just Lemzip as what my mother in-law said, and that's me. Knock on wood I will not have it this year ..

  14. #14
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    so far i've only got sick once since i got here i'm not planning to get sick again so what i do is drink lots of water and take multivitamins

    when i was in the philippines, i always catch a cold it got worse when i was studying in Cebu City. the pollution is awful there
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